From: Steve
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 2:38 AM
Subject: Your Website/ Messages
Hello Victor and Paul,
Well, your website is quite something. Almost everything you write about I can relate to from Scriptures. (I say almost because I at this point do not necessarily agree with every theological stance you have). At minimum, you certainly have views and approaches that will appear highly controversial.
At that, I’m not sure to what level of commitment you’ll be interested in for fellowship. For close on ten years now, I’ve been scouting for a form of biblical Eldership or Leadership. Years ago, I cried to the Lord. It is easy for anyone deceiving oneself. Yes, many love Him but that means nothing in itself. It is also difficult commending men. But if anything, I have the feeling that this relationship might be found with you.
Specifically, in elder- or leadership, I’m referring to Victor. I also find Paul’s writing and approach quite novel. Some will say this is not the Spirit of Messiah, but I’m no more so sure. It simply needs to be evaluated. That which claims to be “love” out there is found lacking in almost everything. So regarding age and experience, if we’re both prepared for commitment, I’ll be relating to Victor as an elder; if I’m to commit myself and open myself in the areas that need to be. That means, if there is anything to discuss, I hope it to be a one on one with Victor, without carbon copying to someone else. Whatever you choose to do afterwards, I’ll leave to the Lord.
For my part, I’m continuing reading your website for now, to get to know you (both) more. If necessary, I’m also willing to fly out to Canada to meet with you personally. If so, I’ll pay for lodging, food and fare myself. At present this appears affordable, I do not know about tomorrow. If so, my lodging will be outside your parameters. It appears you run a full time farm, on which I’ll also be prepared to do menial work in the time that I’m there. I have no experience whatsoever in farming. If you’re not too busy and will be able to find personal time with me, i.e. if the Lord Jesus permits me to come, that would be great.
At that, I’m also a little wary about conferring with flesh and blood (Gal. 1:16). It might be distrust in God’s Leadership, but I may still have to learn. What do you make of these that I write, Victor and Paul? What are your thoughts?
From: Victor Hafichuk and Paul Cohen
To: Steve
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Your Website/ Messages
“At that, I’m not sure to what level of commitment you’ll be interested in for fellowship.”
Steve, our fellowship is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not doctrine. It’s not what you believe but whom you believe that’s essential. If you believe the Lord, He will see you through.
“God is faithful, by Whom you were called to the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9 MKJV).
So when we walk with Him, He dictates what relationship we’ll have with Him and each other. It’s not our call or yours.
“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7 MKJV).
Walking in the light with Him is what we’re here for. Fellowship requires unconditional surrender of the will to and by faith in Jesus Christ, nothing less.
Victor and Paul