wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH mE; Part IX, Page 6


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PART NINE – Signs of New Times (cont.)



ParticleCan Devils Predict Calamity?

Lord willing, yes, they can. Consider that when Satan was given permission to devastate all that Job had, he could have sent word of what he was going to do, when, where, and how he was going to do it. Therefore, because some might prophesy or predict something that comes to pass doesn’t mean God is speaking or that the vessel prophesying is a clean one. Still, God is over all, even as He presided over the trials Satan inflicted upon Job, though for Job’s eventual good.

ParticleA. A. Allen

I had picked up many A. A. Allen booklets at a garage sale. I saw many contradictions. “A Man Sent of God” (one title) would be prepared of God; Allen was neither prepared nor sent. He believed in the rapture, eternal torment, Christmas, the trinity, and Sunday-keeping; he was a member of the Assemblies of God; his wife glorified him; his testimony was greatly suspect, particularly because he was seeking power. And indeed, the man was powerful, but not in the Lord Jesus Christ. His power was counterfeit.

Robert Schambach, Allen’s disciple, is as phony as was Allen, and Allen as Schambach. Schambach’s daughter Donna would simply follow the family tradition.

ParticleGordon Fuller Judges Us

Les Mills talked to Gord Fuller of Earl Grey, Saskatchewan and returned his words to us. He reported that Gord said, “They are young believers with truths they aren’t walking in.”

“Young”? We had first met the Fullers in 1977. This was 23 years later. In 1980, we met up with Gord again in Winnipeg and by then he was claiming to have raised the dead and healed many people. This was now the year 2000. Just how long does youth linger? It seemed to me that if youth lingers so, we may well have discovered the antidote to aging. However, the appearance of what was happening to us in our spiritual chaos was understandably bizarre.

Les would listen to me as though he believed me, but then would go repeating everything to others and come back believing what they said against us and against what I was saying, just as he was doing with Gord Fuller and us. He was consistently wicked that way, though I didn’t recognize it at the time.

ParticleMark Set in Charge of Harvest Haven

On December 17th, I appointed Mark as manager of Harvest Haven. We had tried Archie, Marilyn, me, Paul, Lois, Sean, and even Trevor, and nothing had worked. It was all chaos. Years before, in 1996, I told Archie that one day Mark would be managing the farm. I didn’t know what I was saying; I was speaking prophetically, and Archie didn’t like to hear it. The day of Mark’s appointment happened to be 140 days after Sean left on July 30th.

ParticleJonathan’s Prophecy of Order and Authority with Us

On December 20th, Jonathan came to me and described what he saw as the line of authority among us and how it would change. He saw me first, then Paul, Lois, and Marilyn. He saw Mark and Trevor off to the side, with Trevor above Mark.

This is the change he saw coming, which was already in progress: Trevor would now be on the side, taking my former place as cut off from authority and influence; Mark would be set in charge of the farm, and I would be “with Mark,” in that we would be involved in the primary decision-making. He saw that Mark’s responsibilities would be increasing.

ParticleJonathan’s Craniosacral Treatments Complete

On December 21st, Jonathan had the release Mary Leah was looking for. She showed me the signs on his head. She was pleased she had completed what she could with him. So were we.

ParticleThe Blessing of Evil

On the morning of December 22nd, I was receiving more revelation or realization that we needed to embrace/accept evil from God’s hand in order to enter into victory. Otherwise, it is defeat and bitterness for us. There is light and darkness. Without either one, we suffer. Plants with either too much darkness or light will be pale and sickly and will likely die. In God’s creation, we need both good and evil.

ParticleGod Seeks Occasion to Judge

I’ve come to realize that people are given opportunity to do us evil so that God might judge them. We’re often finding ourselves to be the “last straw” in His dealings with many. While we all hate evil done to us, we see that God compensates those who suffer evil and requites those who perform it.

You’ll recall my chagrin in an experience with Hill’s Pantry. The young man was not about to honor his product with us, letting us eat his stale peanuts. Years later, we dropped in to Hill’s, when they were still at their old location, and though I’m not sure, it seemed like it was the same young man there, this time in a desolate, depressing atmosphere. The business wasn’t at all the same and the fellow wasn’t the same. He appeared much older, much heavier, much sadder (maybe it was someone else?), and it looked like Hell on earth. Whether the same man or not, God’s judgment had come on them for their ways.

The day would come that we would do business again with Hill’s. The original owner’s wife would be gone, the son would be nowhere around (I believe it was the son with whom I had been dealing), and the original owner would be operating in a helpful, and what seemed to me to be a fair, manner. The judgment fires of God do cleanse.

ParticlePascal Comes for Prayer

On the December 23rd Sabbath, Pascal Gregoire paid us a visit, asking us to lay hands on him and pray for him that he might receive the Spirit of God. We were all in agreement that we weren’t free to do so. Paul was present with us. “First things first,” was what we were hearing; there first needed to be a repentance worked out. Pascal wasn’t happy about that and soon left. We would be surprised at the news we would receive of him in days to come, but especially at the news precisely 50 days later.

ParticleConfronting Gord Fuller

For several days, it was on my mind to call Gord Fuller, which I finally did on the 24th. We talked for about two hours. Gord was confused, highly intellectual, and full of false humility, yet confidently preaching of its dangers. He celebrated Christmas, boasted of his memory, spoke of raising three people from the dead, his wife being one, who died 10 days later, another who died six months after being revived, and a third two months after being “raised from the dead.” So what is the point?

The Lord gave me revelation on the power of the carnal man to imitate raising the dead. By psychological or soulish power, man is capable of astounding works independent of God. The fallen nature has the vestiges of the Spirit of God and has characteristics of His power. However, the corrupted power is weak and short-lived. I believe Jannes and Jambres were able to do miracles by that very power as they withstood Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh. I believe this is how Balaam (Numbers 22), the witch at Endor (1 Samuel 28:7), and Simon (Acts 8), as well as other sorcerers and witches were able to impress and deceive people. I understood how Gord Fuller was able to operate in the gifts of healing and miracles.

Gord had been following Kenneth Copeland closely for six years and got turned off by him at the very meeting we attended in 1980 where we had last seen Gord. Had he been open, I could have saved him some trouble; instead, he thought I was trouble and troubling others. Gord had also followed Arnold Murray of The Shepherd’s Chapel out of Arkansas and had “listened to every other person out there,” he said. He was so confused and no wonder, following men.

When I offered to send him a paper on Christmas, he said, “Save yourself the trouble. I basically know all there is to know, likely much more than you.” I replied, “You send me mixed signals – you decry false humility and now you tell me you don’t think I have anything to say on the matter?” He backed off but clearly maintained his notion of superiority. I would deal with him.

ParticleTrevor Pursues another Marriage Partner

Trevor now set his affections on yet another woman, Wilma Vanden Dool. I never could understand how he, like Paul, could simply see a skirt moving and plan to chase and marry it, come hell or high water. It was beyond me, other than I saw it as demonic influence due to unbridled lust, or a mental illness or retardation of some kind; it made little, if any, sense otherwise.

It never seemed to be a sexual thing, more like a need to be mothered or of having an intimate female companion, no matter who. It didn’t even matter to them if it was a Christian or not, which, as believers, ought to be important. What a strange sickness! Was it demonic? What else?

Wilma had spent some time working on our farm and was a capable, intelligent, conscientious worker. She was also “just Wilma,” unpretentious, very casual, and apparently willing to try anything. With his retarded way of smilingly seeking attention and praise, Trevor arranged to have her over for supper at the farm. We all visited together and talked of many things, particularly the spiritual, like judgment, the reconciliation of all things, Mormonism, and New Age. She had questions, expressed thoughts, and had some knowledge of Scripture. I gave Wilma some papers, which she seemed willing to read.

Soon, Wilma would send a message to Trevor, confiding that while he was a nice guy and all, she wasn’t interested – she was lesbian.

ParticleEditing Writings

It was in these past months that Paul and I were reviewing and editing whatever writings I had. Little did we know it was the beginning of a correspondence ministry we would soon have. Recent papers were The Vashti-Esther Transmutation and Deception. We edited several others and improved them considerably.

ParticleDream:World Takeover

On the night of December 26, 2000, I had a dream of a world takeover. I was taken captive, yet submitted to it, knowing it was futile to resist and fruitful to submit. I didn’t think it to be a dream from the Lord, yet it seemed credible.

ParticleOur Community Appears a Lost Cause

When I considered matters after the appearance – the farm, Marilyn, Lois, Trevor, and Mark, I saw us headed for a precipice. Marilyn cried constantly, being so bitter. Trevor continually mooned after a wife; Lois was brutish; Mark seemed unhappy; and the Bensons cumulatively didn’t seem to be content with the present, but looked to the future for some kind of utopia. I continually thought, “I’d like out of here,” yet we didn’t sell the farm and disperse. Why not?

Paul left, taking many writings back on disk with him. Leaving Kerri in Great Falls to run her café, he moved to Helena and rented a small cabin from Tom Bump in his backyard on the hilly, expanding southern edge of the city. Tom was a Vietnam vet, herbalist, and friendly but emotionally-fragile man.

ParticleA Realization of My Work and Calling

I awoke on the morning of December 29th after a troubled night of thinking of various things. I realized that Archie had been confronted in my ninth letter and the enemy in him fought it off.

I also received that I am the voice and hand of God in this world to confront and rebuke all who come or to whom I am sent.

ParticleOur Twelfth Sabbath

We observed our twelfth Sabbath on the eve of the 29th and the 30th. It was very quiet and troubled. Marilyn was depressed, Trevor disillusioned, and I was troubled. We spent the Sabbath doing our thing for a great part – eating, sleeping, playing, and going for a walk, more than “a Sabbath day’s journey,” for no good reason. I had been full of jesting and silly talk, particularly with Jonathan, but also with everyone else.

ParticleThe Last Day of 2000

We had no calls, nobody coming for either business or social purposes, worldly or spiritual. We had no more marketing, yet inventories of perishable stocks were high. And I was still concerned about trying to make things right with people of the past.

It occurred to me that our passage to peace, joy, and victory in the Lord for all of us is as directed herein:

“If My people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 MKJV).

Lord, I ask deliverance for us all. If we will not be delivered, let’s get it over with now. Father, to what purpose should we be scattered to the wind?

We talked and I prayed today for deliverance for all of us. I wrote yet another letter (the tenth) to Archie. After our prayer, we began to arrange some marketing materials, and I set Mark in charge of the farm. We purposed a theme to be “A Cut Above,” indicating that we would be more than certified organic, not satisfied with the present standards required. Mark was enthusiastic and had ideas.

I also sent Paul the February 1998 and 2000 prophecies. He said that the Man of Sin letters took on new meaning now. Notwithstanding trials, tough challenges, losses, and disappointments, this past year had been one of victories heretofore not tasted. Lord, thank You for 2000.

ParticleA Summary of 2000

Before 1993 was out, we were plunged into Hell. I was taken into the fires to purge me of the worship of mammon. We entered the stock market, mutuals in particular, where is not meant for any true believer to go. “Lay not up treasures on earth…” said Jesus. Yet we went and were meant to go, by God’s sovereignty.

At the outset, we were promised “a quarter million to a million.” We entered with $280,000, went up to $350,000, then dropped to $250,000 when we pulled out, bleeding and traumatized at the end of 1994, but we didn’t pull out altogether; we simply changed brokers and began to recoup some of our losses.

In the summer of 1995, we pulled out altogether and “bought the farm,” literally and figuratively. From there, more blood, sweat, and tears. Sean Fife came in and there began trials in earnest. My wife seduced Sean or he seduced her. They each publicly declared one another their rightful, God-ordained spouse. Declaring Sean her husband, she degenerated into a vicious, snarling, deeply bitter, and resentful creature. I hadn’t known what I had married.

In the process of time, the devil remained while Archie and his family were cast out, as were Paul and Kerri, and yes, I was also cast out.

But in this year of 2000:

The devil was cast out.

The promise of God increasing the ¼ million to a million was fulfilled in precisely 7 years to the day. The Benson estate was settled, which was the fulfillment of the Lord’s financial promise concerning the investment money.

Lois was delivered of fears, doubts, and whoredoms.

I was delivered, and the essential, spiritual difference between good and evil was revealed to me.

Jonathan was tried and healed physically. As an unexpected reward, he received a computer, which he and I started out sharing. He was quite instrumental in casting out the devil and was released of the enemy’s power when it was done.

Paul returned and was released from Kerri.

Mark was set in charge of the farm.

Paul and I began to confront individuals, churches (four directly and personally, two in Canada and two in the US), and even complete denominations. We edited all my writings, completing the job in the last week of 2000, and took steps to enter the internet and communicate with the rest of the world.

I received the revelation of what is referred to as “original sin,” with the added perspective and emphasis of women ruling men.

Many matters were solved and concluded this year. Yes, it was a wonderful and blessed year, a year of redemption and Jubilee. We were given to thank and praise the Lord, despite the frustrations, losses, and troublings from time to time.

We discovered the value of evil. These words became real:

A song for going up to worship. When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, it was as if we were dreaming. Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with joyful songs. Then the nations said, ‘The LORD has done spectacular things for them.’ The LORD has done spectacular things for us. We are overjoyed. Restore our fortunes, O LORD, as You restore streams to dry riverbeds in the Negev. Those who cry while they plant will joyfully sing while they harvest. The person who goes out weeping, carrying his bag of seed, will come home singing, carrying his bundles of grain” (Psalms 126:1-6 GW).

Particle2001 Begins About Marilyn and Sean

Marilyn and I began this year of 2001 talking about Sean. She said she was at fault with him, using him to bring an element of enjoyment to her otherwise undesirable responsibility of managing the farm. She likened it to eating an unpleasant meal just so she could have the dessert (a convoluted illustration, but I got the message).

ParticleGod versus Mammon

If we govern ourselves by the cost of things, we worship the creature; if we govern ourselves by the Provider of all things, we worship the Creator. More than once has the Lord brought us down to the last penny before He would provide more. He was telling us something, namely that our circumstances were never the issue – He is.

It doesn’t matter how much something costs. God can pay any bill any time. I look for sales and bargains, but God doesn’t. He has no need to do so. He owns it all, so why should He have to settle for crumbs or hand-me-downs? So with His sons. We can have the best. It is lack of faith that thinks to pinch pennies.

This is not a prosperity message. We may need to learn both to abound and to suffer need at times, but there’s no place in the Spirit and Kingdom of God for a niggardly, hand-wringing, ungodly attitude.

ParticleMarilyn Angers Me to Resignation

Marilyn was battling; it was ugly. I tried to help her, as at so many other times. She gave new meaning to the saying about biting the hand that feeds one. My hands were bled dry. I refused to help anymore. I couldn’t count the many times I have gone in to help her only to be vomited, urinated, defecated, and spat upon, with insult, contempt, false accusation, distortion, blame, condemnation, and public censure.

Marilyn was intuitively skillful at shining the spotlight on someone or something to escape accountability. She refused to be wrong. I quit trying to help her. I was angry; I couldn’t help it. She thought she could constantly defecate on me and expect the helping hand to continue to reach out to her without fail. She apparently didn’t for a moment believe that Proverbs 1:24-32 in any way applied to her. I wasn’t so sure. How could it not?

Proverbs 1:24-32 MKJV

(24) Because I called, and you refused; I stretched out my hand, and no one paid attention;
(25) but you have despised all my advice, and would have none of my warning.
(26) I also will laugh at your trouble; I will mock when your fear comes;
(27) when your fear comes as a wasting away, and your ruin comes like a tempest when trouble and pain come upon you.
(28) Then they shall call upon me, and I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me;
(29) instead they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD.
(30) They would have none of my counsel; they despised all my correction,
(31) and they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own desires.
(32) For the turning away of the simple kills them, and the ease of fools destroys them.

ParticleAdvice and Not Authority Requested

While designing a brochure, I asked for opinions, including Marilyn’s. When I declined to accept her suggestion, she gave her customary arrogant, selfish response, “Then why bother asking me?” This time I was able to understand the elements or implications of the situation, unlike before.

I rebuked her sharply, saying, “Because I call for counsel is no reason to assume that I should accept it. It’s my prerogative to make the decision as I see fit.” I pointed out that I had accepted a suggestion from Mark, not by duty, but by choice (God brought to mind this example at the moment I needed it). Marilyn promptly acknowledged that I was right and conceded.

ParticleBenefits of the Chi Machine

I’d been waking at 3:30 a.m. as though I had a good night’s sleep and was ready to go. Why? After considering several possibilities, I could only conclude it was the Chi Machine. Many reports were coming in of the many, varied benefits of using it. I was concerned that worldly business and financial concerns would distract me from performing my calling in Christ, yet I was finding myself drawn and committed to this MLM business offering these products that were becoming obviously beneficial to many.

ParticleThe Dirty Blood Doctrine of the SDAs

A female acquaintance of Trevor’s was a Seventh Day Adventist. While in contact with her, the issue of Jesus’ divinity and humanity came up. Was Jesus the pure and undefiled Son of God or was it necessary, as the SDAs reason, for Him to overcome sin with a fallen nature, to make it a “level playing field” for all mankind, if He was to serve as a valid example for people to emulate for their salvation? They cite the fact that He was “in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin,” and surmise that He was in sinful flesh; otherwise the point that He overcame was irrelevant to us, seeing He had the advantage over us because we are in sinful flesh.

The error they make is assuming it is about imitating Him. We are not our own saviors, as though we have untapped virtue that needs only a super example to jumpstart us. He overcame not for Himself, but for us, and more importantly, there is no way He could have overcome with sinful flesh. In sinful flesh, He could not have displayed the Perfect Example, much less offered up His blood as an acceptable sacrifice to God for our sins. His was pure and not “dirty blood.”

The expression, “dirty blood,” brought to mind another matter. In Mark Ogden’s dream, Marilyn and Lois were dragging a garbage bag down a back alley, from which was leaking “dirty blood.” Had God used Marilyn, Lois, and Sean to do dirty work so necessary to purge us? There was certainly dirty blood in our midst. The Lord showed me we were all in wrongness and were in need of major change.

We will yet marvel at what God has done in our midst when He reveals it. We will also marvel and rejoice at what He is about to do. The difficult times will have been far more than worth our trials and public humiliation. Yes, the birth pangs will indeed be forgotten for the newborn child, our reward.

ParticleComes a Bikolater

Jean Bohne, a spinster biker, came to our farm on January 6th with physical problems from a biking fall. We offered Jean the use of the Far Infrared Dome, a healing device Hsin Ten, the Chi company, was distributing, which we were using and selling.

We also had a four-hour visit. I told Jean that the accident was God’s wrath on her because she was in the religious systems and needed to come out. The game-playing called “Christianity” wasn’t pleasing to God. She said she was going to find a second witness or a confirmation of what I was saying, which I knew wouldn’t work for her. The problem was she didn’t have a heeding heart toward God.

ParticleHsin Ten at Harvest Haven

On January 7, 2001, we had our first Chi meeting. We invited Peter Nickel, our up-line sponsor, and Ken Cook, Peter’s up-line, to do a demonstration at the farm. At the meeting were Frances Evernden, her friend Lorna Perry, Jean Bohne, Marj Tennant, and her husband Wally Jaeck.

ParticleAn Offer of Much Needed Help

We also invited our farm neighbors – Arnold and Claire Willms – who had a spiritual controversy with us. We didn’t have a problem with them; indeed, we hired his backhoe services in spite of his enmity toward us. They came, cynically observed, and left, not the least interested. Little did they know what they would shortly be missing.

ParticleIt’s Over

On January 7th, as I was coming into the house, I looked at Marilyn and heard the words, “It’s Over” (I also saw both words in capitals, as written). What did it mean? I didn’t know. Curiously, before all the trouble began, I had been humming Roy Orbison’s song, “It’s Over.” At times when Marilyn heard me humming it, she objected, perhaps especially when the words like, “Your baby don’t believe/love you anymore,” came up. However, I regarded those words I heard as positive, not negative, as though the painful process was completed.

ParticleAnother Reversal Indicator of the Garden of Eden Scene

In the beginning, the Lord said to Adam and Eve, “You shall die,” and the serpent said to them, “You shall not die” (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:4). This time, the serpent said to me, “You shall die,” and God said to me, “You won’t be dying. Will you believe Me?”

Years before, the Lord revealed to me that Marilyn was the second Eve. Is this not but another aspect of the historic reversal of mankind, with man turning away from following the woman and back to believing God? It certainly seems so.

In the first scene, Eve believed the serpent and Adam chose to follow her. In this second, I have chosen to believe the Lord and return to Him. And didn’t Jonathan prophesy by the Spirit, saying, “You won’t be dying”? That, too, I had to believe.

ParticleThe Greatest Miracle

The greatest miracle is that You, Lord, should look down from Heaven upon a wretched, unbelieving, rebellious enemy and cause Your face to shine on and transform him before all into one who loves You with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength. What is a miracle but a supernatural event, entirely beyond the power of any part of creation to perform?

Lord, that You and I should do things – all things that we do, together! I have tried to work above You – a terrible thing. I have tried to work independent of You – and how fruitless that is! I have tried to work beside or alongside You – not good. But now, Lord, we do all things together. This is my dream, which You gave me, the fulfillment, which is Yours and Ours. Lord, thank You! Lord, I praise You and thank You, forever!

ParticleDon Tolman

Don Tolman came up with what he claimed to be the recipe for the pulse of Daniel, but I don’t really believe he took Daniel’s pulse at all. His book, The Quest, is full of esoteric knowledge, very interesting, and some valid. However, though he seems to suggest he has the answer to life, he doesn’t. Men will invent or imagine a million options to the Christ Way of salvation and fulfillment, yet none but Christ will avail. They will even call their way the, or a, Christ way, when it isn’t.

As sincere as he may be, Tolman’s emphasis is on the flesh, be it food or knowledge, as a path to God, not knowing Him or His ways. Still, it seemed Don was contributing greatly to nutrition, true medicine, learning and understanding physical healing, and general living in this world. I wrote him a letter, confronting him on his undue emphasis on pulse; I received no reply.

ParticleParting with Pascal

Pascal dropped by on Sunday, January 21, 2001, fresh out of E-Free Church and rather smug about it. He was basically throwing in our faces our instructing him that formal church wasn’t where it was at and that he wouldn’t find God there. Why was he doing that? We would find out. As he was leaving the house, Lois asked me to deliver him a warning, “The time is short.” These were words she had just received concerning him. I told him.

He asked me to drive out to Raymond to talk; he had things to say. Because we had offered him free groceries, he felt obligated to be straightforward with us about his thoughts of us and directions he was taking. That afternoon, Mark and I paid him a visit, not quite expecting the defiant reception we received.

Mark, Pascal, Ingrid, and I were present. Pascal promptly declared several of the common doctrines of the nominal Christian world, with attitude thrown in. The main theme was, “The Law is done away.” There was no point in talking to him. He confessed he had been disappointed, when four weeks before, we declined his request to pray that he receive the Spirit. It appeared he was downright resentful.

He said that after leaving empty-handed, he went home, prayed to receive the Spirit, and red the Scriptures for days after. He said he became happy, free, and peaceful. He claimed to have received the Spirit we had denied him. I told him it wasn’t our choice but the Lord’s to refuse him, and that he didn’t have the Spirit as he claimed. He fought, argued, and criticized me.

I said, “Let’s pray.” He said, “Yes.” Mark and I bowed our heads to pray. Audibly, I asked the Lord to make known the truth and, if I was mistaken, to make it known. Then we remained silent and God spoke to me. He told me that Pascal had indeed received a spirit, but not God’s Spirit. I understood that Pascal murmured against the Lord (us) when not prayed for. He thus was sent an evil spirit from the Lord to deceive him. Now suddenly, he, without much or any influence from evangelicals, spoke, thought, and acted as them. He had murmured and was now destroyed by the destroyer (1 Corinthians 10:10) in the destroyer’s lair (the E-Free Church), ever so pleasantly.

I told him and Ingrid what I had received. He said only the Lord Jesus could say or know such things. Surprisingly, out of my mouth came, “I am Jesus.” Surprisingly, Pascal agreed! Jesus once said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” We are one, even as He was one with the Father (John 17:21-23). Of course, devils know these things, even as the Scriptures declare.

Jesus also said, “Destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up.” Now the Bible expressly states that God raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 4:24; 10:9; Eph. 1:20; 1 Peter 1:3). Jesus was speaking by the Spirit of His Father and I was speaking by His Spirit when I spoke. For such a statement, classified as blasphemy, He was condemned and crucified by the religious. I follow in His steps.

Pascal didn’t believe what I told him about the evil spirit. I said, “We’ll see.” As we got up to leave, I was surprised to say to Ingrid, “I’m sorry, Ingrid, but that’s the way it is.” Why I said that, I don’t know. Perhaps it was because there was an invisible, spiritual kinship developing between us, of which I wasn’t conscious, and those words were needed for her sake.

As I left the house, Mark lingered, trying to persuade Pascal this was serious, that he needed to heed what I was saying. Mark was there for a few minutes until he finally gave up and we went home.

ParticleNo Dying

Paul and I discussed the many suggestions that I would not be dying. When the Lord spoke those words to me, was He only referring to what Marilyn said for those particular circumstances? Did He mean it as He spoke to Martha (John 11) that those who believed on Him would never die? Or did He mean it specifically and categorically, even as with Enoch and Elijah? Could I believe something like the latter, which seems so incredible, presumptuous, preposterous, or imaginary? How many have believed great things of themselves and even published them, persuading many, only to be proven so wrong?

ParticleProphecy: Storm Stilled, Building Begins

This evening, January 26, 2001, while having supper at the farm, a prophecy came forth. “The storm is over; no more labor out of emptiness. Now we roll up our sleeves and go to work on what is given us, not just a job or calling or mission, but a work, an occupation. We would minister to people at their levels according to their needs. Nobody would withstand anything we were given to say or to do. Adversaries would be helpless. Their opposing words would fall to the ground, followed by their speakers.

We are now building [I have seen this happening in many situations] – there is a power, the resurrection power now at work. We have been given to rule. [Paul and Mark could see, feel, and know it, describing it in their own terms.] This is the Day of the Lord now happening, and has been for a few months now, growing stronger. Trials and tribulations, yes, but no more storms.”

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