Israel’s Law of Return Excludes Their Messiah

Paul Cohen met Rabbi Avraham Feld through Ariel Cohen Alloro, an orthodox Chasidic Jew from Jerusalem, who is calling for “The Jewish Initiative for the Legal Return of Yeshua to Israel.” Ariel is also calling for Christianity to come back to Israel, which he says is a vision of Judaism.

Here Ariel explains in a brief video:

Here is his website:

Below is Paul’s account and correspondence with Ariel Cohen, Theo Welt (Ariel’s assistant), and Avraham Feld.

Paul writes:

I wrote to Ariel at the end of June about myself and my situation in Israel:

Date: 06/30/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariel Cohen Alloro
Subject Belief In Moshiach

Shalom! I am an American Jew in Israel for the past 9 months, having submitted application for aliyah and awaiting an answer from the Misrad Hapnim. I had an interview and they asked if I believed in Yeshua. I said I do believe He is Moshiach, but I have not been baptized into or follow any Christian religions. Do you believe I am not a Jew because I believe Yeshua is Moshiach? Thank you, Paul Cohen

Ariel responded on July 1, 2018

They say it for political reasons. According to Jewish law, you are a Jew. You can sue the Interior Ministry.

On Jul 3, 2018, Theo Welt, Ariel’s assistant, also responded:

Dear Paul,

Wishing you success in your aliyah process. There is no reason to make you troubles as long as you do not deal with mission in Israel which is illegal.

Many thanks for your interest in the FEO and for supporting our vision and goals. Please share with all friends who care about Israel and love Yeshua.

Theo Welt – Personal Assistant of Ariel Cohen Alloro

Date: 07/07/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariel Cohen Alloro
Subject Belief In Moshiach

Thank you, Theo. I will let you know what happens, Lord willing.


Date: 08/25/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariel Cohen Alloro
Subject Re: Belief In Moshiach

Hi Ariel and Theo,

The Misrad Hapnim has denied my application for Aliyah, on the basis that I believe Yeshua is Moshiach. I have a little over two weeks to contest this decision, but no one wants to help me. Can you give me some advice or point me in a direction? I am without funds, but am articulate and have several pieces of information with which to work on this breach of justice and an unfair law being perpetrated against Jews and Yeshua. Perhaps this is the opportunity to promote your work?


At this point Ariel recommended I contact Avraham Feld for help:

Date: 08/26/2018
From: Ariel Cohen
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Belief in Moshiach

Ask for advice from Rabbi Avraham Feld: Phone: 0524-XXXXXX



Paul writes:

I spoke to Avraham on the phone and arranged a meeting with him in Jerusalem. We met at an orthodox Jewish learning center Avraham is affiliated with, where we attended a mid-afternoon lesson and service. Avraham gave me some Jewish religious material to take home with me. His intention was to say he met with me, we attended a Jewish religious service, and I was an alright guy now reading good Jewish religious material.

I’m not sure who his contacts are – he didn’t say or tell me when I asked. I didn’t press the matter – I wanted to let him do his thing, see if it got us anywhere, though I didn’t have any confidence it would.

I shared my appeal to the Misrad Hapnim with Avraham, to test where he was at on things, if he would respond with advice. He didn’t answer.

Date: 08/31/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Avraham
Subject: Appeal

Hi Avraham,

Here is my appeal, which I have not submitted. I’d like your feedback first. Remember, that their main argument is that I am denied for converting to another religion, but I haven’t joined any other religion and wasn’t even a member of any Jewish religion, though Jewish and identifying with Israel and my people.

Here is the text:

The verdict against my Aliyah application is based on the premise that I converted to another religion. But this is not true. I have never taken the vows of, been baptized in, or joined myself to any religion since I first read and believed the writings of the Jewish believers in Yeshua (labeled the “New Testament”).

I was not religiously observant as a Jew when I first read these Jewish writings, and the only change after reading them was I believed in the God of Israel, His prophets and commandments, which I never recognized before as authoritative, though raised in Conservative synagogue. I was a self-declared agnostic, as with many Jews, some of which went beyond me, espousing atheism and believing there is no God whatsoever.

Though I had stopped participating in Conservative Judaism, I was always identified as Jewish by myself and all who knew me. This has never changed, nor the fact that I haven’t been affiliated with any religious organization of any kind, Jewish or otherwise, since being bar mitzvahed at age 13 or reading the Bible at age 21.

To convert to a religion requires a formal declaration in, or affiliation with, an established, recognized institution, being taught and in agreement with its doctrines. For example, to become Jewish differs according to the sponsoring denomination, but all must go through a process of learning and indoctrination in the sectarian beliefs of that organization. Otherwise, there is no conversion, and even when conversion is consummated, one Jewish denomination may not acknowledge another’s proselyte.

I have had no such conversion to any “Christian” religion. No proof is offered by the Misrad Hapnim to that effect and there is none. The fact that I believed in Jesus, an Israelite and teacher of Judaism, as Messiah, does not make me “another religion.” I do not believe in “Christianity” with its false, anti-Biblical doctrines.

I was not part of a religious “organization.” The fact that I wrote articles with a friend on a website does not constitute a religion or an organization. There was no charter of beliefs to make and accept proselytes, there was no organizational structure or salaries for those few who volunteered to help manage the website, there was no 501c3 status with the government that designates a religious organization.

Furthermore, I have been alone in the land of Israel for the past 11 months, identified with no group but Israelis at large, volunteering and serving among you, contributing to the welfare of the land. The Law of Moses allows for such to be treated as part of the nation, how much more flesh and blood sons of Israel like myself?

“You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:34 ESV).

Paul Cohen
Orot, Israel

Date: 10/04/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Avraham
Subject: Appeal

Hi Avraham,

Just letting you know my visa was extended till the end of this year while awaiting the answer on my appeal.

How are you?

Paul Cohen
Orot, Israel

Date: 10/09/2018
From: Avraham Feld
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

Fantastic, I was hopeful, despite what you had heard to the contrary,

You need to do that homework and be part of a community as a infra structure for future acceptance, With out checking deeply into the minimalistic web sites, you will not get the inner or outer pathos of your people, and G-D Himself will block you for not caring enough, this is what I and many others have noticed over scores of years. Hoping to see you soon.

with respect and warm regards.

Date: 10/13/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Avraham Feld
Subject: Re: Appeal

G-D knows I care, besides which, He cares more, and will do whatever pleases Him with my situation. His will be done!

I am working on the material for my next appeal, should I be refused by the Misrad Hapnim. Thank you for thinking of me and I hope to see you again in Jerusalem, if and when I return.


Date: 11/19/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariel Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

This is the man, Ariel, Avraham Feld [Not sure what I sent with this or what specifically I was referring to that was of Feld]. He is against Yeshua.. How can you seek reconciliation with HaShem and Israel by supporting those who deny Him in His Moshiach?


Ariel responded with a video:

Date: 11/20/2018
From: Ariel Cohen
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

I replied to Ariel’s video:

Date: 11/20/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariell Cohen, Avraham Feld
Subject: Re: Your video

I think I understand what you’re saying, Ariel, but the problem is I have not been worshipping or serving an idol, only the living God Who was resurrected from the dead in the form of man, Yeshua HaMashiach. It was this very same Jesus, not an idol made by the Gentiles, Whom the Jews crucified and rejected, saying, “His blood be on us and our children.”

The Misrad Hapnim and the Israeli government in bed with the religious have thrown out the Baby with the bathwater. Avraham is also of this mindset. Is this not so, Avraham? I am not misrepresenting your stance, am I?

Paul Cohen
Orot, Israel

I notified Avraham of the status of my appeal:

Date: 11/19/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Avraham Feld
Subject: Re: Appeal

Hi Avraham,

My appeal was denied, and my visa canceled. I was given two weeks to leave Israel, which is this Wednesday.

I do not know why Ariel Cohen Alloro sent me to you, if he is honestly seeking reconciliation between Israel and Messiah Yeshua. From all that I experienced, you are altogether opposed to Messiah and only seek to protect the orthodoxy that crucified Him.

Am I mistaken?

Paul Cohen
Orot, Israel

Date: 12/06/2018
From: Avraham Feld
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

I don’t think so. I believe you should be here, you do not want to work on getting a deeper understanding of your pwn people, you parrot ancient anti Jewish Christian positions and you are deeply ignorant of the trebds,history and Hebrew roots of the N T, I promised u that without u doing your missing homework G-D Almighty will stop u. I despite this sent in beautiful words to recommend u.

From our perspective, we must do everything to facilitate your return home, i have successfully helped 4000 , plus people in approximately your situation, BUT they went with me to the original meetings with initial proper  introduction. You came to me after the damage was done and did not do any  spiritual repair to change miraculously the sirrt state of real time affairs.

Also our secular run government created this situation and our left wing proactive  High Secular Court , who has animosity against Tirah and do not  want any such racial law of return as being  the opposite of a true democratic secular state, only Israek has such a law, alone  out of all the nations, which is considered a blemish by our extreme Left Wing.

From Orthodox historical Biblical Judaism view in is a super mitzva to give you residency, because otherwise your chance of return is greatly lessened, i.e. 60 percent plus inter marriage rate in the US  A From a religious Jewish overview you need to be here  to even have a chance if getting it together and joining the eternal covenantal faith community  So this goes for Jews for New Age Jews for, Buddha, Jews for kishsner, Jews for Carl Marx, Jews for Sufi Islam, Jews for Greenpeace, rev. Moon, Guru this or that, jews for nothing, etc their best chance is to be accepted in love in Israel to save them from total assimilation and from being lost from Am Yisroel

all of the above goes double for our Holy Seed of Aarom Tribe of Levi, not allowong u to stay is perhsps a death sentence for ypur body and soul lost amoung non jews and their alien anti torah ideas. So we KHT, mosad macabee etc and normal very religious Jews see your staying here as kiyum and pikuach nefesh as saving u on body heart and soul and that is one of our top  mitvot for historic, ‘orthodox’ bibilcal judaism.

We mourn the fact that u came after the fact, and had not started your process withour guidance, we are sorru and deeply pained for you and after all it is at the same time our personal lost and national loss. But all is NOT lost, if you do your home work and follow our wise guidance a path can he made in the wilderness for another application and a start over on the near future ,it will depend upon your will to suceed, even after this horricfic rejection, we have succeeded on subsequent requests to be accepted, when creatively presented

Date: 12/06/2018
From: Avraham Feld
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

Yes you are mistaken I was not clear enough perhaps. It is my belief that you and any other Jews caught up in mistaken religions need to be here !!! by being here you and so many others are protected from being completely lost to assimilation, acculturalization, intermarriage etc etc etc You have swallowed a great deal of hatred and it is so deed you cannot at your present state even recognize it.

Did you not read the oversized page with an article on the Hebrew roots of the topic mentioned in your last email. In general Jews DO NOT want to argue with others about religion, they want to be polite and our non Jewish debaters get very hateful. Thus the following two site and not made by Jews , for fear that it is just not polite to tell others who did not ask nasty truths about their beliefs,

Here you are Jewish and asking for acceptance embracing a different faith  etc etc etc. If you want Divine intervention you need to study these sources that explain why we are us and they are them. Check out a 11 minute video real Proof That Jesus Was Not Real (maythetruthbeknown) and rome piso flavian Origen of Christianity and!!!!! A little research on your part will make your walked and improved one Still on your side. with fond regards and respect

I wrote to Ariel and Avraham:

Date: 12/24/2018
From: Paul Cohen
To: Ariel Cohen, Avraham Feld
Subject: Re: Appeal

Avraham, perhaps you have been emboldened to speak so confidently in things you know nothing about because I have been willing to listen to you, as recommended by Ariel Cohen Alloro. Ariel apparently thinks you’re an ally of Jews who believe in Messiah Yeshua and can help them immigrate to Israel. Perhaps you have helped some, as you say, but at what cost? To deny the God of Israel and Messiah? To strengthen the hand of a religious establishment, that, in the name of the State of Israel, denies those who believe in Messiah the freedom to speak of Him publicly without fear of recrimination?

Of what benefit is it to a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?

Your idea of help, from what I’ve observed and plainly hear in your own words here, is convincing Jews that Jesus isn’t the Messiah and in fact never existed! Yet Jesus taught from the Tanakh and upheld the Law of God you believe to be honoring by your religion.

Your Judaism is in direct conflict with Moses and the Tanakh. Your Judaism diminishes the Law of God by replacing it with the edicts and traditions of men, just as Yeshua said to the orthodox of His day:

Matthew 15:1-9 ESV
(1)  Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said,
(2)  “Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.”
(3)  He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
(4)  For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’
(5)  But you say, ‘If anyone tells his father or his mother, “What you would have gained from me is given to God,”
(6)  he need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.
(7)  You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:
(8)  “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;
(9)  in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'”

So you can say Yeshua doesn’t exist, but you can’t make the Truth He speaks go away.

The Law was given through Moses, but he never gave Israel the “oral Torah,” which is the invention of interlopers who hijacked Moses’ authority and supplanted the Law of God with their own edicts. The time is up for this charade. It’s not me, but you who has adapted to and assimilated the ways of man rather than the ways of God.

Because you follow a corrupt Judaism, you believe I follow a corrupt Christianity. Being in the dark, you have no idea what true Judaism and Christianity are. They are one and the same, but you have artificially divided God and from your biased sectarian viewpoint, you project a partial and perverted knowledge on me and Yeshua.

How am I hateful? You don’t say. You simply lump me in with nominal Christianity, which has propagated carnal hate and false love, neither of which is holy and with which I have nothing to do because of the faith and life of Messiah, Who connects me to the holy God of Israel.

You say you have proof that Messiah Yeshua isn’t real. You ask me to “Check out a 11 minute video real Proof That Jesus Was Not Real (maythetruthbeknown).” You assume wrongly that I don’t know about these things. I have been over these things many times.

This clip you give me from “Zeitgeist” has been thoroughly debunked as a pack of lies without any credibility whatsoever. I’ve attached a critical analysis by Nathan Dickey, an atheist who doesn’t believe in God or Messiah, but who has done his homework and amply proves that Zeitgeist is fantasy.

By appealing to the foolish and empty imaginations of the creator of “Zeitgeist,” you expose your own bias and error. You haven’t considered that your “proof” source also dismisses Moses as a man of God by claiming his Biblical narrative is also a copy of heathen stories.

You haven’t done your homework, Avraham, and don’t consider the falsity of your sources because you only focus on finding anything that supports you in your chosen error. Seeking to justify your illegitimate religion, you deny its legitimacy by the very “proof” source you select to deny the One Who exposes your false Judaism.

You’re a hypocrite to tell me to do research when your “research” is a bogus farce that’s easily exposed with such ready access to legitimate proof sources on the internet.

You appeal to a liar because you are a liar. You have lied to yourself firstly – this is called “delusion.”

Another example of bogus put forth by you is the site of Joseph Atwill, which you have given me as “proof” that the Roman rulers invented Christianity to control the Jews. This notion is so absurd it’s annoying to even give it the honor of an answer.  Another atheist actually studied the matter and choked down the unpleasantry of answering by applying facts along with common sense to rebut Atwill’s swill here:

But facts and common sense don’t matter to you, because you’re blinded by partisan religious zeal.  You represent only a certain subset of Jewry, not all Jews.  You believe and say untrue things that many Jews can’t identify with at all, and they reject your narrow-minded bigotry.

You accuse me of “parroting” anti-Jewish Christian positions, but you’re the one parroting an anti-Christian Jewish position, throwing out the Messiah and Savior of Israel without legitimate cause or reason.

You say that the secular-run government of Israel and “left wing proactive High Secular Court” have created this situation where a Jew who believes in Jesus isn’t welcomed as a citizen of Israel because this would be anti-democratic. How disingenuous of you to blame the liberal court for picking on one specific tiny sub-group of Jews who just happen to be the most objectionable to orthodox Jewry!

You and your religious sect don’t represent “the eternal covenantal faith community,” Avraham, no, not at all. Your customs and habits are not the Judaism of the fathers but are an artificially constructed religion that has nothing to do with the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who rebuke you by their lives as recorded in the Scriptures.

Was Abraham assimilated and corrupted by dwelling with foreigners? Were Isaac or Jacob? Or Joseph in Egypt? Or Moses, with the Egyptians and Midianites? You say not allowing me to stay in Israel is a death sentence on me, but the reality is that kicking out a brother of Messiah is a death sentence on those who do such a thing, because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life of God. He is the Restorer of Israel. Without Him, the Savior, all are dead.

“There is no other god besides Me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides Me. Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:21-22 ESV).

It’s like I heard from a non-observant Jew whom I ran into at the Misrad Hapnim in Tel Aviv, when they canceled my visa. This man, hearing briefly why I was there, startled himself with the revelation that came out of his mouth: “If Jesus were to come back,” he exclaimed,” the government of Israel would tell Him He couldn’t live here as a Jew!”

You say you don’t want to argue about religion, but you’ve initiated the argument here saying Jesus isn’t real, the New Testament is a lie, and I am a deceived ignoramus.

So it’s okay for you to speak falsehoods but not for me to answer with truth? If I am right that Jesus is the Messiah Who has appeared to me, then I think you would agree that it’s important that I don’t concede to be silent in the face of your foolishness, which I answer because I am for, not against you and Israel, the nation you corrupt and would keep in the dark with deadly lies.


Other videos:

And writing:

Date: 01/02/2019
From: Theo Welt
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

Dear Paul,

In regards with your open issue, we suggest to watch Ariel Cohen Alloro’s point of view in his video on this topic:

We invite you to learn more about the FEO by watching some of his video lessons on subjects you may find of interest.

Theo Welt – Personal Assistant of Ariel Cohen Alloro

Date: 01/02/2019
From: Paul Cohen
To: Theo Welt
Subject: Re: Appeal

Okay, I’ve already watched and commented to Ariel on this video.

What is your point to me, Theo, in your own words, or Ariel’s, if he pleases to answer?


Date: 01/07/2019
From: Paul Cohen
To: Theo Welt
Subject: Re: Appeal

I see you’re not answering me, Theo, not that I expected you would. You, Ariel, and Avraham have no legitimate answers to the things I’ve brought up. Nevertheless, I have more to say, besides reiterating what I previously wrote to Ariel.

I wasn’t appearing before the Misrad Hapnim (an Israeli governmental agency and not the rabbinate), as a Gentile converting to Judaism, but as a Jew applying for Aliyah.  And the Israeli government officials weren’t asking me WHICH Jesus I believed in, but simply if I believed in Him. For them there is only one Jesus – the One of the Bible. They don’t care whether He is misrepresented by others or not.

The Misrad Hapnim, in their rejection of a Jew believing in Jesus, represents the Jewish nation that rejected the Real Jesus when He first appeared, continuing in the same stance. The religious authorities of Israel called for His death and the people followed them.  It wasn’t a fake Jesus they rejected and crucified – some idol created by Christian religions that didn’t yet exist, but the True Living and Breathing Messiah and Savior of all men, the Son of Man born of a Jewish virgin. “His blood be on us and our children,” they said.

So the issue isn’t that some Gentiles (and “Messianic” Jews) have created an idol in Messiah’s Name, but that the Jewish nation rejected and killed the Actual Messiah Who appeared to them, as Shimon told them on the day of Shavuot:

“Men, Israelites, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by powerful works, and wonders and miracles, which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know, this One given to you by the before-determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken and by lawless hands, crucifying Him, you put Him to death” (Acts 2:22-23 MKJV).

This is Who it is about, not some idol, and making it about an idol compounds the initial sin of the Jews by the sin of Gentiles presenting a false Jesus. To excuse Israel for not following the Real Messiah because another Jesus has been preached by Gentiles is throwing away the key to their reconciliation with God and man. Instead of liberating Israel from bloodguilt, your stance perpetuates it by denying them national confession and repentance of their great sin.

Now, Ariel wasn’t specifically addressing applicants for Aliyah in his video, but Gentile converts to Judaism presumably seeking to emigrate to Israel. If those converts are Catholics or Protestants, they should first be convicted that they have been taught a false Jesus and doctrine in order to embrace the True One. But when that happens they won’t be converting to another idolatrous religion such as orthodox Judaism.

Ariel says some true things, but there are also lies mixed in that make the conglomerate unsuitable for consumption. For example, in the video Ariel calls Jesus a “baby Moshiach” Who hadn’t yet eaten butter and honey; Who is above the Torah and therefore wasn’t received by the Jews because He wasn’t teaching Torah. There was more and much to be said about all of it, but the main point for now is that Ariel is wrong – Yeshua taught the Torah – He IS the Torah, the Word of God made flesh.  The reason He was rejected by the religious Jews wasn’t because He didn’t teach Torah, but because they didn’t love God and receive the Torah in its full and living expression. (They didn’t love Moses or the Torah either – they were in self-serving idolatry of these things. You could rightly say they made an idol of Moses, just as the Gentiles made an idol of Jesus.)

John 5:42-47 ESV
(42)  But I know that you do not have the love of God within you.
(43)  I have come in My Father’s Name, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
(44)  How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?
(45)  Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope.
(46)  For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote of Me.
(47)  But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

Come now, gentlemen, don’t receive these things as if I am against you. You are against yourselves in your contradictions within yourselves. And, as pointed out, you do great disservice to Am Yisrael.


Date: 01/07/2019
From: Theo Welt
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

Dear Paul,

Firs of all, it seems that you did not learn about nor understood what the Facing-Each-Other is all about.
If you would have, you were not writing such harsh criticism where we recognize a biased Christian approach.

Saying “idolatrous religion such as orthodox Judaism” in a generalized way shows that you don’t know too much about this subject.

What can I say is that at any point in the history “There is none else but Himself”… meaning that all what we see today is not a mistake of some religious or ethnic group but part of the Plan of the Creator.

No one can blame or judge what happened 2000 years ago.

In that sense please be assured there is process of rectification of all the real issues inside all religious denominations and a plan of reconciliation between them.

In that sense, I would suggest you understand that we have to play by the rules of the current establishment, we cannot bypass it.

The Facing Each Other is a plan to reform all the above in such a way that everyone to be happy including you.

Therefore I honestly suggest you take some time to learn more about the FEO, from our Youtube channel and about the Wisdom of Kabbalah from also from

Take some time for study and you will change your mind, you will understand more and all will make sense to you.


Theo Welt – Personal Assistant of Ariel Cohen Allure

Date: 01/07/2019
From: Paul Cohen
To: Theo Welt
Subject: Re: Appeal

Theo, I quoted Shimon, aka Simon Peter, answering in advance two of your current objections :

“Men, Israelites, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by powerful works, and wonders and miracles, which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know, this One given to you by the before-determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken and by lawless hands, crucifying Him, you put Him to death” (Acts 2:22-23 MKJV).

God is over all; He foreordained the sacrifice of Messiah for the good of all, yet the Jews did it for evil. As Peter also said to the Jews:

“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He thus fulfilled. Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:17-19 ESV).

So “no one can blame or judge what happened 2000 years ago”? If there is no national repentance of the crime, neither is the sin of Israel blotted out. But God will bring them to repentance as prophesied because He cares for them:

“And I will pour on the house of David, and on the people of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of prayers. And they shall look on Me Whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for his only son, and shall be bitter over Him, as the bitterness over the first-born.” (Zechariah 12:10 MKJV).

As for the idolatry of orthodox Judaism, I also gave you a specific example from the lips of the One you presumably believe is Lord and Savior (it’s not clear that you do, so I am not assuming this is so).

John 5:42-47 ESV
(42)  But I know that you do not have the love of God within you.
(43)  I have come in My Father’s Name, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
(44)  How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?
(45)  Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope.
(46)  For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote of Me.
(47)  But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

Orthodox Judaism still idolizes Moses, because it hasn’t changed or repented of  its sins. And you argue to keep it in darkness, without confession of sin, separated from the Light Who is the God of Israel.

Other idols include (but aren’t limited to) tefillin, the Kotel, the Torah, and Jerusalem with its hoped-for future temple. Of which, Messiah said:

John 4:21-23 MKJV
(21)  Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you shall neither worship the Father in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem.
(22)  You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
(23)  But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him.

And this from the Word of God, describing the “holy” city:

“And their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified” (Revelation 11:8 MKJV).

Yes, Jerusalem is a special place in the history of the world and in what God is doing today, but it is also an unholy place, made so by all the religions headquartered there, the Jewish orthodox religion being part of the problem and not the Solution. The Solution is Christ and faith in Him. You should know that, but because you are partaker and participant in the unholy mixture, you’re blind and deaf to the truth.


Date: 02/19/2019
From: Avraham Felt
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Appeal

Dearest Brother Paul,

Have been suffering from some injuries. computer’s been out, and cellular was stolen! I begged you, literally, in order to expedite your desire to stay, you need to have the minimum compassion to understand in depth why your people believe as they do. If you had merely done the homework given to you would have answers to everything you stated. In brief: origins of Christianity, Piso, Flavian Dynasty (you need about ten hours study and examination of this topic. This means read and reread it). The, Jews for Judaism Canada, and Tuvia Singer Outreach Judaism, as well as the attachment to the email. Good luck dear brother,

All the blessings in the Torah,

Regards & Blessings,

Avraham Feld
Director Kol HaTor

Date: 02/19/2019
From: Paul Cohen
To: Avraham Feld
Subject: Re: Appeal

Hi Avraham,

We’re at an impasse here, so I won’t be reiterating things I’ve already written that you haven’t responded to. You have my letters if you ever want to hear substantive objections to the falsehoods you promote in the name of Judaism.

I will add, since you mention Tovia Singer, that I have also corresponded with him and answered his false reports and teachings about Messiah.

One can know why people believe the way they do without agreeing with the falsehoods and lies they believe.

Also, regarding your misfortunes, have you considered the reason for these things happening to you? You are now actively coming against the God of Israel, so how can it go well?

It’s like the body having a temperature to let us know something is wrong. I speak here not only by principle, but with understanding of your situation.

I want to see you reconciled to God through Messiah, Avi, and it will happen, because He is Savior of all men. Thank God He makes and is the way!
