
The unknown brings fear to some. To others there comes a sense of excitement and adventure, especially if they believe that all will be well in the end.

Added to the blessings of excitement and adventure are surprise and elation when it is discovered that the journey has been internal and the unknown none other than the pioneer himself.


Pioneers we are and nothing else,

Strange country we are compelled to tread;

Hostile inhabitants deplore our presence;

We take their ground from under them.


Of our own kind there are but few,

The farther we advance, the fewer there are.

We go on and on until there are none;

Front lines are the goal for us all.


Where we stand no one has come

To comfort and to hold our hand

Except for the Great One, THE Pioneer

Who has blazed the trail alone.


Irony of ironies, where does that trail lead?

To bush and barren place, a land of dire need?

But no, it leads us home at last

Where rest prevails and torment is past.


Lethbridge, Sept. 1984