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2024-08-31 Brad on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
Also, don't forget to read " The precious presence of heaven." The small amount of information and explanation I mentioned is there, in particular this subheading " The Saints on Earth Are in Heaven." Tony Tan have suggested you do so too.
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2024-08-31 Brad on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
An example of being in a heavenly state and realm while being in a physical body living on the earth. John. 3:13 "And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, even the Son of man, who is in heaven." (ASV) Kristina, note this part of the verse " Who is in heaven." The Lord Jesus Christ possessed the heavenly state while living in a physical body, His tabernacle or tent. However, He is omnipresent which means He's capable of being in more than one location at the same time. At that time in history while Jesus walked the earth, He was still the Father of Spirits and had manifested Himself in the flesh as the son of man. 1Timothy. 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." (KJV) When one of God's saints or chosen elect have His spirit dwelling inside them, they are in that heavenly state.Just like hell is an internal state, so is heaven, regardless of where you are. If you are in heaven internally, the externals won't have any power over you. So, when you physically die, you continue in that heavenly state of being. Kristina, I'm not one of His saints and I don't have the indwelling of His spirit, so it might be better if you seek more thorough clarification from Victor, Martin or someone who has His Spirit about the reality of heaven. I was just relaying some of what I learned here.
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2024-08-31 Kristina Soros on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
Thank you for answering me. Those are great examples; I've read ”The State and Fate of Hell” in the past, and I shall do so again soon enough, for I've yet to understand fully these things. Life certainly feels like hell in the spiritual sense, and it seems like it's not yet the appointed time for me, if ever in this life, but I would still like to know about these things, even if I cannot comprehend everything. Such as the bit about "in the next realm until the Lord has completed His work in them". If as you wrote Heaven is not an actual place either, what next realm is this? Are the dead (not in Christ) not in the presence of the Lord after death; but what are they doing then - in this other realm? - a new life? Sorry, but I don't understand this. Are they not in the same dimension/realm as God and those in Christ are?
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2024-08-31 Brad on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
Hi Kristina, Heaven and Hell are states of being and have little to do with some geographical location. As you already know and believe, hell is not some state of literal physical fire that the Lord sadistically tortures people in, with no hope of redemption. I shall give you some examples of " a state of being in hell." Read below!When Adam and Eve sinned and were banished from the garden in Eden they were separated from God, in other words, they were spiritually dead, although still physically alive. In this state of Hell, they experienced mental and emotional torment characterized by guilt, shame, fear, doubt, self-consciousness, defeat and a feeling of insecurity from being disconnected from God.When King David sinned committing adultery with Bathsheba and navigating the events leading to her husband Uriah's death, he suffered the unfavorable consequences of that grievous sinning for the rest of his life, a state of hell for sure. Of course, God forgave David, but he didn't escape the consequences of his sin, no one does.When someone's life is in a state of hell while still physically alive and then they physically die, they are in the same state of thinking and believing that they were in when physically alive, nothing has changed. If they were bitter, resentful, hateful, lustful, unloving, etc, they remain that way in the next realm until the Lord has completed His work in them. The work of removing and cleansing the person of the carnal filth within. Until that takes place, this individual is the same as they were before they physically died.To a degree I am in hell and have been in hell, so I know what constitutes this state. Everyone who has ever lived is born in sin and hell until the Lord has delivered them from this state. Please read the article: " The State and Fate of Hell as Tony Tan suggested, it's long, but thoroughly explains it. And, if the Lord wants and intends for you to understand it, you will.
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2024-08-31 Kristina Soros on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
So the spirits of the disobedient are in prisons in Heaven? Or is that a metaphoric phrasing there?I've read those texts you suggested, some time ago, it is good news indeed that there is no eternal damnation or annihilation but redemption and full reconciliation. Though, I've yet to receive full enlightment on these things, that's why I asked.
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2024-08-30 Tony Tan on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
I suggest you read "The True, Scriptural Meanings of Forever, Everlasting, and Hell" if you have not red it yet.Also read "The Precious Presence of Heaven, "The State and Fate of Hell."Some Scriptures to ponder on:"Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting." (Luke 18:30)"That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:7)“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.” (1 Peter 2:18-20)
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2024-08-30 Kristina Soros on Diabolical Doctrine: “Soul Sleep” (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)...
May I ask, what does this mean: "If they aren’t in Christ, they are dead to Him and the Kingdom of Heaven, but alive in carnal consciousness, having to be redeemed, chastened, and cleansed."? If the dead people who are alive in Christ are with God in Heaven, where are the dead people who are dead in Christ but still conscious - they are not in Heaven then? Where are they waiting to be redeemed and to be purged of sin?
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2024-08-07 Loncey Bailey-Green on The Walk with God...
Amen!Clears this whole subject up
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2024-08-03 Alan Agnew on Israel Back in the Land, as Promised...
Yes, Brian, and the temperature is getting higher. Iran is preparing to attack Israel, for example, because of a terrorist dying. God is doing a good work for Israel through all this nonetheless.Yet, I have heard of a race war breaking out in England near you. Maybe that will give a front where Muslims are pushed out of England, but it's so early to tell. Many things can happen.
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2024-08-03 Brian McDonald on Israel Back in the Land, as Promised...
I should have mentioned all the hostages, dead and alive that Hamas took back with them into Gaza. Those who were released and those who still remain there. I pray that God will protect them and bring them home safely to Israel and their loved ones.
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2024-08-03 Brian McDonald on Israel Back in the Land, as Promised...
In the face of all the anti-Semitism we have witnessed throughout the world since Oct 7th 2023 when Muslim hoardes crossed Israel's borders slaughtering men women and children in the most horrific ways as they went, and all that has happened in Israel since, this writing stands as a testament of God's commitment to His people Israel. Even among many of those who call themselves Christians there is the same hatred towards the Jews. Statements like, God finished with the Jews 2000 ago or that the people who live in Israel are not real Jews but colonizers from Europe. All the slander and threats from the UN and the Biden Whitehouse. All the student protesters waving the flags of Hamas and Isis or the tens of thousands of Muslims and their leftwing supporters who march for the destruction of Israel in all the major cities of the West and beyond. In spite of all this hatred, this paper makes clear from scripture and living history that God is far from being finished with Israel and the Jews. He has restored them back to the land and all the hatred we see today won't change that. God stands with Israel and those who stand against Him and Israel will feel His wrath.
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