Name: Harold Hesler
Subject: other
Message: It would not surprise me at all if You have had many who strongly disagree with You. First: NOTHING in the New Testament requires individuals to be “fruit inspectors” it is simply how we would know them. You “claim” of legitimacy is based on “dreams”…..really? Sure there are people to beware of BUT Your error is on of the very superiority you attempt to refute in others. Your blatant self righteousness equates to nothing more than that of a modern day pharisee. Second: I do not need to defend, yet that is what this may be. You sit in Your office dreaming of finding errors and yet as an example have NEVER built a University or had thousands upon thousands in a single tent meeting, that is FRUIT!. O, please You can’t handle the truth. Those “evil spirits” you noticed in “praise” and “worship” during Kenneth Copeland meetings were an attempt to stop the very thing that group of believers were doing, the same thing YOU are trying to stop. Why is Kenneth E. Hagin not within You list? Third: Your a miserable person comparable to Ellen G. White (also on Your list)who claim a vision (mandate) of the Lord. So it is then OK for You to espouse a heavenly given mandate but not others? So many people like You have “come to late” to convince others who have, unlike You, a strong foundation. It ain’t about Cowboys and/or Indians…it’s about Heaven or Hell, start there!
On Apr 26, 2021, at 10:41 AM, Martin VanPopta wrote:
Harold, you’re a drunk fool, hammered on the Harlot’s wine. A basket case, stumbling through the streets cursing the Lord in your heart.
You’ll soon drown in your own spiritual vomit.
Martin VanPopta
From: Jerry Naught <>
Date: Monday, April 26, 2021 at 11:18 AM
To: Martin Van Popta
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
That may or may not be the case. I glad Your not the one I answer to! Love ya!
Sent from my iPhone
From: Martin Van Popta
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:25 PM
To: Jerry Naught <>; Victor Hafichuk; Ronnie Tanner
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Jerry, it is the case, and we are the ones you answer to. Your answer proves our judgment.
It’s the Harlot that always signs off with a “Love ya!”, even as she breathes murder from her smirking lips.
Martin VanPopta
From: Jerry naught <>
Date: Monday, April 26, 2021 at 5:04 PM
To: Harvest Haven
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
I figured You’d have some stupid replies. I was prepared for them. Your delusional ineptitude is truly astounding.
From: Martin VanPopta
Sent: April 27, 2021 9:15 AM
To: Jerry naught <>; Hafichuk Victor; Ronnie Tanner
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
We’re done here, Jerry.
Martin VanPopta
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 11:25 AM
To: Martin VanPopta, ‘Jerry naught’ <>; ‘Ronnie Tanner’
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Amen, Martin. Now watch his wickedness come on him. It is the final judgment of damned fools, nothing less. Am I right? Yes, I am, and this one will see it; we will all see it, as we have so many times before over the past several decades. God is finished winking with such.
From: Jerry naught <>
Sent: April 27, 2021 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Interesting that this was passed around to a bunch of religious kooks! You all condemn people and have NO part of Jesus in You. You apparently have cut John 3:17 out of Your bible, if You even read it! Y’all pass judgment of people without regard to Your own hearts, You all are the reason people do not come to the saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord, much less frequently allow You to brain wash them into continuous attendance in Your lifeless church. Frankly I wonder if in fact the very God, you so flagrantly espouse has cause y’all to be saved. You ARE NOT SHEEP, You are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Y’all wanna continue this stupid diatribe or simply agree to disagree? I am not afraid of You ignorant unfounded “judgement”, and wonder if when the woman taken in adultery was brought before Jesus by the religious leaders, (The Jewish leaders those Pharisees You so aptly demonstrate ), that He Jesus would not have exposed Y’all in His writing on the dirt. I prefer to end this ignorance, but if y’all insist…..BRING IT!
From: Martin VanPopta
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 10:11 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk; Ronnie Tanner; Martin Van Popta; Marilyn Hafichuk;
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
I recommend sobering up before sending us mail. You’re not in your right mind. I see you trying to write like a fancy pants intellectual, instead of just being yourself.
For example, you write, “Frankly, I wonder if in fact the very God you so flagrantly espouse”. Do you honestly talk this way to people? What’s with the bookish English professor snobbery? Your email is the drunken slurring of a religious phony!
Now, before we “Bring it”, I think it’s only fair that you identify yourself. In fact, we require it!
Is it Jerry? Is it Harold? Come on out into the light! Where are you from? Which church do you align yourself with? Who are your church elders, or are you a presumed church elder?
We’d like to deal with this matter out in the open, so that no idle words can fall to the ground. Why should we grapple with an unidentified vandal in the alleyway, when we can take this matter before the Throne Room of Judgment? Fair is fair Harry Jerry!
If you’re seriously volunteering yourself for a public showdown with us, then we wholeheartedly accept. The Lord will make Himself known.
Martin VanPopta
From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Amen! Let the Light shine and let the cockroaches and rats scatter.
From: Jerry naught <>
Sent: May 1, 2021 2:03 AM
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: Sat, May 1, 2021 at 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Ah, yes, Dennis Smith. He tried so hard to tell the world I was a false prophet. He took great measures to defame me, as many others have. But whereas in olden days, God’s prophets were dreadfully hated, persecuted, and stoned to death by such as yourself, today I stand and the Lord has held to His Word to me personally that no weapon formed against me should prosper. Instead, it is my defamers, accusers, and blasphemers that shall suffer God’s wrath.
So, what happened to Dennis Smith after all, not long after he reviled me publicly? Haven’t you seen or heard? You need only ask him or check public records. The same consequences will fall on you as on Dennis Smith and so many others. Thus says the Lord.
Victor Hafichuk
From: Jerry naught <>
Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 at 1:57 PM
To: Martin VanPopta
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Yep, the gang of fools are all hear! It is the easiest thing to twist things around, like You’ve done. I feel sorry for ya! I could careless whether You like my usage of words or not. It’s remarkably sad that You involve so many of Your deceived people. I bet y’all are a very exclusive group, shoving the peculiar brand of Heaven like you’ve attempted to do to me. I would count it an honor to be added to your “list” of the DAMNED, pick whichever of the name it shows for me. Your sure right about at least one thing, The Lord will make Himself known. How in the world do y’all get people to believe the utter crap you believe in. Y’all are the kind of “CULT” just like Jim Jones was who lead several hundred people to Guyana and got them to drink poison. I wonder if You are actual born-again…you sure don’t convey that if You are.
You don’t care about people who are really going to hell, spewing your self-righteous brand of condemnation. There is not light in y’all, only death! PS: It’s the GOODNESS of God that leads man to repentance, not this condemnation garbage you conveniently FLAGRANTLY ESPOUSE (oops another high dollar word…sorry), O, no I put that in red too!
Now dear patronizing (you may need to look that definitions up) Mr. Martin, I was willing to let this rest BUT you proceeded to plaster and forward this to your other group, shall I say members. You don’t have the fortitude (oops another high dollar word) to stand for yourself. Oh, Now I know You’re the big leader and must a make yourself look good as if to conjure up strength. That is where this lies. More and forth then?
From: Martin VanPopta
Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 7:37 PM
To: Jerry naught <>; Ronnie Tanner; Hafichuk Victor; Marilyn Hafichuk; Jeannie Van Popta
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
How is that you wonder whether or not we’re born again when you’re compare us to sociopathic murderers?
Why is it sad that we involve fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ when devils like you come harassing?
You are a brat child who brazenly mocks his teacher because he thinks the Headmaster delays in His Coming. You’re in for a nasty shock.
From: Jerry naught <>
Date: Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 12:19 AM
To: Martin VanPopta
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Hey Martin:
If Ya can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. You people have a “list” of people who are honorable having accomplished more than Your pathetic list that You judge and yet when someone is “harassing” your type of CULT they are equated to “devils”? That shock also falls to You. How do you like being compared to sociopathic murderers, when You compare others as false? I you can’t take your own medicine, huh Martin? O and by the way, is that a fancy word you are using, do you really talk like that in a normal conversation? Back at ya……
Is it Harold Hesler OR wait for it…. Jerry Naught
From: Martin VanPopta
Date: Sun, May 2, 2021 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
To: Jerry naught <>, Victor Hafichuk, Marilyn Hafichuk, Ronnie Tanner, Jeannie Van Popta
No child of God conducts themself as you do. Your behaviour testifies against you.
You’re obviously hardened beyond repair. The Lord will deal with you.
From: Jerry naught <>
Date: Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 3:54 PM
Subject: RE: New message at TPOT from Harold Hesler
Ditto Mr Martin, ditto!