The Cost of Looking Back to Family


From: Oneil Richards
To: Victor Hafichuk
Hi Victor.

I have sinned against the Lord and His Body, I wanted to wait until Sabbath meeting to talk to you but I’m not resting, it’s on my mind, in my thoughts in all I think and do.

Over the past weekend, Saturday night into Sunday to be exact I took my family to visit my grandmother in another the country. I had visited her prior to this last visit since the start of this year my first in three years and things seemed ok (judging according to appearance) and likewise this time around things seemed ok except one thing. This time there was obvious death and demon and I didn’t just turned around I stayed until Sunday evening. Its country and this is something exited for the children, the river, the fruits, the wild life and they did had a wonderful time but through all this there was little to no peace. Whatever little connection that was left in me toward this place I could see it dying with every passing breath. 

One of those desire was to buy a piece of property opposite my grandmother’s house to build my house (this is where I was raised) that desire is now out the window. I wanted to give her place a face lift especially the kitchen as the kitchen she used is about to capsize. Now I I’m not sure how or if I want to do that anymore. 

There was one family member possessed with demons that was sent to her for her to work on and of course he left there probably worse than he went, I’m sure not better. 

The thing is most of this I know and I did mention in a meeting about a year or two ago about this situation and me not going back there yet I ended up going back there and in the process exposing my children to this madness. I repented before the Lord for my error and disobedient, but the consequence of my action could be severe I don’t know to what level or measure. 

While we get ready to leave my grandmother took up a can of spray and spayed it over us I wanted to react but I couldn’t as all that was there was anger and things never end well when I react in anger and in the same time guilt because hadn’t I gone there this would not had happen. V I told one of my uncle I would’ve fixed the kitchen for her but now I’m not sure about that because while I respect the woman who raised me, she don’t seem to regard the fact that I now live a different life, I’m am sorry for whatever turmoil my action may have caused among the Body of the Lord. 


I also went ahead and red Mathew 10, outside of what I ask you, it applies so nicely to what took place over the weekend. Denial of self is a must.


From: Victor Hafichuk 
To: Oneil Richards
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 2:25 PM
Subject: Family Ties – Old and New

Hi Oneil,

As a young Christian, I experienced the same kind of thing with my family that you’re experiencing with yours. Read the Theo-auto. There’s that natural pull of the past world (our roots and origin) on our flesh. We do bring suffering and sorrow, unnecessary complications and pain by looking back. I certainly did. 

And for what? The past compared to the Kingdom of God is desolate and fruitless. We try to get something out of or try to contribute in some good way to it, but the past is past; time doesn’t turn around; it keeps going, as does the Lord. When He leads, we are to follow and not look back. 

I had to get up and go again, learning these things and growing in understanding. Learning is not an instantaneous event but a process. 

Count the cost, Oneil, and prepare yourself to pay it if you will continue with the Lord. The cross is the cross is the cross.

Your earthly family members served their purpose as appointed from above, as all things are, but with their having finished God’s will for you, you must leave them behind as a hermit crab leaves behind its shell. The shell was very necessary, but no longer.

Though you must forsake and leave them behind, you needn’t and dare not condemn, be critical of or hold anything against those significant members of your past. They won’t understand or accept, but they’re not expected to. No need for explanations or strife or unwarranted expectations of them based on your own experience.

I think you’re looking at things the way you need to and consequently doing the right thing. Keep on that highway, Oneil, the narrow one:

Isaiah 35:8-10 MKJV
(8)  And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called, The Way of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it. But He shall be with them; the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err in it.
(9)  No lion shall be there, nor any beast of prey shall go up on it; it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there.
(10)  And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy on their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
