Rools Four Inglish Spelling

Wee knead ownlee two studdie a langwidge uther than Inglish and soon beegin too diskover thuh mullteatood uv inncunsistenseas inn grambarr and spelling uv Inglish.

And isn’t it interesting that when Esperanto is introduced with its reason, logic and organized structure, we nevertheless prefer the disorder and confusion of our own language, be it English or otherwise? Needless to say, this is not the day of peace, harmony and wun tung four awl. Rite? Write? Reight? Right?

Ring rang rung, Bring brang brung,

Sing sang sung, Ding dang dung!

Rools Four Inglish Spelling


Wun. Teak lawjick, kut it down as aye bough and
throw it inn aye slough ore aye trough. Butt that is knot enough.

Too. Bee prepaired two bee confowndead, purpleckst
and frustraited.

Therdlee. Eckspecked two suspecked loozing yore

Fore. Dew knot feal thair iz eckneething rong
with yoo.

Phive. Fourghet triying two halve aye shoor phyre

Sicks. Thee unfourchunit groop yule joyne iph
ignouring mie cownsull, and

Seaven. Rimes with heven four whitch yu must hoap
aund whitch iz whare yu mey think yu gow iff yu kwit inglish
aund teak up sum uther langwidge.


Lethbridge, 1984, 85