The Sour Cynic Doesn’t See Truth

From: Wayne
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 7:06 AM
Subject: Skeptical/cynical Christians

I am a skeptical, cynical Christian. I was raised Catholic, but in my search for the truth and through “seek ye first the kingdom of God” I attended many different denominations.  In college I was taught from the word of God by a boss who is a member of the Church of Christ during a summer job. He taught Gods plan of salvation from the bible, Acts 2:38-40, Mark 16:16-18, John 3 (being born again).  I was baptized in the name of the father, son, and Holy Ghost. Years later I was taught in the Pentecostal Church the need to be baptized again “in the name of Jesus” and to receive the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues as evidence as the early disciples had on the day of Pentecost. 

I’ve related all this  to get to my point. I read your views about Francis Chan being a false teacher and felt compelled to respond. My response is not over the merits of your viewpoint or whether or not Francis Chan is a false teacher. My only comment is that it seems that most Christians, and most leaders, Pastors, preachers, reverends, etc, of every Christian denominational and non denominational church think/believe  that they have it all figured out and know the “truth” and how all the verses of the bible fit together and how they are to be applied in our daily life/walk.  

Since all are convinced and strongly believe to their core that they have the truth they obviously are convinced that those who have interpreted , yes interpreted the Bible , differently are wrong, and should be condemned, or at the very least “rebuked”.  

My approach having just turned 57 yrs old is to “work out my own salvation with fear and trembling” and to work my best at practicing  the true religion described in the bible “Care for the widows and orphans and keep oneself undefiled by the world.  God bless you in your search for and understanding of the “truth”.  

1 Corinthians 13:12New International Version (NIV)
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Wayne
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Skeptical/cynical Christians

Hi Wayne, 

We need to read between the lines to arrive at the point of your letter. You write:

My only comment is that it seems that most Christians, and most leaders, Pastors, preachers, reverends, etc, of every Christian denominational and non denominational church think/believe  that they have it all figured out and know the ‘truth’ and how all the verses of the bible fit together and how they are to be applied in our daily life/walk.  

And end the letter by saying:

God bless you in your search for and understanding of the ‘truth’.

You consider us among those who think they have it all figured out, but are really still searching for the “truth” (or should be), in need of understanding. 

You’re wrong; we aren’t searching because we don’t need to. We have found the Truth, and are intimate with Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who found and apprehended us decades ago. 

You’re the one who doesn’t know Him, or you wouldn’t be so vague and wishy-washy in your rebuke/exhortation. Either you would have something definite and edifying to share, or you’d ask for help in understanding because you recognized your lack, or you would rejoice with us because the Lord had opened your understanding to receive what He’s given us.  

True Christians aren’t skeptical cynics, Wayne. True Christians have been humbled by the Lord, Who has brought them face to face with their own depravity. True Christians don’t remain in cynicism, but enter reality, walking in the light with Him and are tempered in mercy with understanding. You’ve been down the unrealistic religious road of men, not The Path of Truth with the Lord Jesus Christ. You’re walking in all self-righteousness, a proud judge and condemner of others. Pulling in your fangs hasn’t made them go away. 

The Gravity of Sour Cynicism 

Paul and Victor