Letter to Forrest Browatske

PART NINE – Signs Of New Times (cont.)


Subj:Your visit
CC:paulbcohen@yahoo.com, harvesth@telusplanet.net
BCC:Nobuhiro.Konoshita@ma9.seikyou.ne.jp, mew-kt@pop07.odn.ne.jp, nicolayingrid@hotmail.com, saravietta@yahoo.com

"I know what the Lord told me, and I got it severely that we were to fast for 5 days and He would tell us many things!"  Forrest.

"I don’t do anything unless the Father tells me. I won’t even drink a glass of water unless He tells me to!"  Forrest.


The fourth day comes, Forrest smells the beef bacon, breaks the fast, and gobbles up double portions, in his customary gluttony, and that in spite of warnings from three persons to be temperate.

"Obedience?! What is that? Temperance?! What is that? Whatever I want it to be!"  The real Forrest.

You come to our home, you take a bed, expect Lois to do the laundry, eat our food, expecting us to provide and prepare it for you, but when we ask you to help us with some work, you’re insulted and annoyed! "A make-work project for Forrest!"

You’re quite prepared to receive, and if people give to you, you see it as the will of God. But when it comes to humbling yourself and coming down from your self-proclaimed throne as spiritual man of God, giving some of your time and effort to help us, why, that’s not the will of God.

Yet you say we’re all equal, and one isn’t above another. Of course, you think you have the highest honor coming to you seeing you’re so deprived and "poor."

We shan’t waste Forrest’s precious time, and subject him to the indignity of manual labor. After all, he "labors in the Lord,” speaking to us for our sakes to deliver us from the delusions and errors he judges us to be in. Besides not expecting him to reciprocate on favors given him (for which HE initially asked) and was not offered, and getting him to help us, we must take the time away from our duties and chores to sit at his feet, "choosing the better part," smell the dust, and suffer the bodily soiling of his hypocrisies and ravings about himself, lest we be found wanting before God.

"I don’t ask man for anything. I don’t ‘hitchhike’! You’ll notice I didn’t stick out my thumb…I was reading my Bible!"

"I got real huge that I was to come out to your place. Can you come and pick me up, either in Lethbridge or Coaldale?"

"I take things as they come; if somebody asks me to do something, I do it. I take it that God is asking me to do it."

I ask you to help us with chores and duties, and it’s a "make-work project for Forrest!"

"I have incredible faith! I can’t believe it!"  Forrest.

"Well, if I work on the farm without pay, how am I going to pay my debts?!"

And he will not go to pick up the paycheck waiting for him where he last worked. Speak of confusion and foolishness!

He fornicates, begets a child, and leaves others with the consequences while he runs off to "forsake all and serve the Lord, even as Jesus lived!" Yeah, right. He won’t even send her the money he earns. And he thinks it’s God in all of this.

And indeed you love only those who love you. If you perceive that Jonathan loves you, you’ll gladly allow his interruption of my speech, and did so more than once, but when I interrupt a conversation you have with someone else, you indignantly reply that I’m interrupting. That’s because you exalt yourself, perceive me as your enemy, and have no respect for me. Full of contradiction and hypocrisy.

But while you despise me, you’re quite prepared to sit at my table, in my home, eating my food, until I’m no longer willing to tolerate your utter contempt for me and for all that is right and good.  And to a man, including Jonathan, the Lord of Heaven and earth speaks, and all you can do is despise Him and vaunt yourself.

You are very sick, Forrest. We can help because we are healed and equipped in the Lord, the TRUE Lord of lords, to do so. The harlot has done her work on you, "huge!" But you need to repent, humble yourself, come to the place where you deem yourself as an unprofitable servant (the essence of faith), and then you’ll be out of your darkness you call light, and [will] cease contemning all those who see your darkness for what it is.

You say I don’t love you, but Jonathan does, and Lois does. You have no love yourself; you’ve never known the True Love because you’ve never known the True God Who IS Love; it has only been defined to you by the harlot, from whose influence and power you presume to be free. How then can you judge? Who are you to judge those who have been sent by Almighty Love to judge you, you fool and hypocrite? You’re wrong and ignorant and proud, and you’ll know the fruits of your ways in short order.


It was not long before we found out from Forrest’s sister that he was mentally messed up in a youth hostel in Kelowna, BC., perhaps on drugs.