His Yoke Is Easy

In Winnipeg, we met Henry Unrau, who laboured dreadfully under the Law, thinking he was doing God service. He was a tormented soul but a very self-righteous one who, while seeking counsel and help, quite believed that he was in a position of counseling and helping instead toward those who were not enslaved by service of the letter as was he. What ironies and contradictions in man!


There are those who worship God

And try to do His will their way

Like a horse which the Master has not broke,

But when finally they see that the means are meant to be,

Then the duty will be done His way.



His commandments are not hard,

It’s delight to do His will;

His yoke is easy and His burden light.

We know that truth will make us free

In Jesus Christ, simplicity,

And the joy of the Lord is our strength.


Substitutions He won’t have,

Those are not the things He wants;

We must learn to do exactly as He asks.

We have no wisdom in ourselves to decide the right from wrong;

We must hear Him tell us what and even how.


Chorus repeat.


There is purpose everywhere

In all the smallest things He does

And though our understanding can’t see this,

Still to trust Him and obey is the one and only way

And if we do that we just can’t miss.




Winnipeg, MB; January 3, 1981