The Vices’ Voices

They speak for themselves.

Naivete says:

“All that men say is true, or at least most of
what they say is true.”

“All their facial expressions tell their true

“Most people in everyday common affairs have no
reason to lie or to be deceitful.”

“People conduct themselves as normal beings always
or almost always. One can usually take them at face value.”

Naivete has never met Discretion – never heard
of her. But Naivete has a sister:

Pride says:

“The friendship of people towards me comes out
of their admiration for me.” (sometimes true)

“People see something special in me even if they
can’t put a finger on it. If they don’t, they ought to.”

“People respect me because I am something special.”

“All centers on me…all.”

“All things said and done toward me to my dislike
are offensive, wrong and unjustified.”

“Don’t rebuke me; don’t rail on and on. It’s only
your ignorance and bad attitude. I don’t want to hear it.”

“I have spoken. Let all men fall down and worship.”

“World, watch the grace, see the grace that issues
from my precious lips.”

“I’m sure glad I’M right.”

Blindness is the brother of Naivete and Pride.
Blindness says:

“I see me; I see what I do; I see what I see and
what I say; there is nothing else.”

“I don’t see the circumstances, their elements,
their noteworthiness. With the help of my sisters, I only believe
the flatteries people speak to me, of me.”

Destruction, the child of Pride and Blindness
(a marriage of incest) says:

“I will blurt out all I know and give my head
to the spoilers. I trust them. I don’t believe they are spoilers.
I only believe they are sincere observers wishing my good or
persons sent by God to let me know how I am so special.
I need such confirmations. How else can I support my parents
in their old age and honor them for all they have done for

Obstinacy, Pride’s cousin, says:

“I detest truth and what others may say to me
about myself that I do not want to hear. I understand it all
and they have nothing to offer me, even if my sisters Insincerity
and Self-delusion say with me, “Yes, we like truth, and do
hear it and do need it and do understand.”

Self-pity, Resentment and Bitterness, as one,
cry out:

“You’ve got it in for me.”

“I won’t let go.”

“You owe me.”

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