The Pullings of the Harlot Appear Godly

An Example of a Soul and Spiriting Searching
The Pullings of the Harlot Appear Godly

From: Brandy
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 2:07 PM
Subject: What’s in a name?!

Hi Victor 🙂 

I was reading your testimony and the part about names having significance stuck out to me. So last night i did a little digging into my name. My name is long and a combination of 2 names. My mom said she loved how both names sounded together so she made both names my first name. Here’s what I found…. Brandyrenee:

Brandy-dutch for ‘burnt wine’
             -other related names- Ibrahim,
              abraham, Abram
            -varient of brandon, branden,
               branda, brande, brand, brant,

Brandr – ancient Scandinavian, Old Norse
                by name for ‘fire’ or ‘sword’

Branden-irish for ‘prince’

Brandy in Hebrew came up as Chayyim- root meaning for ‘life’ …yet when i looked up Chayyim, is said to be a varient of Abraham (Ibrahim) which means ‘many’ or ‘multitude’

Found it intresting, as is speakes volumes of this life’s testimony. Just this little curiosity answered so many questions I have asked our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe one day I will share my testimony, If He leads me to do so. 

Any thoughts, questions or concerns, please feel free to reply 🙂

*Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9,10*
Living in His peace that passes ALL understanding, 


P.S. Hi Victor 🙂 

Forgot to add the meaning of the second half of my name….

Renée- latin for ‘born again, rebirth’
             from biblical name Renatus which
             means ‘reborn’

That completes the other email i sent with the rest of my name. 🙂

Thanks again for reading,


From: Martin Van Popta
To: Victor and Marilyn Hafichuk, Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Brandyrenae has started a new topic entitled “Torn” in the forum: “Finding Our Way In Faith”

My first thought about all the words spoken to her and her various experiences was “sounds devilish”. It just doesn’t seem to be the way that God works. I could be wrong.

Also, when she says that she doesn’t like attention (“the spotlight”), which she has said more than once, I get the impression that she really does like the attention.

I think she’ll have to leave all that behind if she’s going to walk with the Lord.



by Brandyrenae» Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:50 pm 

In 2007 a prophet was visiting the church i had been attending. My husband and children were getting restless almost immediately after the service began(sitting 3rd row from the front). As I get up to leave the prophet called me out. Gave me this prophecy: “God wants you to know you are a rose plucked from His garden, He is going to cause you to bloom like you did once before. He sees you struggling and fighting and has heard your cries. He wants you to know that your fight is not against flesh and blood and that He has thrown out a lifeline for you. That if you grab it He will pull you thru. You won’t have to punch or kick to get what you need as long as you hold on to the lifeline He has put out for you.” I submit this because I have not attended a church since 2010. And in November 2015, I was water baptized by a pastor from my friends church, the people who were there as witnesses to this event told me what they ‘saw’. All had seen something similar. It had to do with me being a rose again, and another of me being surrounded by roses and about 3more along those line. In January, a few weeks ago, I was praying (have NEVER prayed for anyone on the spot before)for a lady who asked me and 2 other ladies to pray for her, It was awkward and very out of place for me, but right after she said she saw me as a very large rose in a garden full of little flowers (she said she knew they represented my children) at first glance, then, when she looked up she saw that the garden i was in was filled with little flowers, of all sorts, as far as the eye can see, then she said she saw God giving me a beating heart. She interpreted it as my ministry starting at home with my children that would expand and that God giving me His heart was because I asked for God to give me His heart….these ‘prophesies’ are very condensed and I have never revealed any of these ‘prophesies’ to anyone, ever, until now. None of these people know me. And I don’t know what to think of ANY of these. Because I don’t know any of them either is why I question these ‘prophesies’. It feels like I’m walking around with a spotlight on me and I absolutely dislike it very much. The more I try to keep to myself, seeking out our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the more random people walk up to me with stuff like this. Im still a baby in learning to know Him and hear His voice. Am I being to skeptical of these continuing occurrences? 

Earnestly seeking answers

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:31 PM
Subject: FW: Have lots of questions

Does anyone have anything on this?

Father, is this your daughter and are those words delivered to her Yours?

From: Paul Cohen
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 8:55 PM
Subject: FW: Have lots of questions

New file with reply. 

This is the same lady on the forum. I don’t know what to make of those prophecies about the rose. The coincidence is uncanny, but something seems amiss there. For example, the first prophecy speaks about causing her to bloom like she once did before, but when did she ever have that previously from God? I do know this – even if of God, she needs to put them away. 

From: Brandyrené
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 12:48 PM
Subject: Have lots of questions


I literally stumbled upon your website. I’m not done reading everything in this site. But what I have read has connected a lot of dots for me. I startwd attending a 6month long course online at ICIT  (In Christs Image Traning). I have just finished my first 6 weeks and am in the process of completing the 1st final. As I was re-reading the materials, 2 authors the pastor/instructor gave credit to for his journey in seeking out God, stuck out to me. I wasn’t gonna look them up til i completed the final but couldn’t consentrate on anything else i read, it nagged at me so i looked  them up (Watchman Nee and Andrew Murry). I was surprised (yet not) to find negative feed back on Watchman Nee. Andrew Murry on the other hand, i found nothing on the 1st page of suggestions for my Google search on him (i don’t normally go past the first page as i usually feel like im purposefully looking for something negative) but it nagged at me to hit the ‘next button’, 3rd one down on the 2nd page of suggestions is how your website fell into my lap….

So, where to start?

Huhmmm, I will start where I truly asked God to show who He is even if it killed me.
About 3 yrs ago I left “the church.” It was dead (big mega church). All i heard my entire life was all the feel good stuff. I had read the bible on and off many times and certain passages pricked my heart, went against the grain of what I was taught to believe. So i would put the bible down, ponder a bit, thought I understood, change a bit but then the pastor would speak on the very verse that I had just read, when he spoke on it, it confused me. 

Bottom line, contradictions/misinterpretation. So when I decided to leave the church I had told God that I needed to seach Him out to myself, after all, the bible says the Holy Spirit is our teacher. Needless to say that I did nothing for almost 3 years. Then last year, almost to the day, my world began to crumble and crash down around me. I was on pain pills, I was conspiring to catch my daughter’s dad in adultry with me, of all things, trying to convice myself and my husband that it would help us win in the ugly court battle for full custody of my daughter. This act alone made me feel worthless and as I cried out to God , I would consume more pain pills. All my children out of control, Our house was upside down inside out, pure chaos. And I knew it was my fault. 

It was at that point that I remembered my vow to God. I cried for hours, apologizing,  asking for forgiveness and repenting. I immediately started reading the Bible, if i didn’t understand a word or concept i would look it up online which then somehow lead to a youtube video of a man speaking of the same things your website speaks on. Over the summer i listened to every one of his messages which has created such a hunger in me for God that I had experienced once before. those messages thrust me into the word which lead to a new repentance a new vow to God, that I no longer see this world as i had before. 

Lots changed in my household. A tangible peace in my house, less strife with my husband, dreams of fornication and adultery are gone, my children wanting to know more of God. I’m still in a court battle for my 12yr old daughter, which has in fact gotten worse(Thats a whole other subject for another time). 

Anyway, my friend invited me to her ‘church’ sometime after ‘thanksgiving’ which i caved and obliged. That 1st sunday, my son walks up to the pastor speaking and announced that i needed to give my testimony. I’ve never walked up to someone to introduce myself let alone spoken to any kind of crowd. With my heart racing, I went up to speak  (frantically seaching for any words to surface), then, without forethought, I began speaking of my surrender to God and quoting scripture i never remember memorizing, then a call to stop relying on men to tell them what God says in His word, that if they truly want to know Him that they needed to seek Him out for themselves.

I walked away feeling like I had just put a giant spotlight on myself. It felt like and still feels like everyone is looking at me and wondering where ‘this girl’ came from and looking at me as if I’m going to give them a personal message from God. I personally don’t like the attention or being the center of it. Makes me want to run and hide. I still don’t know how or why that happened and now wondering where to go from here?! I’m a nobody whos child put her in an awkward position. and now I’m  questioning if God has accepted me. (This is only a speck of my life from the last 3 years to today)

So in all this, I don’t know where to begin my questions.


From: Paul Cohen
To: Brandyrenae
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Have lots of questions

Welcome to The Path of Truth, Brandyrenae,

We received a letter from you and I see you’ve also shared some things on the Forum. Now that the Lord has brought you here and you’re conversing with us, know that you’re also welcome to participate in our Sabbath meetings and Bible readings, whichever and whenever you’re able and willing to do so. Check these things out in the Private section of the Forum.   

You have our writings and teachings, but there’s more to be had in live fellowship, where pertinent questions can be answered and needs met, Lord willing. He does choose whom He wills and as Lord and Shepherd, provides in the way that is needful and best for His own. 

And do count the cost. You say in your letter: 

I will start where I truly asked God to show who He is even if it killed me.”

It will. 

“And He said, You cannot see My face. For there no man can see Me and live” 
(Exodus 33:20).

“He called the multitude to Himself with His disciples, and said to them, ‘Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it; and whoever will lose his life for My sake and the sake of the Good News will save it’” (Mark 8:34-35 WEB).

Who is the man you were listening to last summer? Are you still listening? Is it Francis Frangipane of ICIT, the course you’re taking? What do you think of the course after what happened with your investigation into Nee and Murray? 

How do you reconcile your message to the church about not relying on men to tell them what God says in His Word, and to seek Him for themselves, with your taking a course from men called “In Christ’s Image Training”? 

If these people can’t believe their ministers and leaders, should they be going to church? Is that the message they were getting from you? What kind of attention are you getting from them? Are they looking to you for help or as someone to avoid? 

And what about you coming here and asking us questions for spiritual advice? Are we men of God to whom you’re supposed to listen, or are you just seeking God for yourself, picking and choosing what you’ll take from whom? Read The Big Lie Exposed.

Where does your husband stand regarding your faith, Brandyrenae? 


From: Brandyrené
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Have lots of questions

Mr. Paul

Thank you for responding 🙂

I want to start by apologizing for leaving many incomplete statements in my previous email. Please forgive me?

The part about not relying on men should have read “stop relying on men ALONE to tell them what God says in His word, that if they truly want to know Him that they needed to seek Him out for themselves, TO TEST THE PASTORS TEACHINGS AGAINST GODS WRITTEN WORD AND SEE IF HES TEACHING RUN PARALLEL WITH THE WORD.”
Either way, it came off as a bash on ALL men, I’m sorry for my lack of clarity.

I will attempt to answer your questions 🙂

Reading your email, was a jaw dropper to me. I had to read it over several times. I almost didn’t click on the link you suggested, but the same feeling I got (like being drawn/dragged) the first time I started reading ‘the big lie exposed,’ when I first started perusing the site, had returned (I had already read more then 10 articles on your site by the time i opened the big lie, I was tired and had planned to read it the next day).  I was about to respond to your questions with the intent of reading it later. I’m so glad I didn’t ignore the urge/prompting to read the link. God had been drawing me to read this article several times before your suggestion and before I had sent the 1st email. Had i read it when Holy Spirit prompted, I’m sure my email would’ve read differently. Upon finally reading ‘The Big Lie’ it was like opening the flood gates. Many questions i had asked God in my secret place were answered in reading the article. I will try to explain later. For now i will try to only address your questions:

How do you reconcile your message to the church about not relying on men to tell them what God says in His Word, and to seek Him for themselves, with your taking a course from men called “In Christ’s Image Training”? If these people can’t believe their ministers and leaders, should they be going to church? And what about you coming here and asking us questions for spiritual advice? Are we men of God to whom you’re supposed to listen, or are you just seeking God for yourself, picking and choosing what you’ll take from whom?

Your article spoke volumes on the difference between following man (carnal/worldly) and a man of God. It’s exactly what I was struggling with. Then i red the verses quoted, i got the same feeling i described above, the urge/prompting/drawing/dragging to open my bible to see if I had even highlighted any of same verses quoted in ‘the big lie exposed’. I was a bit surprised to see that i indeed highlighted these verses and, with that, came the breakthrough. For weeks now it felt like God was trying to tell me something, like He had already shown me but i missed it. It was after the 1st few paragraphs that many ‘puzzle pieces’ fell into place. Each one of your questions pricked, when i tried to answer each one individually, I couldn’t answer without contradicting myself and or asking myself another question. then I  tried to clump them together and answer as a whole,  that, again, tongue tied me and brought more questions to mind. That’s when I asked God to help me understand, He did and i did. My answer to the first 2 questions is I can’t, and no (if I soley base both questions on not following Any man but God alone). Which would then make my answer to the last 2 questions, hypocritical. Previous to the ‘Aha’ moment, heart and mind hadn’t separated the difference between following (worldly)man and man of God. Mind said ‘bible says dont follow Any man’, heart said ‘you’re partly right and partly wrong, seek out Godly men.’ (I hope this made sense)

What I’m trying to is Thank you 🙂

Now, in answer to the other questions:

Who is the man you were listening to last summer?

-Erin James Sain (awaken ministries and voice of the remnant)

Are you still listening?

-they removed all their videos on YouTube. I emailed and asked if they had another channel they were on. They said no but are re-editing the audios before they are returned to youtube and that they are putting new videos up weekly. They have 6 new videos up right now. and also put new website that contains  audio messages called 

And yes I’m still listening  (i write notes and compare to scripture)

Is it Francis Frangipane of ICIT, the course you’re taking?

-Yes, that is correct

“” What do you think of the course after what happened with your investigation into Nee and Murray?

-The ICIT course is not what I expected so far. I was under the impression that the materials were going to a combination of his books, sermons AND a moderate amount of bible reading. Francis Frangipane’s books for this course don’t appear self serving, so far. I can foward you the intro email sent to me, if you’d like. 

the 1st of 4 finals, question 1 said this: 

“list a minimum of 3 scriptures that support the idea that God’s desire is for us to become like Jesus. Explain why you agree with this desire….(REMEMBER: we are looking for answers that correspond with this training material)”

Since i haven’t read Nee or Murray, I can’t  say how much influence they had on Mr. Frangipane’s work.

Session 1 may have been a ‘lets get our feet wet and see where you stand in your pilgrimage’ kinda start. Session 2, lesson 1 started last week. Gonna read and listen to the materials a lot more carefully this time. 

What kind of attention are you getting from them?

-I’m getting stared at a lot, getting invited left and right to ‘get to know you’ lunch, to ‘get to know you’ dinner, bring your family over we want to get to know you. My family and I have never experienced this kinda thing before.
Are they looking to you for help or as someone to avoid?

-they’re looking to me for help, asking me for prayer, asking if God has given me a word for someone.

Where does your husband stand regarding your faith?

-He’s supportive. I can see changes God has made in him. In the last 13 years with him, he been the observer, he’s watched me stumble, fall, trip, get back up, start again, stop again, fail, and, for the first time, has asked to know more about Jesus Christ because he says he has seen a 180° change in me, that I’m not the same wife he married 13years ago, that he loves the new me. He’s even started reading the Bible and occasionally asking for clarity on a scripture. (I hope this answers your question).

With Psalm84 on my lips,


From: Paul Cohen
To: Brandyrenae
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 7:25 AM
Subject: Re[3]: Have lots of questions

Hi Brandyrenae, 

No problem on the incomplete statements. You’ve been willing to explain yourself and have. 

Here’s what I see overall happening there: You’ve been hooked by Mystery, Babylon, the religious harlot systems of men. Both Erin James Sain and Francis Frangipane are servants in Mystery, but they aren’t the issue. You are the issue, because you’ve been hooked by your own lust to be something special, to be admired of men. That’s why you’re attracting the kind of attention you describe.

If you were to take up the cross to follow the Lord Jesus Christ outside the camps of men, things would change dramatically in how you’re perceived by others. The Lord wasn’t attractive to men because the cross He took up to follow the Father is repulsive to the flesh:

Isaiah 53:1-7 MKJV
(1)  Who has believed our report? And to Whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
(2)  For He comes up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground; He has no form nor majesty that we should see Him, nor an appearance that we should desire Him.
(3)  He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as it were a hiding of faces from Him, He being despised, and we esteemed Him not.
(4)  Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
(5)  But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was on Him; and with His stripes we ourselves are healed.
(6)  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, each one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
(7)  He was oppressed, and He was afflicted; yet He opened not His mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.

A dream Victor had towards the beginning of his walk of faith depicts the trap you’ve fallen into:  


I once dreamt that I was at a hockey stadium with my unbelieving friends. This dream came shortly after I was converted to You, Lord. We were high up in the stands watching a great spectacle on the ice. There was a great, tall (perhaps fifteen foot), and beautiful woman, dressed in white, I believe, with something like a wand in her hand. She was orchestrating everything that was going on in the stadium, the performances, the performers, and the audience. Suddenly, I felt the urge to go down to the ice. She was beckoning me to come, not by audible voice, but by some power. As I headed down from the bleachers, Gerry McClintock, Dave Miller and other companions were looking at me like I was crazy. They were perplexed and annoyed with me. 

Reaching the ice, she then began to give me the power to figure skate. I began to do things I was never able to do, and I knew that she was doing it. She then motioned to the audience to applaud. The audience obeyed her every command, under her spell. As I skated, I enjoyed the power, the attention and the applause, but I sensed there was something sinister about it. Therefore, I began to make my way to the other end of the arena ice where it was darker, without people. I fell to one knee, and prayed that God would deliver me from this great woman’s power. I knew that I could not resist it any more than a fly a forest fire. On my knee, praying, a silver candlestick holder, with three lit candles appeared before me on the ice. It must have been about two feet high. Somehow, I received strength to leave the ice. I began to make my way up some empty bleachers, on my skates, heading back to find my friends. The dream ended there.

I also recall that at the very beginning of the dream, my friends and I had been seated in lower rows, near the other end of the arena, watching hockey. A puck came flying up at us, and while I was apprehensive about it, Gerry wasn’t. This told me that he had qualities of character that I did not have. 

In later years, I came to realize that this woman was none other than Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, the personification of false religion. She was very attractive, very powerful, and ruled the earth, giving power to men as she willed. The Scriptures in Proverbs and Revelation declare that she has taken many strong men. It is only by the grace of God that I escaped.

You’ve been seduced, Brandyrenae. But you’ve also been brought here to hear the truth that sets free. The question is, which will you choose – the way that you already suspect is wrong, or the way that is death to your flesh? 

The Cross – Only the Death Sentence Will Avail 


From: Brandyrené
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: Re[3]: Have lots of questions

Thank you again for reaffirming what God has been showing me. 🙂

I’ll try to make this part short…i found Mr. Erin Sain on YouTube (he’s in Florida, I’m im California) this may be irrelevant or not. What caught my attention is that his testimony  is that God got a hold of him in jail (he had been sentenced to 8 years or so) He said when God got his attention that he crawled under the visitor table crying and asking God to forgive him for being a wretched filthy sinner, their was something else he said i don’t remember but i think you get the picture :-)….later that evening he opened the bible and started reading the gospels over and over, writings notes and questions to ask the prison preacher when he came. God showed him mercy and, to Mr. Erin’s surprise, his sentence was reduced and was let out a year after God showed him how wretched and hell bound. His change led his wife to repentance. He attempted to go to church, which started good enough, but God showed him in a dream that the chuch wad going to turn on him (lies, decit, and that they were tolerating a jezebel spirit and that was why God was not there). He tried to tell the pastor of that church of his dream and that he was teaching falsely and that he had a jezebel in the church. The church turned on him and kicked him out. 

A handful of those church members began meeting at Mr. Erin’s house and did bible studies. That eventually turned into needing a slightly bigger facility. He never had a big church and only 8 that started with him in his home have stuck by him. Says not many who has come thru his bible studies has ever stayed long. those who come and go to his saturday service (hes a sabbath keeper) either tell him hes crazy, harsh, etc. And a few have said that that was what they needed to hear (blunt, straight to the point, no pampering)…..i write you this because his messages run parallel to some of things i have read on TPOT. 

Mr Erin’s about my age (30″s) and has grown in his messages. And his encounters with God he has had sound a lot like the ones i have read on your testimony page. Their are definitely some things that bother me, he doesn’t say he celebrates holidays, his parents do and has made reference to such. But I don’t know. Maybe you would like to pray for him (if hes lost his way or missed the mark somewhere in his pilgrimage, for redirection). Maybe you and/or victor could help, maybe send him an email or call and have a chat with him. Just a thought. (All of this is based off 3yrs worth of posted youtube messages i listened to over the summer).

The church i attended (the one my friend invited me to) is called The Neighborhood Vineyard.  That is where i felt ‘the spotlight’. I’ve attended a total of 5 times since November (on and off). By the third time i talked to the pastors and told them that it felt like all eyes were on me and that I  was totally uncomfortable. They both said not to worry about it and that God placed me there for a reason, that i happen to have been there when things were drastically changing in that church and ‘the spotlight’ i was feeling would fade. I did not return to the church for a month. (I didn’t like the attention or the feeling, and something didn’t feel right). One of the pastors sent me a message that they missed us and of everything was ok?. I  told them I didn’t like all the attention I was getting and they said they understood and i didn’t need to worry about it, that maybe God bringing me to that church was for ministry and asked if my family would return. I really didn’t want to go cause i knew that the ugly spotlight would return. my husband said we should give it one more chance (that is the 1st time in 13 years that I have ever heard my husband utter those words), i sighed and replied okay. We went 2 more times (and the dreaded spotlight was back each time). I  prayed for an answer as to why it felt that way and if it was Him?. Then was led to your site. 

I honestly don’t see how I’m looking for attention from other men to be admired. I’m mother of five children. I stopped working 8 years ago at the request of my husband. I homeschool my 2 youngest. Only leave the house if absolutely necessary. I have attempted suicide more times than I can remember then self mutilating cause I failed ( nobody knows, except God and now you). My last attempt was 8 years ago, that’s when I met Jesus. if i hadn’t already hated my life, i felt worse and shame and fear like nothing before. I stopped trying to kill myself after that. My life and my families lives changed after that. It’s been a roller-coaster. It was only last summer that I got serious about chasing after God, setting my eyes on Him. My children NEED to be taught now more then ever about Jesus Christ, who He was, who He is and why it’s Vital to make Him 1st in everything. My ‘ministry’ is my husband and children. If what you say is true, I pray God open my eyes and ears. I’m being totally honest, i don’t see how I’m seeking the attention you speak of. 

My family stopped attending the neighborhood vineyard. My confirmation was when I told the lead pastor that i had some questions about some scriptures and would like to discuss them a bit. He said sure, he would love to. He set up a time then asked if I would send him the scriptures in question. I sent them then he cancel and gave me the run around. Said he knows what they say but that they weren’t ready to  ‘stir the pot’ and stop as they were celebrating Jesus and not worshipping as the pagans and that it was a means of introducing Jesus to those who don’t know Him.

Then when I attempted to have the same discussion with my friend, she said, ‘man, it’s people like you that make me not want to be a christian. Always prideful and judgmental. I’m sorry, I’m not one of God’s elect, God’s chosen. I’m just trying to live a good moral life, not stirring the pot. Man, where’s the love. Just cause you don’t celebrate holidays doesn’t mean you have the right to impose your beliefs on me. Jesus wasn’t like that. Plus if you dig and research hard enough you’ll find everything tied to witchcraft, and that’s not what God’s about.’ 
Things haven’t been the same between us since.

So in closing, I’ve been a recluse most of my life. Avoid attention, don’t leave the house if I don’t have to. And now that I have attempted to speak up (a little). I’m shunned, called crazy, my parents and sibblings asked if I have joined an occult cause i spoke out about what God says in His Word, told them that we don’t celebrate the ‘holidays’ (that is a whole story in itself), invited my siblings to start a bible study amoungst us only (they refused and laughed at me). 

For me, this is more then not going to hell. Jesus Christ died for my dumb, stubborn, hardheaded, sinful, wicked worthy of nothing more then hell itself, life. All I want is to please our Lord Jesus Christ, to be presented as a spotless bride. The price He paid wasn’t cheap, and the road that leads to Him isn’t easy or just tough, it’s downright deadly.
If I’m lusting after the attention you say I am, I truly pray God open my eyes and ears and soften my heart to change what I’m currently blind to. And ask that you pray for the same on my behalf.

Thank you,

Psalm 130 in my mind,

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Brandyrenae
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 8:06 AM
Subject: Re[5]: Have lots of questions

Brandyrenae, continue to read prayerfully at our site along with the Scriptures and ask God to reveal your sin and grant you deliverance from its power. Ask Him to reveal the Truth to you.


From: Paul Cohen
To: Brandyrené
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Post disapproved – “Re: Some new words in my heart/Repentance”

Hello Brandyrenae,

You are receiving this notification because your post “Re: Some new words
in my heart/Repentance” at “The Path of Truth Forum” was disapproved by a
moderator or administrator.

The following reason was given for the disapproval:

Hi Brandyrenae,

We don’t agree in the Spirit of God with your exhortation of Rolande and
won’t be passing it on in order to have to correct it publicly. We are
letting you know privately, however, that it’s not from the Lord. How are
you doing?


From: Brandyrené
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Post disapproved – “Re: Some new words in my heart/Repentance”

Hi Paul,

I’m walking, reading, studying God’s word with new eyes. I can honestly say that I’m not who I was. Remember that intense feeling of walking around with a spotlight on me? It’s gone 🙂 God answered me as to why it was there. It was my shame and the oppression I was under, (at a very young age i had made covenant with hoplessness)…..I hated myself sooo deeply that I couldn’t see that my self-hate was mocking God to his face (hating myself meant I hated what HE created). Who’d a thought that my level of shame and lack of self-worth was the epitomy of pride and arrogance (you called it in one of your emails to me)(i saw it the scales of 2 extremes ie. Liberal and Conservative, when I  read pride i immediately thought “liberal” extreme when it was “conservative” extreme).  In essence I was telling God that I didn’t think HE was big enough or powerful enough to rescue me from my pit and that HE made a mistake making me. My lips honored HIM but now I know that my heart was far from HIM…..This battle is still revealing more of itself, thru a series of dreams and leading of the Holy Spirit…it started with covering my head (my outward acknowledgment of my spiritual submission). I’m starting to like this new me. Then observing passover and feast of unleavened bread for thr 1st time (i invited my siblings and parents and was able “come out” ‘publicly’ to them). My dad and sibblings are now asking questions rather then bashing me 🙂 Their is still much work to be done in me and thru me and am actually looking forward to it, as I am definitely on the path of Truth.


PS. If you are interested in the dream that thrust me into introspection, submission, and repentance, I don’t mind sharing it with you 🙂 

PSS. Thank you for your prayers on the pride matter. You were right but not in way i thought you meant by it. When i read it i immediately thought how can anyone who HATES themselves be prideful?. And their it is in bold. The scales just needed to fall from eyes.

From: Paul Cohen
To: Brandyrenae
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:55 PM
Subject: Your Update

Hi Brandyrenae, 

Yes, do share your dream with us, and thanks for getting back to us with this update.


From: Brandyrené
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Your Update

In this dream my husband and i were in stone, maybe, concrete building. My husband and I were standing next to each other, bound, tied up because we refused to take the “mark”. I told my husband to stand strong for Jesus, that i loved him and will see him in heaven. Immediately after they came, put a plastic bag over his head and walked him out of the room. I knew he loved Jesus in that instance and died for Him. I was next, i silently prayed for strength and repented of all my sins commited that day. As I opened my eyes, I got a quick glance at 2 men coming towards me to take me to the nezt room where I knew I  would die. They put a bag over my head and it startled me. My gasp for air sucked the bag tight into my face. I panicked for a moment then stopped and breathed out and started to breathe vey shallow. I was carried out into the next room, not walked over into the next room as they did my husband and the others. They laid me on an altar (i was confused as i thought they were going to behead me or hang me). As my mind was racing, One of the men that carried me, jumped on top of me and plunged a sickle type of knife into my belly. The tip of the curved blade killed me instantly. The shock of the plunge made me gasp for air, which made me suck in the bag over my face. I suffocated and died. I died by suffocation and the death stab simultaneously.

I DIDN’T wake up immediately upon the ending of this dream (waking up before you die).  I was in a dark oblivion for a few minutes, asking Jesus if I had really died. After i asked this question I returned to my real body waking up with a giant gasp of air and my heart pounding out of my chest, arms pressed in tight against my body, hands clenched tight also. I didn’t want to ever go back to bed again. I was in a major funk for a few weeks after. This dream affected me deeply.


From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Brandyrenae
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 11:31 AM
Subject: Re[2]: Your Update

While this dreams is quite dramatic and apparently significant, I don’t believe it’s from the Lord, Brandyrenae, but comes from your experiences, emotions, thoughts, imaginations and feelings, from your soul and its busy-ness, but also from your spirit in its search the Lord has placed in you. 

It’s certainly understandable how the dream could impact you. Understanding the gravity of the reality in this world has driven you to do some soul and God searching.

I could be wrong now, and perhaps Paul has a different take on it.


Paul here – I agree.

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