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Key, We are Cursed for
Readers response: you violate the first and second coomandment, you violate GDS laws, you violate the miracles from G-D.

Read We Are Cursed for The Key
Kicked Out of the Tent
Religious man can freely criticize, complain about, attack, censure, maim, behead, burn, crucify, and kill whomever he says offends his god, but should a man of God speak the truth to him about his deplorable state, he will scream bloody murder. Such is the astonishing contradiction of sinners, which you can see here, should God grant you to see.

Read Kicked Out of the Tent
Kicking Satan Out of Heaven
Blog Wars on The Path of Truth

Read Kicking Satan Out of Heaven
Kim, A Response
If we are defensive and thinking we are better than anybody else, we are wrong, dead wrong. While the Lord has done things for us, there is nothing to be proud of, as if there is any virtue with us, and if we are defensive, then He hasn’t done as much as we need, or perhaps as much as we think He has.

Read For Kim
King James Authorized Version, Is Perfect Word of God?
There are those who believe only in the King James Version of the Bible. They declare that all other versions are corrupt or fall short in some way. Many of these declare that the KJV is perfect to the letter, without error. Such a notion is the result of nothing more than religiosity, ignorance, and pride. This writing will show that those who so revere the KJV as being the perfect Word of God are in idolatry of the Bible, offending in the Second Commandment, and therefore, as James declares, all the Commandments.

Read Is the King James Authorized Version the Perfect Word of God?
King James Version, Perfect Word of God, Diabolical Doctrine
Why has that which is perfect been revised numerous times to correct errors? How is it its worshippers don’t recognize the errors still remaining in the KJV? Those who worship the KJV as being the perfect Word of God are in grievous error and idolatry indeed.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: The King James Version Is the Perfect Word of God
Kingdom, Come Thy
Where and how does the Kingdom of God fill the whole world? Is It voted in? Are people able to unite to raise up His Kingdom? Or must God bring down all of man’s efforts in order to establish His Kingdom on earth? Where do we fit in with His program? What is the responsibility of man in this Great Day?

Read “Thy Kingdom, Come”
KJV, Answer to Apologist for Worship of
It is a strange thing, but common and true, that many worship the Bible rather than its Author. Men have chosen to adore the literal Word of God instead of the One of Whom it is recorded in the Gospel of John that He is the Word (God) made flesh. “If the Bible is the Word, and Jesus is the Word, then the Bible is Jesus,” goes the logic. The King James translation happens to have the most obsessive following of this sort. In this writing we answer the spurious arguments of one given over to this form of idolatry.

Read Answer to an Apologist for Worship of the KJV
Kleinsasser A, Angry
Paul Kleinsasser, a Hutterite from Manitoba, writes us to complain about our writing. In fact, he says God will punish us for what we say about Hutterites. But only informed by his religious indoctrination and unthinking emotional response, Paul is punishing himself by rejecting the truth.

Read Angry Kleinsasser A
Kleinsasser B, Angry
A few months after Paul Kleinsasser wrote us, Tim Kleinsasser, from another Hutterite colony, phoned us, quite worked up. Here is the summary of that call plus two follow-ups, where we try to reason with Tim.

Read Angry Kleinsasser B
Koran, Jeffry Camm using
Jeffry Camm uses the Koran as an authoritative source of truth to preach Jesus Christ to Muslims. We expose his faulty reasoning and arguments, and also show the disastrous results of convincing a Muslim to seriously follow the Koran, which would lead him to resemble Muhammad, the criminal, rather than Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Read Jeffry Camm – Using the Koran to Preach Christ?
Kosher, Does God Eat?
Teaching on The Path of Truth – Does God Eat Kosher?: God’s Take on Kosher Food. There is what God commanded in His wisdom through Moses regarding food, and then there is what the religious have made of that, which they call ‘kosher.’ The two are very different, and there is much more than food at stake.

Read Does God Eat Kosher?
Kyle Lake, What Happened to
This pastor of a Baptist Church prayed, “Surprise me, God!” in front of 800 church attendees, and was then electrocuted in the bapistry. Before his death, Kyle wrote a book in which he denied the sovereignty of God, but now he is learning, as we all must and shall, that, just as Jesus said, God is over every detail – to the death of a sparrow or the numbers of hair on your head.

Read What Happened to Kyle Lake


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