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Social and moral issues abound. There is no want of them – ever. And rarely are they settled to the true benefit of all. Debate goes on and on and on. The minds involved grow deeper in darkness until, with all their statistics and evidences, arguments and logic, all sides are as raving mad men, utterly failing to put their finger on the problem, much less finding a solution for it.

This writing came quite spontaneously and basically expresses the truth that darkened evil minds must be given the right and the opportunity to suffer the fruits of their thinking. Their consequences will speak far louder than the voices of those who try to spare them their folly.


Abort the mark of tragedy;

Abort the evidence of pleasure;

Abort the stark reminder

Of consequence for evil.


Rid yourself of nuisance;

Rid yourself of cost;

Pay no mind but to yourself;

For your sake a life is lost.


Still the witness, erase the interruption,

Forget the past, if you can;

Still the conscience

For crying against your deeds.

Is the conscience in your womb?


Rather than removing the turd,

Cover it with a mound of manure.

Now what?


But go and do your will, woman;

Exterminate your seed

Lest we be overwhelmed

With the fruits of your ways,

The posterity of your thoughts;

Haunted by mammoth mounds,

Perishing one and all.


Lethbridge, Aug. 19, 1984

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