
Hold your mouse over each link to see the paper’s summary before clicking.


Victor Hafichuk’s Testimony
Victor’s First Three Dreams from the Lord

Kicking Satan Out of Heaven

Arthur Sido (the voice of one crying out in suburbia…): Too Hot to Handle
Ben Shapiro: In the Dark About Jesus Christ
Carla Rolfe (Reflections of the Times): Calvinism with a Feminine Touch
Carla’s Blog Posting #2
Compassion for Sin Destroys
Deborah (Discerning the World): Not Done in a Corner
Demanding the Gifts, Despising the Price
The Fighting Fundamental Forums: Religion Sucking Out the Brains of Grown Men
Francis Murphy (building missional churches in 21st century): Desiring a Murderer
Getty Images: Extortionists Prowling the Net
Lee Shelton IV (The Contemporary Calvinist): Making Sport of Holy Things
Lisa Nunley (Deo Volente): Flushing Out a Snake
Mike Ratliff (Possessing the Treasure): Unmasking the Murderer’s Disciple
Ryan Sanders (Otter Fodder): Imperfection Tries to Argue Against Perfection
Ryan’s Blog Posting #2
Tentmaker Forum: Kicked Out of the Tent
Further Correspondence with Nathan
Letter to Scott
Sara’s Replies on Tentmaker
Tom Burgee (Just Truth): The Wisdom of God Trumps Trinitarian Tricksterism


False Teachers Exposed

Abrahams, Sondra: Another False Afterlife Story
Adeboye, Enoch: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Aïvanhov, Omraam Mikhaël: Man Mistakes Himself for God
Akintunde, Yinka: Satan’s MO – The Master of Misdirection
Albiston, John: Judgment Day Always Comes
Allen, A.A.: Who’s Your Mentor?
Alley, John: Spiritual Mugging in a Dark Alley
Amirault, Gary: A Public Promoter of Falsehood Confronted Publicly
Kicked Out of the Tent
We Are Here to Tell You
Appel, Gene: Hot Tub to Hell
Ardagh, Arjuna: The Lord Jesus Christ – The Only True Enlightenment
No Life Without the Essence
Selfishness Exposes False Love
Letter from Paul Foster
Arguinzoni, Sonny: Sonny Instead of the Son
Armstrong, Herbert W.: Ronald Weinland – Son of Armstrong: The Fruit Does Not Fall Far from the Tree
Arnecillo, Fidel Jr.: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Arnott, John & Carol: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Austin-Sparks, Theodore: Religious Claptrap and Confusion
Bacchiocchi, Samuele: A Spiritual Post Mortem
Barrett, Kevin: “Hear His [Kevin’s] Heart”
Baxter, Mary: A Divine Revelation of Hell Debunked: An Outstanding Illustration of Orthodox Christianity’s Most Blasphemous Doctrine
Beeson, Willie: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Begg, Alistair: Selling Snake Oil
Bent, Wayne: Travesser the Transgressor
Bentley, Todd: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Berrigan, Daniel: Who Are the Peacemakers?
Bevere, John: “The Bait of Satan”
Bilezikian, Gilbert: Dr. Megachurch
Bilyeu, Sammy: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Blackaby, Henry: Bamboozling Blackaby and His Black Legacy
Herod and Pilate Made Friends
Blackwood, Rick: Externalizing the Devil
Blue, Debbie: God Is Not “Badass”
Boota, Razia: Ministers of Mammon: Gathered and Bundled
Borum, David: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Bosch, Anton: Correcting a Fool
Boshoff, Jan: A False Prophet Gets a Lesson about True Prophets
Botkin, Daniel: Gates of Hell Parading as the Gates of Eden
Box, Paul: Stuck in the Box
Boyd, Greg: Recycling the Same Old
Branham, William: Deceived by Signs and Lying Wonders
Notes to Joseph
Bretherick, Graham & Sherry: Satan’s Fallen Soldiers: Devious Devices of the Destroyer Discussed
Brim, Billye: Filling to the Brim the Cup of Wrath
Brown, Tom: The Ways of a Self-Promoting Hireling
Browne, Rodney Howard: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Brueseke, Joel: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Calvin, John: The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin
Excommunicated by Babylon
Flushing Out a Snake
Heaven Trumps Hell
Heretics Love Burning “Heretics”
How Dare You Question Me and My Doctrines?!
“Monergism,” or “Don’t Hold Me Responsible For Killing You”
The Spirit of Calvin Alive and Hell on Planet Earth
The Tables Turned
True Hope for Reform Church Members and All Calvin Doctrine Victims
Cameron, Kirk: Too Much to Lose
Camm, Jeffry: Using the Koran to Preach Christ?
Campbell, Nicol: Same Label, Different Contents
Carson, D.A.: “Not One Jot or Tittle” – Trying to Change the Sabbath
Carter, Jimmy: A Word to the Enemies of Israel
Case, Ryan: Starving for Glory
Seeing God and Living
Challies, Tim: Beware of False Brethren
Chan, Francis: A Call to Discipleship?
Francis Chan Revisited
Chavez, Ruben: Street Preacher & Provocateur of the Flesh
Chew, Ben: Exposed by a Mocking Spirit
Chopra, Deepak: Buddhism Examined from a Godly and Biblical Perspective
Chouvarong, Ami: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Ciniraj, Paul: The Lyin’ Story
Claiborne, Shane: The Gospel of Do-Gooding by Rotten Scoundrels
Clark, John Sr.: The Cult of “Pastor John’s House”
Cohen, Aviad: The Rap on a Rapper
Comfort, Ray: Heathen Much Wiser than Foolish Preacher
Conlon, Carter: A Captive of Babylon and His Clone
Cooke, Graham: Satan, the “Self-Help Jesus”
Cooper, Paul: I Am God
Copeland, Kenneth: Casting an Evil Net
The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Cordeiro, Wayne: Worldly Word Wresters
Cordova, Maria: “Never Let a Witch Live” (Exodus 22:18 GW)
Crews, William: Christ vs. Crews
Crouch, Paul & Jan: Carnival Christianity
Daugherty, Billy Joe: Highly Esteemed by Men
Do Faithful Christians Die from Terrible Diseases?
How Dare We!
Dawn, Marva: Jezebel’s Deceitful Darkness
Paul Cohen’s Correspondence with Brad Fitzpatrick
Day, Lorraine
Del Tondo, Douglas: Jesus Words Only?
Deweert, Dick & Joan: The Exposure of Dick Deweert
Satan’s Fallen Soldiers: Devious Devices of the Destroyer Discussed
Dewey, Pam: The Exposure of an Exposer
Come, Let Us Reason
Cutting to the Chase
A Meaningless Definition for What Is False
Revelation of the Source of Bitterness; & Mr. Dewey Gets Involved
Doctorian, Samuel: Pietistic Humbug
Doss, Galal: Sabbath “Lunartarians”
Driscoll, Mark: A Flesh-Powered Pastor
Dryer, Scot: “Reveling in Their Deceptions”
Du Bois, Clare: Satan’s Still Small Voice
Duduman, Dimitru: Is America Mystery Babylon?
Duplantis, Jesse: My God Is a Sugar Daddy
Eby, J. Preston: The Necessity for Both Law and Grace
Eckhardt, John: Powered by Satan
Edwards, Harry: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Ehrman, Bart: Throwing Away the Bible
Federow, Stuart: What True Jews Believe
Ferriol, Arsenio: Watching in Vain
Fields, Roy: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Fish, Darwin: Must Everything Be Spelled Out in the Bible?
Darwin Fish Exposed…Again
Fox, George: “Take Heed that the Light in You Isn’t Darkness”
Geisler, Dave: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Gershon (Gerstmann), Otto: A Matter of Motive
His Words Were Smoother Than Butter
Gilchrist, Rodney: Partying “Down Under,” MegaChurch Style
Gimenez, Anne: Self Promoters Not God Promoters
Glover, Charlene: The Trumpet of a Strumpet
Graham, Billy: How the Lord Exposed Billy Graham
Billy Graham – The Fast Fading Façade
Our conversations with those who honor and defend Billy Graham:
An Advocate for Billy Graham: Passion Without Truth
Dividing the Wheat from the Chaff
The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ
No Place to Hide
Receiving the Spirit of God – Not a Salvation Issue?
The Ways of False Religious Love: Spearing a Slithering Snake
The Whole Picture: We Answer an Apologist for Counterfeit Christianity
Gray, Daryl & Natalia: Putting Away Jezebel (and her partners in crime)
Maria’s Writing in Response to Paul
Groeschel, Craig: The Prettified Gates of Hell
Grubb, Norman: “An Okay Christ”
Gruver, Henry: Utter Confidence in the Flesh
Hagee, John: Friend or Enemy of Israel and the Jews?
Hahn, Scott: A Protestant Minister Converts to Catholicism
Ham, Kenneth: Smooth and Seductive Speculation
Hamp, Douglas: Giants Who Bring Humanity Down
Hanegraaff, Hank (Christian Research Institute – CRI): Bible Worship Used by Men to Cover Evil
False Christianity Unmasked
The True Marks of a Cult
Harfouche, Christian and Robin: Showtime for Hyping the Harlot
Hedgecock, Joseph: Throw Out the Bathwater, Not the Baby
Herzog, David: The Self-Glorification Zone
Hetland, Leif: Winning Souls with False Love
Hill, George & Hazel: Victory Church (VCI)
Having Fun at Victory Church
Hill, Steve: Falsehood Written All Over Them
Hinn, Benny: A Deliberate Liar and Scoundrel
The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Hockey, Deon: Falsehood Written All Over Them
Horowitz, Len: The King of Vain Deceit
Accused of Stealing by a Thief
A Deluded Counselor and His Cockamamie Story
“The Ego Is Larger than Life!”
Len’s Lackey, the Whacky Guru
Len’s Levitical Priestess Lashes Out
Lying Len Lip-Tripped
A Preacher of Perverse Love
She Doesn’t Appreciate Our Approach
The Thief Comes to Destroy, Period
Houdmann, S. Michael: Judgment of
Houston, Brian: Partying “Down Under,” MegaChurch Style
Huch, Larry: Using Freedom to Cover Up Evil
Hudson, Keith and Mary: Passing Their Daughter through the Fire
Hufford, Darin: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Hyatt, Susan: The Lawless Lady Libber
Correspondence with Susan Hyatt
Female Apostles?
Hyles, Jack: Repentance Misunderstood
Idahosa, Benson: A Father of Baal Worship in Africa
Jackson, John Paul: Another of Many Impressive Shysters
Jacobs, Cindy: A License to Play God
Jennings, Clayton: A “Humble” Sinner Plays Jesus
Johnson, Bill: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Johnson, Nita: Haughty Humility
Jones, Stephen E.: God Keeps His Promises: The Jews in their Land of Israel
Joshua, TB: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
T.B. Joshua Goes for the Big Score
Joyner, Rick: An Ungodly Mixture
The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Kang, Steve: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Kapler, Mike: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Kelly, Russell Earl: A Taboo Teacher of Tripe
King, Ed: Another Doctor Who Would Be King
King, Martin Luther Jr.: “Christian” Atheist: Using Christ as a Lever to Move the World
King, Patricia: Selling Spiritual Sensationalism
Kjos, Berit: Moralizing Minister of Death
Kropveld, Mike: Examining the Examiners
Kumuyi, W.F.: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Lake, Kyle: What Happened to Kyle Lake
Lead, Jane: The Devil’s Delectable Delusion
Leckey, Kenneth: Jesus Christ, Almighty God
LeClaire, Jennifer: Birds of a Feather
Lee, Witness: Suing for Man’s Approval
Leman, Derek: Phony Professor of Christ Adopts Jewish Guise
Lindsey, Hal: The End of the World
Segment in “Insincere Sincerity”
Loewen, Dave: A Disobedient, Unrepentant Soul
Lomax (Linkous), Glynda: “Never Let a Witch Live” (Exodus 22:18 GW)
Long, Eddie: Prosperity of Fools Destroys Them
Lopez, Jeremy: The Utterly Vile and Ungodly Ways of Jeremy Lopez
Luther, Martin: Luther’s Legacy – Unleashing the Man of Sin
MacArthur, John: Presuming Carnal Knowledge Is Godly
Maison, Perry: Ministers of Mammon: Gathered and Bundled
Malkmus, George: The Hallelujah Diet – An Unholy Mixture
The Hallelujah Diet
George’s Reply to “The Hallelujah Diet” Letter
A Rebuttal of the Six Points and More
George’s Reply to Paul’s Reply and Offer
Final Reply to George’s Complaint
Manning, James David: An Entertaining Preacher Missing the Mark
Martin, Walter: The Cult “Expert” Is a Cultist
Mathew, Samuel: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Maxwell, Jordan: Missing the Pearl in His Mess
McDonald, Garry: Partying “Down Under,” MegaChurch Style
McGhee, Geri: Deluded “Deliverer” of Darkness
McIntyre, Simon & Valerie: C3 Church – Following the Prince of This World
McLaren, Brian: Emerging into What?
McPherson, Aimee Semple: Not a Woman of God
McQuate, Scott: Welcome to the Inner Circle of Delusion
Merola, Maria: Putting Away Jezebel (and her partners in crime)
Maria’s Writing in Response to Paul
Meyer, Joyce: Segment in “What Kind of Faith Do You Have?”
Mirasi, Kevin: Captive of Fear Promotes Escapist Fantasy
Missler, Chuck: The Manifest Fruits of Falsehood
Mohler, Dan: Dr. Frankenstein and His Creation (Todd White)
Moreland, J.P.: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
Müller, George: Segment in “A Cloud Without Water”
Munroe, Myles: The Most Subtle of Beasts
Muoka, Lazarus: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Murdock, Mike: Mammon Merchandising Maestro
Murray, Andrew: Christlike AntiChrist
Murray, Arnold: A Doctorate without THE Doctor
Nee, Watchman: Playing God Instead of Trusting Him
Nehale, Victoria: About Victoria Nehale’s Account
Nelson, Scott: Pitting Paul Against Jesus
Nelson, Tommy: Young Guns or Cannon Fodder?
Olukoya, Daniel: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Oritsejafor, Ayo: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Osteen, Joel: Everybody’s Friendly Enemy
Owuor, David: Another Self-Exposed Fraud
Owuor’s Apologist Annihilated
Baal’s Bullhorn Is Silenced
You Know Not What You Post
Oyakhilome, Chris: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Oyedepo, David: False Teachers in Nigeria, Too
Pack, David: Another Splinter from a Rotten Tree
Palau, Luis: Segment in “An Okay Christ”
Pearson, Carlton: Addicted to Show Biz
Peters, Ken: A Fantastic Dream
Pink, Arthur: Dead in His Theory
Piper, John: Piping a Most Hideous Melody
Poonen, Zac: Mystery Babylon’s Gold Standard
Pope John Paul II: Love, Hate; And Where Is “John Paul ll”?
Prankard, Bill & Gwen: Satan’s Fallen Soldiers: Devious Devices of the Destroyer Discussed
Prince, Derek: Satan’s Redemption
Prince, Joseph: Joseph Prince of This World
“Don’t Let Money Make You Mad”
The Suffering of the Saints
Pringle, Phil & Chris: C3 Church – Following the Prince of This World
Prinzing, Ray: Fleshly Works of Self-Righteousness
Christ Lives and Speaks Today
Quiboloy, Apollo: The Self-Glorification of Apollo Quiboloy
Ramirez, John: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
Ratliff, Mike: Unmasking the Murderer’s Disciple
Refiner’s Fire, The: The “Shai-ster” – A Spiritual Varmint
Restrepo, Marino: True Guilt by Association
Rima, Samuel D.: Dividing the Wheat from the Chaff
Robbins, John: How Dare You Question Me and My Doctrines?!
Roberts, Oral: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Robida, Bruce: Not Knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God
Rosen, Moishe: Gates of Hell Parading as the Gates of Eden
Roth, Sid: It’s Super-Slimy
Rush, Dean: C3 Church – Following the Prince of This World
Russell, Charles: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Rutherford, Joseph: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Ryden, Vassula: Demonic Inspiration
Samtur, Brian: Serving Mammon in the Name of Yeshua (Jesus): And Caught by His Own Spam Filter
Sarmiento, Carlos: The Disciple of a False Prophet Is One, Too
Sauder, Tim: ‘People Aren’t Born Sinful’?
Schambach, R.W.: Who’s Your Mentor?
Schnoebelen, Bill: Different Flavors of the Same Poison
Schuller, Robert: Crystal Is Breakable: Man’s Positive Thinking Shatters
Scott, Brad: Substituting Hebraic Roots for the Cross
Scott, Buff Jr.: His Reformation Crumbling at Christ’s Appearing
The Error of a Man Who Will Not Listen to Reason
Mislabeled a Cult
Servant, David: Ministers of Mammon: Gathered and Bundled
Shaparenko, Gene: A Pygmy Acts Like King Kong
Dallas Writes to Gene
False Associations
Genuine Religious Gibberish
Grander Slander
Letter from Korea
A Note from Michael
The Spirit and Mindset of Those Posting Shaparenko’s Materials
Still Fishing
A Vision of Gene Shaparenko
Who Is Spreading Heresy?
Sheridan, Dan: Birds of a Feather
Sigler, Gary: The Deadly Error of the Universalists
Further Correspondence with “Deadly Error” Proponent
Siljander, Mark: Mark Siljander’s Deadly Misunderstanding
Singer, Tovia: Idolatrous Judaism
Resisting the False Because Resisting the Truth
Skolfield, Ellis: Prayers Are to Be Made for All Men
Slick, Matt: Too Much to Lose
Smith, L. Ray: Trying to Make Bread Without Flour
L. Ray Smith’s Faulty Interpretation of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Lip Service Doesn’t Fulfill the Law
Solbrekken, Max: Canada’s Own False Evangelist
An Unclean Bottom-Feeder: Denies Christ Comes in the Flesh
Somers, Bill: Not a Martyr of God
Søndergaard, Torben: The Baptism of Torben, of God or Men?
Spiro, Ken: Misrepresenting the God of Israel
Spong, John Shelby: Soaking Up Lies
Spriggs, Eugene: The Twelve Tribes
Spurgeon, Charles H.: Segment in Making Sport of Holy Things
Staley, Jim: A Rootless Tree
Stanley, Charles: Nice ‘n Easy, Certified ‘n Deadly
Stetson, Eric: Theoretical Salvation Is No Salvation
Stevenson, Bill (“Bible Lover Bill”): Blind Bibliolatry
Steyn, Frank: The Best Defense Is a Good Offense
Swaggart, Jimmy: Deceived and Deceiving
Sweet, Leonard: What the Lord Has to Say About “A Jesus Manifesto”
Sweetman, Dean & Jill: C3 Church – Following the Prince of This World
Thomas, Al: Does Darkness Invite Light?
Thurman, Robert: Buddhism Examined from a Godly and Biblical Perspective
Timmons, Tim: Jesus Minus the Cross
Tolle, Eckhart: Oprah Winfrey and Her Guru, Eckhart Tolle
Tomczak, Larry: Charisma of a Counterfeit Spirit
Tongol, Joshua: Making Friends with the World: Another Gospel that Preserves the Flesh
A Crossless Gospel
Tongol Incorporated Reorganized
Torell, John: The Path of the Destroyer
Travesser, Michael: Travesser the Transgressor
Trimm, Cindy: The “Empowerment Specialist”
Trumpet Call of God (“Timothy” Rathbun): A Spiritual Madman
Tutu, Desmond: A Moralizing and Vile Little Man
Uda, Joan: Preaching the Gospel of False Love
Vallotton, Kris: Mocking the Word of God
Vander Toorn, David: Sabbath “Lunartarians”
Veith, Walter: Eat the Good; Discern the Bad
Vinson, Mike: Lip Service Doesn’t Fulfill the Law
Viola, Frank: What the Lord Has to Say About “A Jesus Manifesto”
A Perverse Generation
Verwer, George: Firsthand Experience at Operation Mobilization
Vujicic, Nick: No Arms, No Legs, A Miracle?
Walden, Franklin: Teaching Baal Worship
Who Heals and Gets the Glory?
Walsch, Neale Donald: Conversations with God – Truth and Consequences
Warnock, George: “I Will Make Your Heaven Like Iron”
Warren, Rick: The Purpose Driven Life: Promoting Christianity Without Christ
How Deceptive the Appearance
Washer, Paul: Showboating for Baal
Watchman Fellowship: Spiritual Reality vs. Make-Believe
His Watchmen Are Blind
Watt, Jim: A Cloud Without Water
Paul’s Note to Jim Watt & His Reply
Weinland, Ronald: Son of Armstrong: The Fruit Does Not Fall Far from the Tree
Wells, David F.: Selling Snake Oil
Welton, Jonathan: A Teacher of What?
White, Ellen G.: Seventh Day Adventism
White, James: The Forgotten God
White, Lew: “Knowledge Puffs Up”
To Tithe or Not to Tithe
White, Paula: Know the True to See the False
White, Todd: Different Flavors of the Same Poison
The False Gospel of Todd White
Wiese, Bill: 23 Minutes in Hell
Wigglesworth, Smith: Playing God Instead of Trusting Him
Wiggs, Evan: Ministers of Mammon: Gathered and Bundled
Wilkerson, David: A Captive of Babylon and His Clone
Wimber, John: The Bottom of the Barrel: A Motley Crew of Demonic Mockers
Winfrey, Oprah: Oprah Winfrey and Her Guru, Eckhart Tolle
Wojtyla, Karol: Love, Hate, And Where Is “John Paul II”?
Wolpe, David: Contending for the Jewish Faith
Wommack, Andrew: God Is Sovereign: Man Is Presumptuous
Faith in Christ, Not in Wommack
Wood, Stacy & Pamla: Bloodless Love Cannot Save
Worthington, Hall & Joan: Listening to the Anti-Christ Within
Yancey, Philip: Condemned by Man’s Grace: A Critique of What’s So Amazing About Grace?
Young, William Paul: The Sugar-Coated Shack
Zacharias, Ravi: Worldly Word Wresters
Zambrano Mora, Angelica: An Alleged Visit to Heaven and Hell
A Divine Revelation of Hell Debunked
Zender, Martin: The Gospel as Ridicule and Entertainment
Return to Zender – The Fruit of His Doings
The Destruction of an Idolater
Zook, William: Shameless Scoundrels Defame Divine Healing
Zopoula, Daniel: A Blasphemous Charade


How We View and Use the Scriptures

The Book of Matthew Corrupted
The Book of Luke Corrupted: A Deathbed Conversion Tale
The Book and Letters of John Corrupted
In Defense of ExtraBiblical Inspiration of God
Christ Lives and Speaks Today
Duplicate Scriptures
Is the King James Authorized Version the Perfect Word of God?
Answer to an Apologist for Worship of the KJV
Is Peterson’s The Message Evil?
Debra Lynn
Berit Kjos – Moralizing Minister of Death
Despatch Magazine (EndTime Ministries)
The Rich Man and Lazarus – A Pagan Parable
L. Ray Smith’s Faulty Interpretation of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Removing the Plagues of False Scripture


Notice Board

2007 * 2008 * 2009 * 2010 * 2011 * 2012 * 2013 * 2014

Anglican Church Same Sex Marriage Controversy
Conversation with Barbara
A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada
Deathbed Conversions – Beware of the Angel of Light and His Messengers
Excerpts from Through the Valley of the Kwai by Ernest Gordon
“The Harness of the Lord” by Bill Britton

The Joy of Gay Sex?
Handout of Points
IR Staff Opinion Page
Lisa Marshall’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Mark Colton’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Our Correspondence with Felice Picano
Our Correspondence with Robert Bayuk
Paul Cohen’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Robert Bayuk’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Sierra Chambers’ Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Summary of 8/25/08 Meeting with Commentary
Summary of 9/16/08 Public Hearing with Commentary
Will MacBride’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Letter to Eireann Hafichuk
No, We Can’t!
Our Dealings with Wayne Bent, a.k.a. “Michael Travesser”
Our Previous Conversation with “Brother Jerry”
Pitying the Bullied
Pro-Choicers Despising Freedom of Choice
Satan’s Strategies
We Want You to Know…
What Is a Miracle?



Precious Guest
The Call
A New Creation
Fear of Man
The Unsearchable Ways of God
The Desert
War Games
City Dwellers
Evolution – A Poem of Tact, Diplomacy, and Gentle Persuasion
The Specter of Fear
Atheists Cry
The Rest of God
We Are Branches, We Are One
The Wild
Have You Any Idea?
All You Religious
The Sword
Bellyache, Bellyache
Friend, Are You?
Ode to a Harlot
The Higher Plane
Water Does Not Always Find the Lowest Level
The Chameleon
The Frenzy of Life
The Twice Dead
The Child of Evil
Terrible Good
The Vices’ Voices
A Sunset Seen
Help in Disguise
Rools Four Inglish Spelling
I See a Boy
The Fire of God
God Reigns Supreme
Emptiness Within
I, The Wealthy Outcast
Day of Jubilee
My Boy
Come with Me
Two Adams
Stoning the Mirror



The Flutterby (or) The Shadow of the Gallows Tree
Cause Me to Hear
A Deadly Pull
Do We Thank God and Live?
The Father Gave Me Words
Got Nothin’ to Live For, But Don’t Wanna Die
Growing in Christ Jesus
His Yoke Is Easy
I Want You to Know
I’d Give Anything
It’s Great to Be Somebody
Life’s a Road
Look to Him
Loving You
A New Song
The Path of Truth
The Power of Jesus
Take Two
There’s Lots to Be Thankful For
There Is a Place
Up Is Down and Down Is Up
The Very Best
The Victory of the Lord
Walk by Faith
The Walk with God
What Will Be Will Be
The Work of God
You Don’t Have To




Proverbs 1-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000, 1001-1250, 1251-1500, 1501-1750, 1751-2000, 2001- 2250, 2251- 2500


Statement of Doctrine


Copying & Linking


wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH mE

Table of Contents     Introduction     The Sword     PDF’s

Part I – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Part II – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Part III – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Part IV – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Part V – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Part VI – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Part VII – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Part VIII – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Part IX – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Part X – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Part XI – Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Agriculture – Abel’s Occupation
Amway – Whence Cometh It?
Are All Persons Children of God?
Are the Laws of God Outdated?
Are We a Cult?
Are You a Christian?
Back to Basics
The Bane of Bitterness
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Birthday Celebrations
The Book and Letters of John Corrupted
The Book of Curses: Does God Forbid Cursing?
The Book of Luke Corrupted – A Deathbed Conversion Tale
The Book of Matthew Corrupted
The Case for Coming Out
Choose This Day Between Family and God
Christ Lives and Speaks Today
Christian Physical Diet
The Church
Confessing Before Men and God
Confession of Sin
Conspiracies – Who Cares?
Counterfeit Christianity
The Cross – Only the Death Sentence Will Avail
Taking Up the Cross: “What Is Required of Me?”
The Dandelion
The Deeper Issue of Public Water Fluoridation
Demons and Mental Illness
Devils Also Believe in God
Do Christians Sin?
Does God Eat Kosher?: God’s Take on Kosher Food
Duplicate Scriptures
Eating Out
The Fellowship of the Saints
The Fruits of Maturity in Christ
The Gathering
God and Violence
God Heals Today, His Way
God Is Sovereign: Man Is Presumptuous
Godhood – The Destiny of Those Born of God
God’s Supreme Pleasure
The Good News
Good Riddance to Depression
Grace – The Reality
The Gravity of Sour Cynicism
Guess Who Appreciates Satan
Here Is the Way It Is
The High Places
House Pets
Holy Waters
How Job’s Ordeal Ended for Satan
How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?
How One Is Saved
Incompatible Mixture
In Defense of ExtraBiblical Inspiration of God
Insincere Sincerity
Is Circumcision for Today?
Israel and the Jew (section)
Is the King James Authorized Version the Perfect Word of God?
Answer to an Apologist for Worship of the KJV
Jesus Christ Is God (section)
The Lake of Fire and the Second Death
Law and Grace
A False Gospel – A Man and His “Grace” Are Judged

Lip Service Doesn’t Fulfill the Law
The Manifest Folly of Religious Peoples in Earthly Matters
The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God
The Marriage Bed Undefiled
The Most Foolish of Questions
The Mystery of the Fool
The Nature of Deception
The Origin and Identity of Satan
Satan’s Fallen Soldiers: Devious Devices of the Destroyer Discussed
The Perfect Diet
The Perfect Breakout
The Persecutors and Persecuted
Praying for Salvation of Souls
The Precious Presence of Heaven
The Purpose of Evil
The Restitution of All Things (section)
Revelation on Transsexuality: We Are Assaulted by a Man Posing as a Christian Woman
The Rich Man and Lazarus – A Pagan Parable
L. Ray Smith’s Faulty Interpretation of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Removing the Plagues of False Scripture
The Sabbath (section)
The Second Death
Seeing God and Living
The SIGN: The Book of Jonah, the Book of God
Sins through Ignorance
So You Want to Walk with Jesus
The Sons of Correction
The State and Fate of Hell
Submission According to God (section)
The Suffering of the Saints
Taking the Land
That Prophet – What Moses Says
The Third Temple – Physical or Spiritual?
Three Days and Three Nights
The Three Degrees
“Thy Kingdom, Come”: God’s Political Perspective (section)
Tithes & Offerings (section)
To Whom Did Jesus Pay the Ransom for Us?
The Vashti-Esther Transmutation
Victims and Perpetrators
Violence Is Rampant on the Earth
Water Baptism (section)
We Want You to Know…
What About “Christian” Music?
What Can I Say?
What Is Confession?
What Is Faith?
What Is a Prophet?
What It Means to Be Born Again
White Lies – Lies Approved by God
Who Is That Prophet? Part 1 – Eliminating the Fraud
Who Is That Prophet? Part 2 – Identifying the True
The Woman Caught in Adultery – Did It Really Happen?
The Word of God
The Worship of God
The Wrath of God

Israel and the Jew
The 76 Jewish Questions
Behold, Israel and the Jew!
Does God Eat Kosher?: God’s Take on Kosher Food
Eating Your Cake and Having It Too
Fools Believe Liars Who Malign Israel
Israeli-Arab Conflict – A History by J. Garry Kohn
Gershon Baskin: “How Is Peace in Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East Possible?”
God Keeps His Promises: The Jews in their Land of Israel
Israel Back in the Land, as Promised
Israel, the Explanation for the Horrendous Contradictions You Suffer
Israel, Is Your God Unjust?
The Issue of Israel – Are You on Your Own Side or Not?
A Jewish Columnist Appeals to Bush
Jews, Why I Am for You
John Hagee – Friend or Enemy of Israel and the Jews?
A Judgment of 1969 Stanley Goldfoot’s Open Letter to the World from Jerusalem
Ken Spiro – Misrepresenting the God of Israel
The Key for Israel and the Jew
Correcting Some Misconceptions
Fear God, Not Muhammad
God’s Record
A Hypocritical and Unrighteous Judge
Idolatrous Judaism
Liars Don’t Tell the Truth
Our Relationship Is with God, Not Paper and Stones
Truth Insults Those Who Despise It
Uncircumcised Ears Can’t Hear
We Are Cursed for the Key
What Is a Jew?
Your Day of Accountability
Mr. Yacobi Meets the Messiah
The Mystery of Hate
Rachel Corrie: A Pacifist?
Rachel Corrie: A Pacifist? Pictures
Raising the Flag and Nation of Israel
Refuting Pieter van der Horst’s Error in “The Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism”
Sanhedrin Petitions Caesar – 2008
The Son of Man and His Mission in the Israel of God
The Star of David: A Better Perspective
Waiting for the Messiah
What True Jews Believe
Why Jews Should and Will Believe in Jesus
A Word to the Enemies of Israel
Your God Stands for You, Israel

Jesus Christ Is God
The Asininity of the Trinity
Could Jesus Christ Have Sinned?
Jesus Christ: A Great Man or Jehovah God?
Jesus Christ, Almighty God
The Most Glorious of Truths
The Son of Man and His Mission in the Israel of God
“Who Do Men Say that I Am?”
Worshipping Christ as God
“You Worship You Know Not What…”
Diabolical Doctrine: The Trinity (God Is Three Persons)

The Restitution of All Things
An Alleged Visit to Heaven and Hell
Are Eternal Hell and God’s Love Compatible?
A Divine Revelation of Hell Debunked
The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ
Giving God the Glory
God: All Knowing AND All Doing
The Good News
The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
Heathen Much Wiser than Foolish Preacher
Kirk Cameron – Too Much to Lose
The Most Foolish of Questions
Mystery’s Message
The Origin and Identity of Satan
Prayers Are to Be Made for All Men
The Precious Presence of Heaven
The Reconciliation of All Things
Satan’s Redemption
The SIGN: The Book of Jonah, the Book of God
The State and Fate of Hell
The True, Scriptural Meanings of “Forever,” “Everlasting,” and “Hell”
Who Then Can Be Saved?!
Whose Will Is Free?

The Sabbath
Diabolical Doctrine: Sunday Is the Sabbath
How the Lord Gave Us the Sabbath
“Not One Jot or Tittle” – Trying to Change the Sabbath
Sabbath “Lunartarians”
Spiritually Keeping the Physical Sabbath
“There Remains a Sabbath-Keeping”
The True Day of Worship
What Does One Do on the Sabbath?
Submission According to God
The Big Lie Exposed
The Essence of Godly Submission
Further Correspondence with Anna Kopelson
Initial Correspondence with Anna Kopelson
The Place and Promise of Godly Submission

“Thy Kingdom, Come”: God’s Political Perspective

The Voting Trilogy:
For Whom Do We Vote?
Why Do We Vote for Jesus Christ?
How Do We Vote for the Lord Jesus Christ?

Are We Suggesting You Should Put Your Head in the Sand?
Calling It What It Is
Can You Vote For a Politician to Turn Men to God?
The Contradiction of Being Led by Those You Lead
“If I Were President”
If Not Now, When?
Is North America Christian?
Is War a Gender Issue?
The Kingdom of Heaven – Made in America?
Man’s Morality Can be Hazardous to Your Health
What Constitutes Godly Government?
What Is Moral and What Isn’t?
What the World Needs Now
Where Man Has Failed, God Will Succeed
Who Are the Peacemakers?

A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada
Blessing and Cursing
Correcting Wrong Assumptions
Craig Is Confused
Deadly Duo of Arrogance and Cynicism
Defining Sickness
Exercised to Discern Good and Evil
Failing the Test
God Does Not Think or Behave as Men Do
God Is Over Politics
God’s Righteous Judgment Spoken by Man
The God Whose Words Are Recorded in the Scriptures
God’s Word Is Life
A Higher Order
Man and His Religion Shame God
Nothing Political
Our Place in the Web of Life
Prayers Answered and Unanswered
Reality Check
Right Is Might
Serving the Creator Rather than the Creature
Setting the Record Straight
A Sure Verdict
There Are Lies and There Are Lies
The Things of God Are Foolishness to the Carnal Man
Unrighteous Judgment
What Belongs to God?
Wisdom Before System

Tithes & Offerings – Are They for Today?
How Does One Tithe Today?
To Tithe or Not to Tithe
What the Lord Has Taught Us About Tithes and Offerings

Water Baptism
Condemn the Fathers, Condemn the Father
The Essence of True Baptism
Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
Physical vs. Spiritual Baptism
Were the Apostles Wrong in Water Baptizing?
Where the Witness of the Wetting?


Falsehood Exposed

Atheism (section)
Berean Bible Fellowship
The Big Lie Exposed
C3 Church
Catholicism (section)
Conversations with God
A Course in Miracles
That Devilish Spirit of Christmas
Diabolical Doctrines (section)
“Emerging Church” Movement
Evolution (section)
A False Conversion to Christ – Deceived by Satan’s Bride
A False Gospel – A Man and His “Grace” Are Judged
False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold (section)
The False Promise of Man’s Unity
The Feast-Keeping that Is Sin
Free Will (section)
Hebrew Names for God
Angry Kleinsasser A
Angry Kleinsasser B
Benjamin Gross and “Mr. Smith”
Islam (section)
Jehovah’s Witnesses (section)
The Lovely Essence of Satan
Light of the World
Mormonism (section)
Mystery’s Message
Once Saved, Always Saved
Promise Keepers
The Purpose Driven Life
Reform Churches (section)
Religious Images, Icons, and Likenesses
Sappy Stories with Mushy Morals (section)
Satan’s Savory Sentiments of the Savior’s Suffering
“The Secret” – Destiny Will Call Back
Seventh Day Adventism (section)
Shinji Shumeikai
The Shroud of Turin
The Sugar-Coated Shack
Theophostic Prayer
The Trinity (section)
The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
The True Marks of a Cult
The “Super Apostle” Test Condemns Christ
Trying to Change the Sabbath
The Twelve Tribes (section)
Two by Twos

Universalism – The False Kind (section)
Veganism – A Cult of Intolerance Founded on a Lie
Victory Church (VCI)
Having Fun at Victory Church
What Happened to Kyle Lake

Answering the Atheist from A to Z
Our Previous Correspondence with Mike Magee
An Atheist Tempts God
Exposing Evolutionists
God and Violence
The God Who Wasn’t There: A New Kind of Movie Review
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Ends Atheism
There Is a Better Way

Catholic Apologetics
Getting the Facts Straight on the Catholic Church and God
Is the Roman Catholic Church the Bride of Christ?
Might Is Right: “I am Catholic and Therefore Right”
A Protestant Minister Converts to Catholicism
Paul’s Reply to Scott Hahn
Religious Images, Icons, and Likenesses
The True Marks of a Cult
Victor Hafichuk’s Testimony
Wishing to Be a Saint

Diabolical Doctrines
“Accepting” Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior
All Believers Have Equal Authority and Status
All Flesh Is Clean for Eating
All Marriages Are of God
Believers Are No Longer under Law, But Grace
Believers No Longer Hear God’s Voice
The Bible Is the Ultimate Authority
Conversion Is Full Salvation
Deathbed Conversions to Christ
Democracy Is of God
Denominations Are Legitimate in the Sight of God
Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved)
Family Unity – A Hallmark of True Christianity
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Are Not for Today
God Does Only Good, Not Evil
God Is Trying to Save the Whole World Now
It’s Impossible Not to Sin
Jewish Worship Practices Are Important to Keep
The KJV is the Perfect Word of God
The “Lord’s Supper”
Man Has Free Will
Never-ending Torment
One Cannot See God’s Face and Live (Physically Survive)
Rapture before the Great Tribulation
Salvation Is Possible Only in This Life
Satan Was Once a Good Being
The Second Coming (Christ Is Returning in a Physical Body)
Some Are Predestinated to Burn in Hell Forever
The Soul Is Immortal
Soul Sleep (The Dead in Christ Are Unconscious)
The Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit Are Two Different Entities
Spouses Are Equal in Christian Marriage
Sunday Is the Sabbath
There Are Many Ways to God
There Are No Prophets or Apostles Today
The Trinity (God Is Three Persons)
The Use of Religious Images or Icons
The Wicked Are Annihilated
Women Are Ministers of God in Spiritual Authority over Men
You Must “Go to Church”

Creation Speaks for God: Manifest Proofs of Intelligent Design
The Creator Is the Foundation of All True Science
Deconstructing Evolution Is Good
Disorder Produced by Disorder
Evolution – A Poem of Tact, Diplomacy, and Gentle Persuasion
Theories of Evolution – The Vain Imaginations of Fools
The Organizing, Sustaining Power of God
“We Are Fools for Christ’s Sake, But You Are Wise…”
Why the Flutterby?

False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold
Are Eternal Hell and God’s Love Compatible?
Bloodless Love Cannot Save
Broad Way Lover Despises Narrow Way
Can You Sense the Love of God?
The Conduct of Love
A Deceitful Love
Different Truths, Different Loves
Does God Speak Only Gentle Words?
False Love – The Mark of Cain
The False Religious Love that Hates (Rejects) God
God’s Love Is Not Mushy
Love, Hate; And Where Is “John Paul II”?
The Love of God Looks Like Hatred to His Haters
The Love of Truth: The Only True Love
The Lovely Essence of Satan
No Buying or Selling Without the Mark
No Life Without the Essence
Preaching the Gospel of False Love
Reality Is What We Need
Selfishness Exposes False Love
True Love Comes to Expose the False
The Ways of False Religious Love: Spearing a Slithering Snake
We Answer the Question: “Could a God of Love Create Cancer Cells, Rattlesnakes, and Earthquakes?”
We Are Divine Love
What Kind of Love Do You Have?

Free Will
Diabolical Doctrine: Man Has Free Will
Choosing Free Will: The Fallacy of Free Will Without Christ
Mystery’s Message
A Question and Answers about Free Will
The SIGN: The Book of Jonah, the Book of God
Whose Will Is Free?

The Answer to Islam
The Claims of Islam vs. the Word of God
A Conversation with “Free Muslims”
The Difference Between Bashing and Exposing
Fact from Fallacy
Fools Believe Liars Who Malign Israel
Israeli-Arab Conflict – A History by J. Garry Kohn
Gershon Baskin: “How Is Peace in Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East Possible?”
God and Violence
Hate Literature
The High Cost of Freedom of Speech
“I Am a Muslim and I Respect All Religions”
Islam: Neither Good nor Godly
Letters to the Editor, Queen City News
The Lies of Muhammad vs. the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Lying Mouth of Islam
Mark Siljander’s Deadly Misunderstanding
The Moderate Muslim Is the Most Dangerous Muslim
The Muslim Scourge
The Muslim Scourge: Ordained by God
The Path of Murder vs. the Path of Truth
A Proponent of Muhammad Responds to “The Answer to Islam”
Rachel Corrie: A Pacifist?
Rachel Corrie: A Pacifist? Pictures
The Truth and True Religion
The “Ultimate Debate”: Who is God – Jesus Christ or Allah?
Using the Koran to Preach Christ
Who Is That Prophet? Part 1 – Eliminating the Fraud
Who Is That Prophet? Part 2 – Identifying the True
Why the One Professing Christ Had No Answer for You, Muhammad

Jehovah’s Witnesses
A Great Man or Jehovah God?
How Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Wrong
Jesus Christ Is God
What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Closed-Minded to Truth = Open-Minded to Lies
Confusion Results from Mormonism
A Conversation with a Mormon
The Lord Answers the Question: Is Mormonism of Him?
A Letter to a Mormon
The Objections and Personal Attacks of a Mormon Confronted with Evidence
Owin’ Owen: A Fruit of the Deplorable Hypocrisy of the Mormon Church
A Reader Takes Mormons to Task

Reform Churches
Excommunicated by Babylon
The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin
True Hope for Reform Church Members and All Calvin Doctrine Victims

Sappy Stories with Mushy Morals
Addressing “The Silent Revolution”
An Allegedly Repentant HIV+ Christian Minister
The Brick
The Bus Driver Tests the Preacher
The Dart Test
“Do You Believe This???” – Asking the Wrong Question
Earth Statistics
The Map and the Face of Jesus
The Mouse Trap
The Story of the North Wind and the Sun
A Teenager’s View of Heaven – “The Room”
“A TEST” – A Test from God or a Message from Hell?
“This Is Beautiful, Try Not to Cry”: Satan’s Appeal to Emotions

Seventh Day Adventism
The Best Defense Is a Good Offense
Eat the Good; Discern the Bad
Fools Believe Liars Who Malign IsraelIsraeli-Arab Conflict – A History by J. Garry Kohn
God Is Not Mocked
Mass Mailers Asking for Healing
The Answer to All Abuse
Mass Mailer from Glenn & Ingrid – Animal Abuse in Shelter
Judgment HAS Come…on You, SDA
Knowledge of the Bible Does Not Bring Life
Letter to the SDA Church in Lethbridge
The Sabbath
A Spiritual Post Mortem

The Trinity
The Asininity of the Trinity
By Any Other Name, It’s Still the Trinity: And It Smells Bad
The Carnal Reasonings of a Trinitarian
Diabolical Doctrine: The Trinity (God Is Three Persons)
The Gospel According to Trinitarians
Jesus Christ Is God (section)
The Perfecting Faith of the Son of God
The Wisdom of God Trumps Trinitarian Tricksterism
You Can’t Explain What You Don’t Know: And You Can’t Know What You Don’t Have

The Twelve Tribes
Answering an Apologist for the Tribes
“Come and See Our God that We Have Made”
For Whom Do We Lay Down Our Lives?
Who Represents God?: Is God Found in Community, or Is Community Found in God?

Universalism – The False Kind
The Deadly Error of the Universalists
The Doctrine of Universal Salvation Is Not Salvation
The Effects of the Deadly Error of the Universalists
Herod and Pilate Made Friends
Further Correspondence with “Deadly Error” Proponent
Overcome by Fear: Universalism as Reality Avoidance
Walking by Sight vs. the Righteous Judgment of God
Who Are the Sons of God?

Was Paul Legit?

False Teacher – Douglas Del Tondo
False Teacher – Scott Nelson: Pitting Paul Against Jesus
The “Nazarean Way”: Not Jesus of Nazareth’s Way
Problems with Paul and Just Give Me the Truth
Questioning Paul, the Bible, and the Lord Jesus Christ
“Voice of Jesus” Website: “Was Paul a Liar?”
The Word of God



The Issues of Life

We welcome you to The Issues of Life

Are We Suggesting You Should Put Your Head in the Sand?
“Are You He that Troubles Israel?”
“At the Last Time There Will be Mockers”
The Arrogance of Darkness
Behold, Israel and the Jew!
Bible Worship Used by Men to Cover Evil
Christ vs. Christianity
The Claims of Islam vs. the Word of God
Close-Minded to Truth = Open-Minded to Lies
The Cost of “Free Speech”
A Course in Confusion
The Devilish Notion that Grace Is Freedom to Sin
The Difference Between Religion and Jesus Christ
Disdaining None, Judging All, for Good
Dividing the Wheat from the Chaff
Does Darkness Invite Light?
Does God Speak Only Gentle Words?
Does Peter Have a Hospital?
“Eat, Drink, and Be Merry”?
The End of the World
An Example of Great Need
The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ
False Christianity Unmasked
The False Religious Love that Hates (Rejects) God
Family Life, Forgiveness, and the End of Hell
For Whom Do We Vote?
Further Along on The Path of Truth
The Gift of Faith
God Is Finished Winking
God Revealed in Christ
God Wrestles with the Crooked
Goodness and Severity; We Need Both
Good Will Comes to the Undeserving
His Sheep Hear His Voice
His Watchmen Are Blind
How Do We Vote for the Lord Jesus Christ?
How Jesus Christ Connects Us to God
How the Lord Exposed Billy Graham
A Hurricane or a Hair – It Is All in His Hands
Is Disagreement Grounds for a Hasty Dismissal?
“I Don’t Want to Argue”
Is North America Christian?
Is the Roman Catholic Church the Bride of Christ?
Is War a Gender Issue?
Is Your Profession of Faith Vain, Christian?
“Judge Righteous Judgment”
The Kingdom of Heaven – Made in America?
A Letter to a Mormon
Life Above Death
Life Before Death
Love, Hate; And Where Is “John Paul II”?
Man Mistakes Himself for God
Man’s Morality Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
A Matter of Motive
The Muslim Scourge
Must Everything Be Spelled Out in the Bible?
The Narrow vs. the Wide Way
The Necessity for Both Law and Grace
“No Man Knows Either Love or Hatred by All that Is Before Them”
No Place to Hide
On Being Your Own Shaman
One Woman’s Treasure…
On the Question of Suicide
A Public Promoter of Falsehood Confronted Publicly
Reality Is What We Need
Receiving the Spirit of God – Not a Salvation Issue?
Salvation for All
Shameless Scoundrels Defame Divine Healing
The Spirit of Christmas
Spiritual Reality vs. Make-Believe
Supporting Evil by Doing Nothing
Time for God
There Is a Better Way
Those Calling Him Lord Surprised to Find He Is
The True Marks of a Cult
The Truth of God Is Not an Opinion
Truth, Not Sympathy, Called For
Unity: Here and Now in the Assembly of the Firstborn
Various Charges Answered
The Walk with God
We Are Here to Tell You
Will the Real Bible Please Stand Up?
What About A Course in Miracles?
What Constitutes Godly Government?
What Is Moral and What Isn’t?
What Is the Mark of the Beast?
What Kind of Faith Do You Have?
What the World Needs Now
Where Man Has Failed, God Will Succeed
Where the Axe Meets the Root
Who and Why We Are
Who Are the Peacemakers?
“Who Do Men Say that I Am?”
The Whole Picture: We Answer an Apologist for Counterfeit Christianity
Why Do We Vote for Jesus Christ?
“You Worship You Know Not What…”