Satan Came To My House

We encountered an incident wherein religious people, friendly and all, counseled us to reconsider an undertaking we knew was the Lord’s leading. We were learning that Satan’s servants are ever there, with Bible under arm, God’s praises on their lips, prepared to do battle “with love.” The strange thing is that while I recall the Lord giving me what to say to these people, I do not recall what those words were, so occupied I was with learning another lesson.


Satan came to my house one evening;

He tried to cast a doubt into my mind.

With his mouth he blessed the Lord

And with his face he flashed a smile;

Satan came to my house one evening.


At the time I didn’t know it was the devil.

He often comes in the guise of a good man.

But I knew there was a battle

And strong resistance from his vessel

And the Father gave me words to speak to him.


Repeat 1st verse.


The Lord has given us commandment

To trust in Him, with all our hearts,

To shun the works and the words and ways of man.

And if we’re true to His commandment

Then peace will follow and victory too

And men will have no power to make us stray away from Him.


Repeat 2nd verse


Dauphin, MB; before Israel, 1979