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The Higher Plane

The ways and thoughts of the spirit of the Lord are far higher than man is ever willing to acknowledge or can imagine.

This work had the crucible of a man with above average intellect who was rather impressed with his powers as well as impressive. What a blessing it would be to see a man set aside his strengths both real and perceived and take on the “weakness” of Christ. I have yet to see a man of high intellect do so. But isn’t it written that God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise?

Men dwell on different planes. There are those who are subterranean,

Less than animals;

They will not use even their bodies as they ought.

There are those who dwell on lower ground,

Their bodies they use acceptably well

But no more can they receive.

Then there are those who have taken to the hills.

They have sought the higher ground

Of mind and intellectual things.

And with the powers of mind

Both given and honed,

They have awesome works achieved.

Yet there is higher ground still.

There are snow-capped peaks of the spirit

Where the air is cold and thin,

Where the traveler is rare,

Where few would care to come,

Yet the vista is supreme.

Satisfied with the planes below,

Ignorant of the plane above,

Each on his own level thinks

There is nothing better, nothing more.

Come up higher, man.

You’ve a long way you can go.

But put aside the weights of assumptions,

Vanities, arrogance.

Put away pride and foolishness

And riches of many kinds.

Climb on up and you will find

That you have nothing but a higher mind

And that higher mind is nothing

Compared to the things above.

There is the One Who made the higher mind,

The One Who takes those on lower ground

And sets them up above the hills,

Putting to nothing the wisdom of this world.

Lethbridge, Tues. A.M., Oct. 9, 1984

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