Have You Any Idea?

English – Chinese

Things are seldom as they appear – if ever. This is because two factors obscure the reality. Firstly, the object of the observation seldom conducts itself outwardly as it really is within or behind the scenes. Secondly, the ability on the part of the observer is limited at most times so that he is not able to see as he ought to.

And woe to the one who tries to acquire that which he desires by trying to give the appearance of either getting it or already having it.

Truth in the inward parts is not only the desired end but the means to that end.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life…”

Child of fullness and plenty, have you any idea

How empty you may be?

Your stomach is filled

With emptiness.

You laugh

Your laugh is hollow.

Child of laughter and merriment have you any idea

How sad you are?

Your heart has a notion

Of sorrow on the way.

You scoff;

You scoff at you know not what.

Child of scorn and scoffing, have you any idea

How the arrows you shoot reverse?

Your own conscience tells you

Of condemnation imminent.

You despise

That which you do not understand.

Child of pride and knowledge, do you have any idea

Of your ignorance and foolishness?

You know it all

But not as well as you are known.

You pray

For mercy – you have none.

Child of prayer and fasting, have you any idea

How full you will yet be?

You are now empty

On the way to fullness.

You cry;

Your tears are not in vain.

Child of weeping and sorrow, have you any idea

How happy you will yet be?

Your heart is filled

With sadness.

You cry;

Your crying is soon to end…in laughter.

Lethbridge, Sept. 1984