
Who is going to do it – I or God? Who will initiate – the one led or the One leading? Do we help Him? Does He need our help? Were we around to help Him start it all? Do we think we must at least be around to help Him finish it? Do we have any understanding as to what the finish should be?

Either I reign or God reigns. Either I call the shots or He does. And every soul is in damnation until it learns to put its trust entirely in Him. As one has already put it, “Let go and let God.”


Grab a hold! Grab with all you’ve got!

Grab? Grab what?

I have grabbed and grabbed and grabbed.

I now find nothing to grab, and if I did,

I would be too exhausted to grab.


I once sat and waited.

I waited. I waited to see. I waited to hear and to understand.

Nothing came for me to grab.

But then nothing grabbed me and I could wait no more.

I went out to grab, finding something to grab.


Now I grab instead of wait.

And I hurt for grabbing.

I grab again and the pain grows intense, intolerable.

Then I remember………….no more grabbing!

So I wait until I am grabbed again by the One

Who already holds me and Who teaches me not to grab

But to rest and to be grabbed.

Lethbridge, July 20, 1984