Response to “Jews Who Hate Trump and Do Not Know Why”
What an amazing article! Superficially, it explains the mystery, contradiction, and quandary of Leftist Jews. It is SPOT ON!
What is occurring in the world with Jews in the flesh is a parable of what happens in the born again Christian’s spiritual odyssey into the Kingdom of God. The Jews have been their own worst enemy. I have been my own worst enemy.
The effective instrument or substance of that internal enemy is none other than, as recorded and described in the Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, as UNBELIEF, a fervent, substantive denial of the One and Only True God.
Only fire can purge perfectly. We must all go through the fires of purification. This is accomplished by a purposed, ordained clash of good and evil.
The God of Israel and of the Universe reigns supreme. He is in charge of both good and evil as He forms man in His Image to a perfect end.
In the fullness of ages, we will all be brought to perfection in God’s Image. We will know that Right is might and not the other way around. Wickedness, that is lawlessness, that is ignorance and contempt for God’s Laws, as outlined in the Ten Commandments, will be utterly destroyed to be no more.
Mankind will know the Goodness of our Maker, Who is, ironically, none other than the One most hated by Jews – Yeshua HaMashiach a.k.a. Jesus Christ. Victor Hafichuk