“Why don’t you celebrate Christmas?”

English – ChineseFrench

I don’t celebrate Christmas because I believe in Jesus Christ and cannot but be faithful to Him.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it opposes Jesus Christ in spirit and practice.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it is the birthdate of the antiChrist, the great imposter, the false Messiah.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because the world loves it, and anything the world loves, God hates.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it fulfills both the lusts of the flesh and of the spirit, which are at enmity with God.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it brings God’s wrath on all its celebrants.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because I want to live and not die.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because I want Jesus Christ to be glorified.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because gifts are to be for Jesus Christ and not for each other with His exclusion.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because God hates mixture.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it is deceptive and destructive.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because Santa Claus, tinsel, tree ornaments, cards, mistletoe, hoping to receive earthly gifts, merchandising in Christ’s Name, Christmas food, revelry, gluttony, and drunkenness are ungodly and deadly.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it is confusion.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it is a captive spirit that promises fulfillment when it comes, and leaves one empty and disillusioned when it goes.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it has nothing whatsoever to do with the birth of Christ in any way; it only claims to.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because God never asked anyone to do so.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because harlot religion and the world does.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it represents Satan’s chosen man.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because God’s people do not do so.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it shames and discourages the lonely and destitute and glorifies the wealthy.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it insults and grieves God.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it offers an occasion for those who do not obey Jesus Christ to pretend that they do.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because it gives the pagan originators of the celebration an occasion to make the whole world stumble.

I don’t celebrate Christmas because I have known its beautiful, rapturous bondage, and now I know the freedom of deliverance from it, with peace and understanding.

I don’t celebrate Christ’s physical birth without because I have His spiritual birth within.

How wonderful it is that one may celebrate the birth of the Son of God 24/7, in spirit and in truth! Each and every day, those born of Him possess that which no mortal celebrating the best Christmas day can even imagine!

A couple things you could read on this subject: That Devilish Spirit of Christmas and Diabolical Doctrine Diabolical Doctrine:Christmas Is a Biblical Christian Celebration.

– Victor Hafichuk (December 14, 2009)