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Sierra Chambers’ Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Book Doesn’t Belong in Library
By Sierra Chambers, 157 Saddle Mt. Dr., Clancy – 09/18/08

I agree with Mr. Cohen regarding the controversial book, “The Joy of Gay Sex.” A book like that should be removed from the public’s eye.

If a child or teenager ran across such a book, it could be very detrimental. As a teenager myself, I know how impressionable I am.

This book is also un-Biblical. God made sex for a married man and woman. I encourage you, Mr. Cohen, and thank you for standing up for what is right.

Sierra Chambers


diazo wrote:

Oh no! Un-Biblical books in the library? I should hope to shout. Remember, the sign on the door says "Public Library", not "Christian Bookstore". If I want to learn about such un-Biblical subjects as astronomy, dinosaurs, Islam, capitalism, Marxism, or even (gasp) human sexuality, I expect that information to be available at the public library. As far as impressionable teenagers being exposed to sexual material, we all know that your average teenager can access graphic sexual images on the internet much more easily than making a trip to the library.

Colton wrote:

…a child shall lead them.

gun961960 wrote:

Well Mr. Cohen….it seems you have succeeded in exactly what it was you were trying to prevent. You now have teenagers writing letters in support of banning books. Not only do they now know about the book, "The Joy of Gay Sex" they are also supporting you in banning books from the library. I think that we should now ban YOU from ever entering the library!!

Sierra darling, while I respect your religious beliefs you are a perfect example of brainwashing. Your parents have decided that teaching you religion is more important than teaching you acceptance and tolerance for people unlike yourself. I would ecourage you to be more open minded and warn you against being presumptious enough to ever speak for God, as though you have ever met this person and know what he/she has said. I think that any God would be horrified to know that people were spreading hate and discrimination in his/her name. You are at an impressionable age and I think you are old enough to know that unless you want to know the joys of gay sex you should not read this book or others like it. Good luck to you!!

mtsilvertip wrote:

Ms. Chambers gives me hope for the future of this country if a teenager has the ability to cast off the attempts by popular culture to define deviancy as "Normal", I take heart that there are at least some of todays youth that can think for themselves.

I do not believe this book should be banned, but I do believe it should be kept behind the counter just as other pornographic material at a gas station. A child doesn’t have the experience to see they are being recruited to a perverse livestyle.

Let the children be children. If they wish to try homosexuality, Sadism & Masochisim, bestiality, Necrophillia or whatever, let them do it once they reach their majority at 21, not while they are just children, and not on the publics dime at a library.

al wrote:

How would reading a book about homosexual sex be "detrimental" to Miss Chambers, when it is evendent from her letter that she already knows about it?

electstat wrote:

"Un-Biblical"? The majority of the books in a library are un-biblical. Open up any astronomy book and find where it says the earth was created in 6 days…it’s not there. A library doesn’t have books for biblical reasons only – that’s called your church. There are many books, however, that talk about freedom of speech and freedom of religion. While I will not check out the book, I did serve my country to protect these basic rights.

wildrose wrote:

The library is for everyone in the community. No one is forced to take a book off the shelf. If a book is offensive to a person, the person has the choice to return it to the shelf or the library. If a person makes poor choices and then finds a book offensive, it is hardly the rest of the public who should pay the price for that person’s ill-judged choices.

We all have a choice. No one has to look at, read, or borrow any book in the library. Heck, no one is obliged to even go to the library if it bothers them so much. It is not the fault of the library or anyone else that some people can’t resist stuff that offends them, nor is it the job of the librarians to protect those people (or their children, for that matter) from their impulses. Some people borrow a book; read it all or look at all the pictures; find it offensive; and then proclaim that the rest of us should not have that option? They apparently feel that they are qualified to act as the self-proclaimed moral arbiters for the rest of us.

I disagree and believe in the free access to all information whether someone else finds it repugnant or not. Libraries are repositories of diverse materials and information. Some of that information is bound to offend some people, some of it is worthless information that noone should fog their brains up with, but it is not for the library staff to make judgments of the content (judgments are subjective by nature) of books as long as they are chosen within the library’s guidelines. This book has been reviewed several times and determined to have merit.

If we are going to go down the censorship road, I have a list of books that I’m sure I would find offensive based on authorship alone. I don’t actually need to read the books, you see; nor would I, since I find the authors so offensive that I am sure that the content is as well, but I do think they should be removed. And, if we are going to censor, then of course, my personal value system is the one that I think we should be using, not anyone elses. Since I don’t like war, violence, conservative politics, religion, and hunting, you can see that there will be a major cleansing of the shelves. First on my removal list though would be the bible since it encapusulates so much of what I find offensive to my system of values. It is morally obtuse, insulting, obscene fiction rife with murderous violence, war, rape, incest, adultery, as well as fallacy and contradiction galore. It does not fit in with my value system and is not relevant to life so I don’t want others to have access to it at the public library….

ematt wrote:

Miss Chambers –

Should "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin be removed from the shelves as well? I’ve heard it can also be very impressionable on young minds.

skosena wrote:

I am a bible believing follower of Jesus…I am conservative in my politics…I am pro-life and believe that homosexuality is a sin (although I am not opposed to gay marriage….it does not threaten my christian marriage) I hate the war our nation is in but understand the reasons and support our troops in their efforts. My husband hunts and I am glad for it….I myself love to shoot trap and an occasional gofer….

wildrose and I seem to have very little in common….however I agree with her completely when it comes to her opinion about what the library is for. Censorship is not a part of freedom. I may not like some of the things that are at the library but then that means that I need to stay away from them……I find it ironic that Christians will say that they do not want their taxes to pay for a certain book…do you think that an atheist or agnostic wants to have their tax dollar to go toward the purchase of the bibles or other christian resource books that are available at our wonderful library. We are not a nation of Christians… but of many people with many different beliefs. We as Christians are not showing the love of Christ when we stomp our feet and insist others live by our biblical standard.

gfguy wrote:

Yes, let’s remove that book of sin. But why stop there. Let’s just start banning every book that is not certified by the "moral majortity." We can have a book-burning bonfire in old anchor park.

Just what are they teaching the youth of today that would lend itself to this kind of intolerance? If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

thedukeofhelena wrote:

Then don’t pick it up and read it, Sierra. You’re obviously wise enough to do that much if you wrote this letter, right?

HRK wrote:

Sierra- You’re that impressionable that if you looked at a ‘gay’ book, you too would become a homosexual? Come on, we are all born who we are. Like others have commented, don’t read the book! The book should remain. Don’t all the supporters of the removal have anything else better to do than worry about ONE book in the PUBLIC library????

dragonfly wrote:

Closing books closes minds. Closing books limits possibilities. Mr. Cohen, talk with your children or grandchildren about what is appropriate for your family. Go to the library with them. Show them would you suggest. Offer reasons that do not speak against another person as to why a particular book is not appropriate. Sierra, have a conversation with your parents about tolerance for others. One group is not in charge of what the entire population of Helena, Bozeman, or the country should read. Next week is Banned Book Week. Read a banned book! I hope the library staff keeps the book. I don’t read books I don’t like. I don’t tell others what to read. If I don’t like a book or TV show or certain websites on the internet I don’t go there. Don’t close minds and possibilities by banning or burning books. Let’s talk more about learning instead of eliminating.

c’est moi wrote:

This situation serves the families of Helena by bringing to parents’ attention the quality of literature at Lewis & Clark Public Library.
Conversely (or not – who knows?), this situation lets young children know the quality of literature at Lewis & Clark Public Library.

But let’s keep hammering this censorship issue – after all, it’s all about choice, and we want our children to make well-informed choices; especially about sex. And if children can’t get information from their parents or their churches regarding morality and life choices, then it’s the public schools’ and the public libraries’ responsibilty to provide the necessary resources to help shape your children’s lives.
Don’t we pay taxes for this, uh, service?

I stand by my comment yesterday encouraging families to have their children wash their hands after visiting the Lewis & Clark Library.

SaraSchmidt wrote:

Hi Sierra, I appreciate that you spoke up. I wish to give some of my personal experience: When I was a young girl, I attended a liberal Lutheran church that was open-armed towards homosexuals. People began attending who were cross-dressing and openly homosexual. As I became further involved with this church, I was uncomfortable with mixing homosexuality with Christianity, not understanding how you could get around the verses in the Bible that clearly speak against this. My mother said to me one night in front of the family, "Sara, if you ever become a lesbian, I want you to know that I will always accept and love you." Because of that evening, I grew up with a very real sense of fear that I would somehow "become" a homosexual. Like catching a cold.

The Lord has removed that fear from me.

Keeping this book in the public library perpetuates the mindset that homosexuality is not a sin, and that it is a healthy lifestyle or practice.

Also, regarding "impressionable young minds," I once viewed a lewd sex picture when I was quite young, and it seared itself into my mind. I wish I hadn’t seen it. It did not cause me to have pre-marital sex, but it did "impress" itself into my mind. Sierra made a good point.

smokeybear wrote:

There are many other things that need our attention rather than banning a book at the library. It is a book – if you do not want your child looking at it then be a parent and watch what your kids look at and read. It isn’t any simpler than that. Be a parent and parent your kids, if you want to teach your kids what you believe instead of letting them make up their own minds, by all means go for it.

Right now there are many other things in this world that are falling apart – people with no houses (and books) in Texas, trying to find the Idiot that killed people 7 years ago and that continues to kill our soldiers, the fact that we have people living in poverty while we give money and food to everyone else in the world.

Before you even begin to think about banning a book on gay sex, think about how hard it is for other people outside your own life. Be a parent and show your kid what is really important in life. By the way – why aren’t you trying to ban "The joy of sex"? Is it okay for teenage pregnancies because it is straight sex? Is it okay for kids to do whatever they want as long as it is straight sex? For goodness sake, put yourselves in other peoples shoes. I don’t see the gay community all up in arms about "The joy of (straight) sex". In other words, there are more things that are a lot more tragic in this world and right next door in Helena. Please get a life and be a parent and stop freaking out over the little things in life.

4061111 wrote:

We all have things we feel very strongly about and Mr. Cohen (and Miss Chambers) should be commended for standing up for what they believe in. In this instance, perhaps the best compromise is keeping the book in the library, yet restricting access to it and books similar.

It is true, if you come across a book that doesn’t appeal to you, you don’t pick it up. The internet brings much worse things into our homes more regularly than the books in the library. And many TV shows feature violence and sex.

ematt wrote:

Please name some of your "objectionable" books that should be behind lock and key. Let’s start with The Holy Bible.

electstat wrote:

It’s not the public library’s job to shape our childrens lives. It’s the library’s "job" to provide books for everyone to read – not just children. First and foremost it is the parents job. If they can’t do it, the child has more issues to worry about other than whether or not there may be a book that is controversial. It is rediculous to think that a child that looks at this book is going to "become" gay. If that was the case, then opening the bible would make them Christian. Burn the books, turn off the tv, and disconnect the Internet because there are a lot of things that should be shaping our children other than the media.

Colton wrote:

This young person is entitled to their opinion and the right to express it. The IR violates it’s own policy by publishing Reader Comments that are thinly veiled personal attacks against the letter writer.

Shame on the adults that posted the hate speech directed towards one of our community young people.

4061111 wrote:

EMATT, I guess you didn’t pick up on the words "perhaps" and "compromise" in my previous post.

Personally, I just would skip over these kinds of books (explicit sexual books). Yet, sometimes a compromise helps both sides achieve their goals. In this case of placing certain types of books under restricted access or even a shelving section by the librarian desk (no, I did not say lock & key – you did). I am not, nor will I, be one of the people citing which books are objectionable. That would merely be imposing my personal tastes onto others.

I also stand by my opinion that Mr. Cohen and Miss Chambers should be commended, not attacked, for standing up for what they believe in. Just as I am not attacking you, EMATT, for objecting to the Bible, which I personally don’t read, but think everyone should have the right to read should they choose to do so.

dragonfly wrote:

While we are debating freedom of speech in regards to what is or is not or what should or should not be in a library, thousands are homeless due to Hurricane Ike and other storms. Unless someone has a suggestion as to exactly whom should be in charge of all decisions regarding books, TV stations and internet websites, perhaps thinking about helping others in dire need might do more good. Public library means it’s for the public. Not just for readers of one opinion.

We can teach our children well about our own values and not cross the street when a person of another opinion walks by or wash our hands if served a cup of coffee by a person of another race (as used to be the case in my grandmother’s era). What do children learn from us when we preach unkindness toward another or fear of another way of thinking?

FISHING wrote:

Yes Man and Women You Go Girl!!!

Girl in the City wrote:

This board has become a "you say that because you believe…" and an immature name calling bash. Well, I believe that some FACTS should be pointed out. First, Ms. Chambers I commend you for speaking your voice (a.k.a. freedom of speech). But I would like to inform you that Mr. Cohen DOES NOT allow for women to preach or provide sermons. This is directly from his website in Sara’s biography. Also, to use the Bible for a moment, there is a COMMANDMENT that states "honor thy mother" and another one, "honor thy father". Sara Schmidt, how is your relationship with your mother and father? Are you honoring them? How?

I did not want to draw into the personal attacks of this comment section by I also believe it was the Bible that stated there is one true judge and that judge is God. Unless God himself has internet access and posts comments I believe everyone here has forgotton that. Mr. Cohen would like everyone who is in favor of keeping the book to repent our sins. Well sir, you are of flesh yourself and with that must remember you are of sin also.

Has anyone gone to library to actually view the book? I did. Before I based my opinion, I wanted to see what was in the book. But guess what, Mr. Cohen has had the book checked out for a month (he even had it at the hearing). So, all of the parents who fear their children seeing it, guess what, they won’t because Mr. Cohen hasn’t returned it.

Most of all, your children are at the library looking for Magic Tree House books or Harry Potter. If they do pick up "The Joy of Gay Sex" you can thank Mr. Cohen for bringing it to their attention. Also, if they pick up that book, your children already know what sex is. Speak to them honestly and openly. DO NOT shame them!! Remember none of us would be here without it!!

IF homosexuality is a sin, let the punishment be decided at the pearly gates. Not on this message board, not at the public library, not at school, or the media.

If you want to live your life by the Bible, hate the sin but love the sinner, love thy neighbor, and better yet, turn it over to Him.

MTRICH wrote:

From what I see here, there must be allot of you who are working hard to get the p0rn back on the other side of the counter at the local gas station so your sons and daughters can examine them and decide for themselves if they like them. Putting them out of reach is somehow censorship if I believe so many post here. I can understand those who are offended that only the "gay" s_x book is being discussed but you should be careful your disagreement with discrimination against homosexuals does not become a justification for providing po rn (gay or straight) to your children. If these se_ually explicit books must be in the library them put then away from minor children. Its not just the right thing to doits the law. Just a note: when I tried to post this the first time the website stopped me because my post contained a word for dirty pictures or movies which rhymes with sworn. How interesting that my post be censored in a post about censorship. Cool!

PaulCohen wrote:

Gun961960, if the natural outcome of filing a complaint about a book is that one should be banned from the library, what privileges should you be deprived of, on account of any criticisms you have made in your life? Thankfully you are not in charge with your unequal and skewed ideas of free speech and justice.

You falsely accuse Sierra of being intolerant. Many professing the Name of Christ have visited people in prisons. Are they intolerant of criminals? Once again, according to your skewed mind, they are.

A child who believes the Word of God is far wiser than a fool who rejects the Laws of God, though he has lived much longer.

PaulCohen wrote:

Al, how would drinking water with arsenic in it be detrimental if you already know that arsenic is poison?

PaulCohen wrote:

Electstat, when Sierra says that "The Joy of Gay Sex" is unbiblical, what she goes on to explain is that the book blatantly contradicts the Law of God, Who made sexual intercourse and gratification for man and wife. She is not denying you or anyone else the freedom to believe and do as you will within the confines of civil law, which allows you to engage in homosexual acts in the privacy of your home.

You obviously know very little about children or human nature. You say that it is ridiculous to think that a child looking at the book would become homosexual, any more than looking at the Bible would make her Christian. It may not happen at once, but create an environment permeated with garbage and what do you get? People are far more prone to fall into what is harmful than to take on what is not. Sugary, refined, chemicalized garbage foods, drugs, pornography, and the list goes on.

PaulCohen wrote:

Wildrose, according to your reasoning, not only can a person make poor choices and suffer for them, but the library can make poor choices, causing many to suffer for them. Why should the rest of the public have to pay for the library’s poor choices?

Not all judgments are subjective. Sierra brings up the Law of God. “You shall not murder” is not subjective. “You shall not steal” is not subjective. We have courts of law that say so, and common sense tells us the same. Just because you do not believe the Law does not make It go away for you or anyone else. Someone is still dead after a murder has been committed. If this book meets the library’s guidelines, then those guidelines are wrong and need to be changed. Since when has the library organization or any other been infallible in making its guidelines? At the present time some shareholders of financial companies can tell you more about this, if you are interested in learning the shortcomings of man’s oversight and stupidity in regulations.

That is why people need the Law of God; many suffer greatly because ignoring and disdaining It.

You say "The Joy of Gay Sex" has been reviewed several times with a positive verdict, yet you go on to say you would ban the Bible. Far more have reviewed the Bible and have declared, not only as opinion, but with evidence of improved lives, that the Bible has great merit. So why do you believe those who approve of "The Joy of Gay Sex," but disbelieve those who commend the Scriptures?

As for your assessment of the character of God as revealed in the Bible, read God and Violence, which proves that those unflattering traits are your own, not His.

PaulCohen wrote:

Ematt asks if "On the Origin of the Species" should be removed because it can also leave an impression on young minds. On the contrary, it would be good if young people read Darwin’s words: “When we descend to details we can prove that no one species has changed…nor can we prove that supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory.” There is so much admitted conjecture in his book that reading Darwin would be a great eye-opener to children who are force-fed such a great pack of lies as certainties by evolutionists.

No need to lock the Bible away. Obviously the Creator and His holy Truth is already locked out of your mind.

PaulCohen wrote:

Skosena, we should all be so impressed by your awesome Republican party holiness and how you condescend to allow sinners (even Democrats!) their freedoms. How noble of you! You are so much kinder and more considerate than the One you presume to worship, Who, on account of sin, wiped out the whole world in the days of Noah, and then Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Lot. Obviously He made a mistake killing all those heathens! But now we have tolerant you and your mushy stand-for-nothing “Jesus” in charge. Your “Christ” says the world is reserved for a love-fest of “anything goes in the day of nonjudgment,” but the real and true Lord Jesus Christ of Scripture says that the world is reserved for fire in this Day of Judgment. Here it is on your doorstep and down comes the house of cards built on sand.

PaulCohen wrote:

Dragonfly, you are right that each of us has the responsibility of teaching those in our immediate sphere of influence. I am not worried about my own, as you might think. I have nothing to fear. Neither am I afraid of "The Joy of Gay Sex" remaining in the library. If you cannot tell the difference between destructive and constructive behaviors, or unkindness and the love of Truth and God, however, I fear for you.

PaulCohen wrote:

Smokeybear, many hard situations that this country faces at present come from the fact that people are living wicked, selfish lives, contrary to what is good and right in the sight of God, which is profitable for man.

As Jesus said to those of His day, do not think those of Galveston are any greater sinners than you. If you don’t repent, you will likewise suffer and perish. A people reap as they have sown.

You ask, "Why aren’t you trying to ban ‘The Joy of Sex’? Is it okay for teenage pregnancies because it is straight sex? Is it okay for kids to do whatever they want as long as it is straight sex?" Of course not. Fornication should not be taught or suggested by library materials. If parents want to teach their children to have sex, that is their responsibility; it is not for the library to assume that all parents buy into spreading promiscuity, heartache, and disease.

As for the homosexual community not protesting "The Joy of Sex," why would they? The motto of "The Joy of Gay Sex" is, "If it feels good, do it." There are heterosexuals against explicit sex manuals of any kind in the library, but I have yet to see a homosexual speak against "The Joy of Gay Sex." This is manifest proof that they, and their boosters, are given over to kowtowing to the lowest common denominator of human behavior. No wonder there are so many tragic things happening with more coming down the pike!

PaulCohen wrote:

Girl in the City, let us see who is immature and speaking out of ignorance. You say that I do not allow women to preach, as though I disagree with Ms. Chambers’ letter. I most certainly do not; I commend her letter. Any person, man, woman, or child, is not only allowed, but is encouraged to speak the Truth. What the Word of God disallows is putting women in positions of spiritual authority over men (1 Timothy 2:12).

You ask Sara if she is honoring her mother and father. When Jesus’ mother came to try to dissuade Him from His ministry, He would not receive her but said, “Whoever does the will of My Father in Heaven, that one is My brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:50 LITV). That is how Sara is honoring her parents. How about you? Are you doing the will of God, “Girl”? I happen to know you are not because you are a liar. You committed a personal attack on Sara while claiming you don’t want to draw others into such. You do not honor God or your parents. It is all one.

What makes you think that God can no longer speak through His servants? You quote the Bible, yet obviously you do not believe It. The same God Who inspired those who wrote the Bible is answering you right now through me. You say that I am “of sin.” I do not deny the material or where I came from, but if Jesus Christ has declared me as His property, bought and paid for, cleansed and renewed in His image by the power of His endless life and sent by Him to speak on His behalf, who are you to oppose it?

Contrary to your proclamation of abstaining from personal attacks, you accuse me with innuendo and evil surmisings. I brought the book to the hearing so those who were forming opinions on the matter while ignorant of its contents could see it if they chose. Why don’t you get the facts before you attack? Because you do not care about the truth or other people, as you pretend.

You say that people should not shame their children about sex, as if that attitude came from me by protesting the library’s inclusion of "The Joy of Gay Sex" in its collection. “Remember”, you say, “none of us would be here without it!!” My point is that none of us would be here with it, homosexual sex that is, which is the topic of discussion. You bring in heterosexual sex to attack me, as if I am the "sex phobe" that "The Joy of Gay Sex" says I must be, because I believe the Word of God. How stupid an accusation! Those who believe the Creator Who made sex are automatically labeled sexually repressed! But liars go for lies because they follow the prince of this world, who is the father of lies.

As for the hereafter, all sin is amply punished in this life, guaranteed. The rewards and punishments commensurate with every act are built into the act. That is the immutable Law of God. As for the platitude, "Hate the sin but love the sinner," it is but another false accusation you level at me by calling my speaking the truth to my Helena neighbors "hatred." It is true that the children of this world hate correction, but the children of God receive of His hand:

"My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and He scourges every son whom He receives" (Hebrews 12:5-6 MKJV).

ematt wrote:


There you go again. I have not come against you, however you continue to judge me and bear false witness. How are you the one to know where my heart lies? I was merely making a comparative suggestion. Please quit throwing stones at the community.

mtjewel wrote:

I don’t approve of the book either….however… it should not be removed or you would have to remove about 3/4 of the libraries books since they are probably all objectional to one person or another. If you are worried about what your kids are looking at, I suggest that you accompany them to the library . Then you can monitor what kind of literature they are reading.

skosena wrote:

I am actually at a loss for words. That does not happen often. I usually have a snappy comeback. But this morning I am speechless and quite disturbed.

I visited Mr Cohen’s website…..there are a handful of "followers" in his "path of truth church" (it is not really a church…2 of the handful live here and the rest are in canada…and all belong to the same family…..I call it a church because the website rails against the evil of a church and I know it will get Mr Cohens goat….I guess I am evil) Anyway…this little group of followers think that they are the only "right" ones and the rest of us that "claim" to be Christians are wrong..and don’t follow the "true" Christ. There are a lot of long dissertations on a various subjects…they are long and rambling…which is not shocking to any of us since we have seen many examples of the same here online. They even have a written area that is about cults….irony at its finest…I believe they are trying to convince people that they are not a cult….

It has been an interesting conversation….I appreciate all of your comments and ideas…but I will not feed Mr Cohen’s delusions of greatness anymore..I am sure he is getting lots of strokes from his little "flock" and his leader…..besides…there is an election to discuss and econmic crisis……and all kinds of discussions… besides I would rather talk to purple than mr cohen…

gun961960 wrote:

Dear LORD….I am with you skosena…speechless! Mr. Cohen sir you frighten me more than any TV show, book, or anything I have seen on the internet. You put the sourest of tastes in my mouth when it comes to the idea of religion. How presumptios of you to speak on behalf of God, as though you were his chosen one? Sir I feel sorry for you should there be a day when you face him, he will be very disappointed in you for how you have portrayed him. In my opinion, you are no different than the radical Muslim extremists or any religious extremist…you see they all do distastefull and sometimes deadly things in the name of their God…it is a dangerous path. You are, in my opinion, a very mean spirited, hatefilled man who has way too much time on his hands. Scary!!!

gfguy wrote on Sep 22, 2008 4:42 PM:

Paul, all of us here will take up a collection so we can buy you your very own copy of The Joy of Gay Sex. That way you can return the copy you kept for over a month from the public library.

I checked out your website as well, and all the ranting and holier than thou rhetoric leads me to the conclusion that you and your cult are in desperate need of a hug. Your friends at the Landover Baptist Church are awaiting your membership card information.

Who honestly spends the extraordinary amount of time, which you and the EIGHT (that’s right, EIGHT) other folks obviously have, trying to poke holes in little morality tales?

All hail Victor…blah, blah, blah.

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