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The Lord Jesus Christ – Our Party and Our Cause

English – Chinese

If Catholics stand against abortion, I am “Catholic.”

If SDAs keep the Sabbath, I am “SDA.”

If Mormons teach that sons of God will grow up to be as God, I am “Mormon.”

If Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate Christmas, I am a “Jehovah’s Witness.”

If Muslims stand against the falsehood in nominal Christendom, I am “Muslim.”

If Muslims stand against homosexuality, I am “Muslim.”

If Muslims stand for murder, we are “anti-Muslims”; if they stand for death to Israel and America, we are “anti-Muslims.”

If America stands for death to Muslims, we are “anti-American,” but if Americans must fight and kill to stop murder and Islam, we are “pro-American.”

If homosexuals condemn hypocrisy, we stand in agreement with them.

If feminists stand against spousal brutality, we are “feminists.”

If Christians support abortion, we are “anti-Christian.”

If angels stand for antiBiblicalism, we are against them.

If Jews or Israel stand for wrong, we are “antiSemite” or “anti-Israel.”

If the world and the UN stand against Israel, we are against the world and the UN.

If Canada stands against Israel, I am “not Canadian.”

If America stands against the Law of God, I am “not American.”

If America is corrupt and has no blessing coming but the opposite, I stand with Dr. Wright, Barack Obama’s mentor, and declare, “God damn America” – he is right.

If the Canadian Parliament frames laws against the Bible and the Supreme Court of Canada enforces them, I am automatically a criminal. If Canada stands for religious freedom for any and all, regardless of the nature of that religion, we are against religious freedom.

If Billy Graham says America must repent of its sins – that’s why 9/11 happened – we support Billy Graham. But if he points to others as guilty, and ignores America’s guilt, we are against Mr. Graham.

By God’s grace and only by His grace, we stand with right and truth wherever it may be found and condemn all wrong and error – untruth. If some wish to box or slot us, they will be forced to do so based only on right and wrong.

We are not anti-gay, anti-Islam, anti-Mormon, anti-Catholic, anti-Protestant, or anti-anything or anybody but anti-wrong; we are not pro-life or pro-democracy but pro-right.

Because Islam, Mormonism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and other movements of men coming in the Name of God teach directly against the Word of God, we are against them, even as is our Head, Who said to them in the days of His flesh:

“Why do you, yourselves, go against the Word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?…you have made the word of God without effect because of your teaching” (Matthew 15:3-6 BBE).

We are pro-Jesus Christ, Who is Right Incarnate, and His Law, Which is Right, and we are anti-wrong from all quarters, no matter who commits it. It has nothing to do with any agenda, but everything to do with representing the Lord Jesus Christ as He is and as He wills. By His grace, we are completely His partisan supporters.

Partisan – “Devoted to a cause or party.” He and His saints are our Party and our Cause. He is the First Cause (Exposing Evolutionists).

Read For Whom Do We Vote? and the rest of the “Voting Trilogy.”

– Victor Hafichuk (October 19, 2008)

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