We Are Branches, We Are One

All of creation points to and teaches us of God, His requirements of us, our relationships to Him.

Life in Christ must be as spontaneous and natural as the branches to their tree trunk. And am I presumptuous in pointing out that as branches cannot live without the trunk so the trunk has no life without branches? Can it be that Almighty God is so committed to us, His creation?


We are branches, we are one,

Not by ourselves, not of ourselves,

But we live by the Greater One

Which gives us life,

Which gives us purpose for being.

Though we go our own ways,

One this way and that,

Still we serve the One greater

From where we come,

In Whom we have our being and our life.


We serve the Greater One and give It life;

We live for It and It alone.

The Trunk is our source and our deposit,

The Beginning and the End.

How can we live except we give?

If we do not give, the Trunk does not live;

If the Trunk does not live, we die.


For the Trunk then we live

No other choice can there be,

Yet we give not so that we live,

We are what we are;

We do what we do,

And if we do well we live.


Lethbridge, 1984