The Power of Jesus

While I called this song the above name 20 years ago, I would not do so now. The power of Jesus as the Pentecostal circles like to call it is nothing less than Christ in us, the hope of glory. His Spirit we receive not while seeking power but while seeking to do His will in reality and not as we perceive it.


If you try to live the Jesus life

You’d rather eat peas with a butter knife;

That’s how it is if you don’t have the power.

The disciples walked with Him three years

And at last their efforts came to tears

When Jesus died and they were without power.



But at Pentecost in the upper room

They were filled with the Holy Ghost

And they had power…

Jesus’ power…

Yes, at Pentecost in the upper room

They were filled with the Holy Ghost

And they had power,

Jesus’ power.


Today there is a form of godliness

And souls are falling in the deep abyss

And all because some just don’t have the power;

But if you will come and ask of Him,

He’ll fill you right up to the brim

And you’ll be overflowing with Holy Ghost power.




Prince Albert, SK; August 1976