The Twice Dead

It is bad enough to watch a dog vomit though by vomiting it may well expel that which ails it. Then it is a pleasant experience to behold a healthy creature. But bad is bad when one witnesses the return of a dog to its vomit only to lick it up again. I do not know of many more disgusting spectacles to witness in all of existence.


Up from the pits of Hell

Come the vilest of the vile;

These are the has-beens of yester-year,

Full of venom and guile.

These have known the truth of God;

They have known His love and power,

His mercy to loveless men;

His goodness has made them sour.


Why do angels fall?

Why do just men call

On gods who have nothing to give?

Why do fools choose death

In order that they may live?


Now here is a marvelous thing

That would make any devil sing:

It is easier to find

The seeing man crying to be blind

Than it is the blind to see.


Lethbridge, Alta., June 1985