The Birthday Celebration of the Anti-Christ

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We’ve been familiar with the true nature and origin of Christmas for many years now. Besides having written That Devilish Spirit of Christmas, now in 2011, we are announcing the ultimate diabolical reality of that event. Not only does Christmas have pagan trappings, which is bad enough, it is all pagan in origin and nature, which is worse. What is still worse is that it is celebrated in the Wonderful Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As if those factors aren’t enough (here’s the kicker now – wait for it), Christmas (“mass of the anointed one”) is the celebration of the birth of the anti-Christ.

Yes, it is perfectly true, and I submit to you the historical facts, as a matter of record, gathered by responsible, educated, and godly men, to prove it. Many men have paid the price to bring forth this knowledge, so that we might be spared His wrath.

This breathtaking revelation came to me some months ago, having been stirring in me for some time. I was about to post the fact of Christmas being the express birthday celebration of the anti-Christ, when my wife, Marilyn, found an article that agrees with what we have learned and which God has graciously revealed to us. It also furnishes some confirming details. Read The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas.

Decades ago, God made known to me that His wrath rests, indeed, weighs heavily, on this event as well as on those who partake of it (albeit according to their degree of knowledge), like no other event I know of. I’ve seen with His eyes that which is hidden to men. Given the facts, it’s no wonder it grieves Him so!

Please take the time to read the article without assuming you’ve heard it all, as many of us are inclined to do. My desire for you and all is the blessedness that comes from the freedom of knowing the truth in all its facets.

A note of caution: We’ve come across several good writings on many subjects. Invariably, though they may be doctrinally sound and good for the most part, we find things we don’t agree with. That’s why we rarely recommend others’ works. If we share them, we feel the need to point out those things we disagree with. Furthermore, while the article itself may be flawless in our judgment, the source website may well be in error in terms of doctrine, practice, expression, and religious affiliation. Our concern is that people don’t make the mistake of swallowing the bones with the meat.

We haven’t investigated the historical material in this webpage in detail, but generally we have found it accurate and confirmed by various sources. We will mention one thing we think not only the reader should understand to be in need of correction, but the authors and editors of the document as well. After all, they seem to have displayed a good measure of sound reason.

Furthermore, while we may agree on much of the general doctrinal stance and conduct of their website, there is that with which we disagree. Reader, don’t assume we agree on all points or that we have a religious affiliation with anyone whose materials we recommend. Take the article and what we say about it and leave it at that. Don’t go assuming beyond the material we offer. Most importantly, it’s incumbent on us to look to the Lord for a witness of truth.

In this article, there may be more mentioned that we disagree about, but for now, we disagree with this rather minor matter. The writer/editor says:

The word ‘Santa,’ rearranged, spells ‘S-A-T-A-N,’ and ‘Claus’ is reminiscent of ‘Claws’ — in other words, ‘SATAN’S CLAWS’! Do you want Satan, the arch-enemy of mankind, to get his ‘claws’ into your children?

The words in that paragraph before and after these sentences are fine by us. But why entertain juvenile speculations such as these? The word “Santa” originally means “Saint,” as in Santa Barbara or Santa Monica or “Santa Lucia,” the classic song. “Klaus” has about as much to do with claws, as the “Tor” from “Victor” has to do with Thor, or “Bill” from “William’” has to do with debt. “Klaus” is simply the abbreviated form of “Nicholas/Nicklaus,” as in “Saint Nicholas.” Let’s not fall into specious logic and play on words that rob us of credibility.

Victor Hafichuk

– December 11, 2011