Ken Walter Correspondence

Ken Walter Correspondence


After we met him through Bonnie Kam, we sent Ken Walter the introductory letter to The Issues of Life:

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to all those on this
mailing list!

I am writing you to inform you that we plan to include as many as would choose to be included in a mail out of social correspondence. The subject matter will consist of debate, discussion, teaching and writing on spiritual, Biblical, personal, business, moral, social, and general life issues as they arise from time to time with various individuals or groups.

Why are we doing this? People have a desire to discuss or hear about many of the everyday matters and issues confronting them. While we correspond with one person, it occurred to me that the discussion could include many. There may be issues not of interest to you at some times, yet others might be of great importance to you. There may be, as always, points of view you might not share, and others that you might be pleased to find agreeing with or confirming yours. We will be sharing our understanding of matters, and addressing points of view with which we disagree. There will be no sectarianism on our part or denominational ties of any kind. This will simply be an expression of what we have learned in life from God, His Book, His people, and His creation. The Scriptures will be a prominent part of the process. Therefore, the contents and spirit of these communications should be very interesting to some.

We plan to send mail BCC to all recipients, and to keep identities confidential, not that there should be anything to worry about. Though some may not care that their names are known, we will nevertheless keep confidentiality unless otherwise permitted or directed.

If you would rather not have this correspondence, please let us know, and we will omit your name from the mailing list. If we do not hear from you, we will send correspondence until such time that you notify us otherwise.

Victor Hafichuk

Ken replied on June 21, 2004:

Dear Sirs,

I am not sure why or who gave you this address. Please remove me from your list.

If you care to think that I am interested you are gravely mistaken. I find these types of “approaches” in the name of “spirit” blasphemous in the name of My Creator.

If you are a “born again”, I real feel pity for you that you were not born right the first time. If not, please accept my apologies. And if you repent your sins to Jesus, my Brother, shame on you for burdening the Master with your problems that you can likely fix if you take responsibility of your first birth! If not, again apologies.

Victor replied to Ken:

Greetings in the wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who laid down His life for us, according to the Scriptures as prophesied would happen, and Who has given us, as the apostle Paul said of believers, the ministry of reconciliation. After the resurrection, and just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus Christ said this:

Matthew 28:18-20 KJV
(18)  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
(19)  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
(20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

He had also said this:

Matthew 10:27 KJV
(27)  What I tell you in darkness, [that] speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, [that] preach ye upon the housetops.

I was very surprised at your response, Ken. I found it very strange that the Introductory Letter we sent out would provoke such a hostile and contemptuous reaction from you. It seems that you are offended more by our simple offering, rather than by any words spoken. If He, God, Jesus Christ, according to His Spirit and Scripture, has given us such counsel and command, as quoted above, how can you condemn/judge us for doing His bidding? What is your source of authority? He is ours, and if so, what we do in Him will not conflict with His Word.  Can you answer, Ken?


Ken’s Reply:


I sent the below message to Paul  on Friday.

My authority comes from many lifetimes of wisdom.

In this life time I have taught, lead and written volumes of material on “Christos” principles.



This was just too predictable! I suggest you look a little deeper, I never despised Him, only the people hiding behind He and His name. You have made assumptions and pre-judged, which I find many “born agains” really good at, as they give their responsibility to Him rather than taking it on themselves. After all, did he not teach the Law on how to “Master” oneself? Until the realization that “he who created can uncreate”, many burdens are placed.

When He stated to be “born again” has been greatly taken out of context by the likes of you. Contempt (or judgment) prior to complete investigation will enslave you to ignorance. If you know the LAW, you know what sin is. You make judgments that I sin, therefore need to be re-born. You have sinned by judging I. How do know that I have not been re-born and have discovered the real truth about re-birth???

Three sins when meeting new people or doing business:
1) Do not talk about sex
2) Do not talk about politics
3) Do not talk about religion

The blasphemy is, that HE the Master, dwelling among other Masters, never went calling. People came to Him and Them because of the great things HE/THEY did. When you learn the truth about what HE said, rather then quoting some outdated, edited text, full of half truths, than you may learn the Greater Truths, which He taught.

I have met many “born agains”, had them in my classes and I even have friends that are “born agains”.

The issue I have is the attitude that many take. I have seen too many personalities get sucked down the “rebirth” road, just to find out that after a couple of years,  that they were deceived by the people hiding behind THE movement. Rather than the TRUTH prevailing, control and fear do. As such, when they do discover the truth through the inward work, then they really discover who THEY are, and more importantly, WHAT they are.

I do not ubiquitously spam people with my beliefs. So, when people come knocking on my door looking to engage, this is what you get. Thank you for the invitation, and my recommendation to you is to dig a little deeper and discover the truth about who YOU really are and really listen to the words of the Master. Rather than burden Him with your sins that you did not care to take responsibility for in your previous life.

The fact that you are fishing for people tells me you are on a missionary of some type. There has never, ever been in the last 2000 years, where religion has brought any TRUE enlightenment to humankind. HE never taught religion, EVER. He never went calling, EVER. He was invited then and still is today. Hence this may be your own awakening (or re-birth of consciousness), and if you did not know that he only needed to be invited, you needed to be “reborn” so that you might have a glimmer of hope to discover WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE! Congratulations to your awakening, now it is time to really get to work!!

Jesus, was a man.
Christ is a state of ALL THAT IS.
God is within you, you are within God, that who created the Jesus, who is one of many embodying the Chritos.
The Christos/ing is the (hopeful) awakening to the God and Master within.
The Man, Jesus of Nazareth knew this, the huMen of today control, by hiding this truth.

To look outside yourself, is to look to the fragments perpetuated by the fear propagated by religious movements in the name of a truly righteous being.  Remove the veil and look within.

Blessings to all of you and good luck on your road to enlightenment, which, though many different vehicles (embodiments) is still just one road! So keep your pace and do your internal work (“issues of life”) so that you may lead as He did, by example. After all, the greatest things are first accomplished in silence.

I AM in Light, Life and Love,
Ken Walter

Victor wrote back:


I fail to see what that answer has to do with our original invitation, or my letter I just sent out to you. You are being very judgmental of us, are you not?

He has given us this responsibility and privilege of letting many know the Good News. We offer it freely, without force or coercion. He has made Himself known to us, blessed us, kept us, and provided abundantly. His laws are perfect, converting the soul. His promises to us have been found true. He is faithful.

By the words you speak, which entirely contradict the Scriptures, I can only conclude that you are in full fellowship with, and deceived by the dark one whose job it is to misrepresent the Lord Jesus Christ. He comes to steal, to kill and to destroy, and he is using you to do so. You are not in Light, Life and Love, but in Darkness, Death and Fear. You are in great bondage, Ken, and manifest it quite clearly for all those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Repent of theft, of cheating, of lying, of fraud, of sexual and carnal lusts; turn from all your sins, which your Creator warns you to repent of, whether by us or others, and you will be on your way to the knowledge of God. You fall victim to the snares you lay for others.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I rebuke you demons, and you, Satan, in Ken Walter.

Victor Hafichuk,

By the authority and power of the Lord of lords, and King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ken replied:


I feel pity for your Soul. At this point, I unfortunately see clearly that you have been led into a world of delusion. It is your own fears that when I have spoken the truth here that has lead you into your great bondage and reaction. You have NO idea who I am, where I have been and who I have personally lead to salvation. How dare you make a judgment on me.

For your own information I have had a very personal experience with my maker, and believe me when I say that The Master Jesus, forgives all and will forgive you when you wake from your codependent life.

And again so predictable, your response. Fanaticism is a sign of polarized thought. May you be cleansed of the demons that hold you there!

You have your beliefs, that’s great. I have seen so many people like yourself, when faced with their own demons wither and cower. When that time occurs, I can assist you in your awakening. Have comfort that when you awake to who you really are, the process is rapid to the embodiment of Light.

So, IN the name of Jesus Christ, St. Germain and all the ascended Masters, I command the demons in you to go directly to the light of God.   NOW!


P.S. The difference between you and I Victor is that I walk the talk through experience as my faith has been solid since birth. You, I see are just awakening, possibly coerced by very charismatic people, don’t stop keep going more truths will be revealed and for Heaven’s sake do not polarize your beliefs as ALL things are created from one source…even demons and Satan!

Victor replied:

Ken, you are wrong, and you will know it soon enough. I can’t say anymore.


Paul replied :


It has been clear from the start that you are the one who is judging without knowing anything about where we are coming from. You have supposed certain things by past experiences and your own thinking. You are wrong.  I know this from within, where you tell me to look. How can you then dispute me?
