Letter to Evan Yurkoski

PART NINE – Signs Of New Times (cont.)



TO: Evan Yurkoski

From : Victor Hafichuk                                                                                  December 17, 2000

Evan, I’m sorry you left, and left as you did.  Paul mentioned the article called "Christians and Conspiracy Theories ‑‑ A Call to Repentance" by a believer on the Net. We read it after you left and found it very appropriate, applicable to our situation. I very much appreciated what he had to say and it was very true, Biblically sound, well documented and I would say…wise.  I will not get into what he had to say so much as quote some of the more pointed Scriptures he offered:

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy, do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the One you are to regard as holy, He is the one you are to fear, He is the One you are to dread " (Isaiah 8:12,13).
We are not burying our heads in the sand as you have seen others do, Evan. We are not afraid. You can’t shock us with this stuff; neither are we avoiding it. Our trust is squarely in the Lord, period. Fear does not only come in the form of shaking and quaking and the greying of the face. It also comes in the form of concentration, obsession, worship, magnification, giving undue attention, time, energy or inordinate affection to something.  There is no doubt in our minds or in the minds of so many others, some of which we know, that such is the case with you.  Thus, it is idolatry, and you must repent.

"Guard the truths entrusted to you, shunning irreligious and frivolous talk, and controversy with what is falsely called knowledge; of which some have spoken boastfully in connection with the true faith, and have erred " (I Tim. 6:20,21).
"For we overthrow arrogant reckonings and every stronghold that towers high in defiance of the knowledge of God, and we carry off every thought as if into slavery…into subjection to Christ" (II Cor. 10:5).

If we WERE to "expose" the works of darkness, is this not what we do now, in order to deliver you out of the hands of the enemy? (We watched Marrs’ tape and see where you are being influenced in evil. He uses the Scripture which speaks of REPROVING the works of darkness and conveys it as if it were directing believers to EXPOSE those works. He justifies what he is doing by distorting Scripture to his own ends). Nor does the fact that the Bible speaks of conspiracies justify intently focussing on them. I’ve already told you the Lord’s response.

You have repeatedly told us that you are "a man of compassion."  Let’s examine that claim in light of your fruits and the Scriptures:

"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to SLANDER no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility to all men" (Titus 3:1,2).

 "Show proper respect to everyone; love the brotherhood of believers; fear God; honor the king" (I Peter 2:17).

"Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and SLANDER of EVERY kind" (I Peter 2:1).

So much is evil conspiracy to you, to Dave Olynick, Texe Marrs, Stan Johnson, Roy Morrill and others. Rulers are evil spoken of, suspected, slandered. It is one thing to recognize true evil and speak of it concerning rulers, even as Elijah did of Ahab, but quite another to speak things that you really cannot "stake your life on" or give your own personal guarantee that those things are true. 

And what if some of those things ARE true? Do you judge after the appearance or do you judge righteous judgment? Has God revealed to you His judgments,  why some things are happening, why evil is there? If not, you speak not only against rulers whom God has placed over you but you speak against God Himself. In so doing, you cannot but come under His wrath, His judgment. And you have.

So you say you are a man of compassion. Tell me about the "bureau‑rats."  Are they all sinister, deliberately doing evil to the general populace?  Are not many of them victims of our man‑made systems? Have you not sprayed your fields with chemicals, destroying nature which God created for good? Have you not supported merchandising conglomerates in purchasing their garbage foods, knowing better, having other options? As a Christian so‑called, are you not more accountable for the things you do than are those in government who have never been given light but are in darkness as presumably you are not? Of whom will be more required…of "bureau‑rats" or of "men of light and compassion" who condemn the ignorant as evil‑doers, slandering them?

You speak evil of dignities, and what does the Lord have to say about that through Jude? "These speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves."

Think of David, known as the man after God’s own heart, who, though persecuted to the death by the government of his day (talk of conspiracies!), did not speak evil of King Saul, nor did he lift his hand to do him harm though he had opportunity and apparent justification to do so. Could there have been any greater a conspiracy than to have a ruler leading a national army to destroy an innocent citizen or any who would even innocently associate with him, such as the priests in the tabernacle who gave David and his men bread, not knowing that David was fleeing from Saul?  Saul killed 85 of the Lord’s priests, Levites. But even after this, David did him no harm and did not speak against him.
Now, you may say that Saul was the anointed of the Lord. Yes, David treated him as such but the only "anointing" Saul had at that point was one of an evil spirit (I Sam. 16:14).  So even if these rulers against whom you speak are demon possessed, still you have no right, according to the Holy Scriptures, to speak against them, especially when you may not know whereof you speak. And how can you so quickly take the words of your speakers as gospel? Because they claim to believe? Not good enough.

You speak of your wife as being juvenile when playing with her grandchildren. Is there any need for that? Maybe it’s a fault or weakness, but is it sin? You speak in bitterness of her, which may be understandable in your situation. I’ve been bitter toward my wife, too, because of what happened here. But how can you go about calling yourself a man of compassion with such bitterness toward her, your wife of 30 years, especially if you have vexed her with YOUR faults and weaknesses and even idolatries with which you are consumed to pacify yourself in your troubles, and that in the Name of Jesus?

Forgive me for indulging likewise with you and speaking things I ought not concerning any persons, rulers, or otherwise. I ought to be reproving the works of darkness, not cooperating with them.

I don’t see compassion with you, Evan.  I see bitterness, hurt, self‑pity, resentment toward family and others, false love, contradiction, darkness, hypocrisy, confusion, restlessness, idolatry, ignorance of God’s Word and His ways, and pride in man’s word and ways. I see you trying to salvage profit out of evil done to you. 

You weren’t able to protect yourself against those who have done you wrong and in your helplessness, you tried to put a good face on it all, calling your reaction or lack thereof, compassion, Christian virtue. Evan, we all do these things, but we must come to a place of facing reality, "fessing up" and dealing in real and honest terms with ourselves, our circumstances, and the daily evils (issues) facing us. You are running and hiding from yourself and those things, using these conspiracies and your "ministry" of them to do so.

And we see all this and are trying to help you. We tell you your sins for your sake. Think about it…what do we have to gain by getting on your case about things that don’t apparently impact us?  We can have you for a companion, see your tapes, keep up with the latest developments and personalities in "Christendom," get things like tips on "red dirt," have a place to stay when passing through Cranbrook or wherever, etc.  Do you think we are being selfish or ornery? No, we see and what we see we speak for you, for the Lord and ultimately for us, yes, because good profits us all, deliverance of a soul is good for all; we are all benefited.  If we can gain a brother in Christ, we have great gain indeed.

You may feel heavy in spirit when rebuked or confronted, and you may judge us to be out of line with God, but you aren’t right. It is the truth that makes you or anyone free, the truth about God, about His ways, His will, His laws, the truth about yourself, the state of your relationship to God, and not mushy, lovey‑dovey, so‑called Christian love which you call "agape love." Evan, what you call "agape love" is not true love. You have been deceived. As it is written, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of the enemy are deceitful." 

You are kissed by many who practise "agape" love on you, stroking your ego, building up your importance, and you eat it up. These are things of Satan, things that men savor, making the flesh feel good, things which I tell you are an offence to God.

As for your compassion in terms of hating evil and what it does to people (such as Saskatchewan farmers), you condemn God Himself Who sends the judgments. You wouldn’t accept the judgments upon yourself and now you won’t accept the judgments on anyone else. You are in essence bitter toward God Himself.

Often have we heard you speak about how you feel the Lord wanting you to do this or that, go here or there, and it hasn’t been witnessing with us. You are led by a spirit other than that of God. So is Roy Morrill and so many others, like Youngbrandt. And you see nothing. Blind guides leading the blind, both falling into the ditch. The Lord said to leave such alone. So what am I doing trying to get through to you?  Perhaps I shouldn’t bother.

On with a few more Scriptures concerning the matter of conspiracies:

"And of whom have you been afraid, or feared, that you have lied and not remembered Me, nor taken it to your heart? Is it not because I have held My peace from old that you do not fear Me" (Is. 57:11)?

"A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps" (Pr. 14:15).

"For out of the heart come evil thoughts…false testimony, slander; these are what make a man unclean" (Mt. 15:19).

As to all the evil in the world and the conspiracies of man, no matter what they are:


"Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder and cast their cords from us. He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision…(Psalm 2:1‑4)

In your evil ways, you give glory to Satan, to spiritual wickedness, to evil men. God is scarcely mentioned, the Scriptures ignored, or at best, distorted – certainly not rightly divided, and saints are hardly edified. Repent.
Evan, you now suffer the fruit of your ways. Your wife and family can love you, if only as the world loves without Christ, but even they in their darkness have more light than do you. They cannot but despise, at least shrink from your foolishness in hiding yourself and serving your gods in bitterness. You go on and on about these conspiracies, pouring out statistics like a computer, ignoring your listeners and their needs, be they psychological, emotional, spiritual, whatever. You hide behind these things, using them for a front, not realizing it. I can’t blame Jason for the way I saw him act; I can’t blame others for raised eyebrows and dull faces, avoiding you. You are doing it to yourself and bringing spiritual damage to those you love. 

You think you suffer or are a fool for Christ’s sake but you are only bringing pain and blasphemy to Him as well as loved ones because you use His Name in worshiping your gods, nursing your wounds. Humble yourself, Evan, come and let us help you in the Lord. That is why we are here. Those who have been strengthening you in your ways, I don’t care who they are, let them be angels for all I care, with all power, signs and lying wonders (and they ARE lying), are incapable of helping you if in fact they do not see your state as it is to the Lord. Don’t remain in your wicked ways, allowing them to coddle and flatter you or you will be destroyed.  Come, humble yourself, acknowledge your ways – be healed and live.

Do we set ourselves above you?  No. We have all been unrighteous, wrong; we have all had our gods and we have had to be taken through the fires to purge us of these things, and even now we must walk humbly with our God, not thinking that we know anything. But we have been given to see, to understand and with these gifts, we seek to minister to those who will receive.

True prophets deal with God’s people, their sins and relationships with God on a personal basis. You party with prophets who predict calamities or hardships, future events and such, but they are false prophets, dealing with sensationalism and predictions. They don’t deal with sins on a personal basis. Not dealing with their sins, those people perish in them, no matter how many great and wonderful physical healings they may have received, or knowledge of future events, or doctrines they may have enjoyed. 

You say that knowledge is power. Not knowledge from the Tree of Knowledge.  The knowledge you speak of and which you boast of is death, hardly power at all. The knowledge we desire to impart to you is that of the Tree of Life, which is power, and not only the kind of power you presume to have, but Resurrection Power, the Power of the Risen Christ Within, Praise His Name.
There is a song, a line of which goes like this: "It’s great to be somebody, because you’re nobody, because you’re His." You will never be anybody to Him until you are willing to be nobody for Him. As you stand, you’re trying to be everything and it’s utterly unacceptable to Him. You must die, Evan. Lay it all down.

Jesus said, "He that keeps his life will lose it, and he that loses it FOR MY SAKE will find it." You are leaving your wife for the wrong reasons; you are not forsaking her for Christ or His call but for yourself.  I can’t agree with that or condone it. Your cross is home-made and self-inflicted; it is not the cross the Lord would have you to bear. I speak from the Lord for you now. Please heed.