Who Really Wants the Truth?

From: Todd
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:00 PM
Subject: Anyone wanting to Learn?


Thank you for providing the abundant and valuable information you have online.

I recently noticed there seem to be a number of individuals who contact you asking for a list of true teachers of the Word.

I feel repugnant that from what I can tell—some submitters sooner than others—each requestor is playing some sort of “gotcha” experiment.

Why would they expect a long list anyway?  If they truly knew Him I don’t think the question would ever occur to them.  If it did occur to them, why wouldn’t they expect a very short list?  Is not that theme pretty constant in Scripture?  It seems that way in my walk, too.

I do have a serious (by that meaning no games) follow-up question though.

I searched your site wondering if anybody has asked this serious follow-up question to those inquiries or thought of this question.

I missed it if anyone did.

How many are out there seriously trying to learn—trying to get on the Right Path?

As far as what I know of myself, I DO NOT consider myself on the Right Path.  I feel compelled to learn about Him as much as I can but that’s not because I am special, blessed, intelligent, hyper-spiritual, raised well, born in a religious liberal land (freedom of religion), or anything like that.   I am seeking Knowledge because of His Grace and nothing else.

I wanted to put that part in so we know from what vector I am travelling because to be honest it looks like from the messages you have posted over the years (I’ve only been visiting since summer 2013) everybody seems trying to “trap” you or Paul but then they later in the thread accuse you of trapping them!

I blush at the number of times I’ve shouted to my screen “but you (the submitter) started it!”

No, I mean, the more I type about it—the more I think about it—it gets me angrier.  Some of the submitters think they are being sneaky but what they look like to me is running at you full speed (while your back is turned) screaming, well, screaming an attack yell at the top of their lungs with their swords drawn high—with that no-quarter look in their eyes.

Others seem serious at first then they get vile.

Are they always like that?  Is anyone out there really trying to learn at it?  Has anyone ever had a productive exchange with you (meaning they seem to be learning and not playing)?

I suppose I’m hoping you get other messages that are more spiritually grounded but there is not as much value in posting them (i.e., easier to learn from mistakes, from evil in a way) but I don’t want to move off my point here with idle speculation (I suppose I’m worrying as Elijah did before he was told that there were 7,000 individuals who haven’t bent a knee to baal yet.  Do we have 7k seekers today or even fewer than that?)

So, to the point.

Victor, do you have an idea of how many people are really trying?  How many really want to learn?

Thank you; I do appreciate it.

As a post script, I really appreciate the write-ups of the Trinity—and I love the rhyme!  Years ago when I was reading the Bible through (by His Grace) I noticed—an absence.  I noticed an absence of anything about the Trinity (and mainstream rapture teaching but by His Grace that one is easier for me to point out the flaws with).

I therefore suspected a false teaching from the “churches”.  I concluded it (the Trinity) was but honestly, Victor, I couldn’t figure out how to stand up against this doctrine not in the Word.  To this day I have not argued how (asinine!!!) the trinity is outside my immediate family.

Point being your resources helped me a lot and I’ll admit I’m now ready and itching to challenge someone about the Trinity soon.

Thanks again.

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Todd
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone wanting to Learn?

Hi Todd, and thank you for your letter. 

You’ve nailed a few things here. The Lord is responsible for that; it’s to His glory; thank Him for it. Yes, many ask for a list of true teachers with incredulity and offendedness, seeking to entrap, not because they want the Truth but because they DON’T want the Truth.

We get many coming at us, trying to trap us, and accusing us of the very things they are guilty of. We hold up, as it were, a mirror to them. They see themselves, not realizing they’re attacking their own reflection – like animals seeing themselves in a mirror and not knowing what to do with what they see.

All this happens for the Lord’s glory. He shows mercy to whom He shows mercy, and whom He will, He hardens. With Him, we suffer the contradiction of sinners and we’re to rejoice in that because our present reward is great and precious, and that’s why we’re hated; we’re not of this world; we have a heavenly home. We were warned that we would be hated by all men; He surely gave us a heads-up from the beginning. We have so much to be thankful for!

I’m sure you know that most people write not when they agree but when they disagree. Isn’t that human nature? However, we do get other letters as well from people who are thankful, delighted, even ecstatic on occasion about our site and what we preach. Some continue, but many, upon closer study of our doctrine, walk away. “Who can hear these things?” they say. So it’s been through the ages till now.

The oft-repeated general refrain from some is something along the lines of: “The Lord has been showing me these very things and I thought I was alone. People think I’m crazy or misled by the Devil. What you say makes a lot of sense. Thanks for being there. I get a lot of conflict from family, churches, friends, other ‘Christians,’ etc.”

We don’t get nearly as many of that kind of response, though, as you can appreciate. We’re also pleased to hear that many have been reading at our site for years before they finally write to let us know they’re there, ministered to, and appreciative. No problem – our mission is to get the truth of Jesus Christ and His Gospel out.

We have several on a mailing list. If you’re interested, we can put you on it. You can also register on our Forum from any page on the site; just write Ronnie Tanner if you have any questions or problems.

You ask how many really are searching for truth. It is said by several false spiritual leaders that there’s a great thirst out there for truth, especially among younger people. That has not been our experience at all. While there may be many searching for something, there are very few seeking the Truth, which is ever contrary to fallen man. 

When they stumble on the Truth as they do here, they aren’t interested, especially when the price is one’s life in full surrender, putting away sin and their gods. That’s how it is. But God has His chosen few among the multitudes who are granted to worship Him in spirit and in truth. These He preserves for Himself.

Todd, feel free to continue in communication; Lord willing, we can help you, and it seems by how you express yourself that He is willing. 


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