A Spiritual Troll is Judged

From: Quinten
To: The Path of Truth
Subject: Question about doctrine

Your article written on Dan Mohler and Todd White is absolutely disgusting and should be taken down. You are exactly what’s wrong with Christianity today. Paul Cohen… God bless you but you are a foolish man who doesn’t seem to know God. You lack sincerity and the love that Jesus Christ calls us to. You may know scripture but that doesn’t mean you know Jesus. Maybe that’s why you cast judgement on people like Dan and Todd because you hate the thought of them knowing him which you would consider demonic or satanic. God bless

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Aug 1, 2021, at 3:26 PM
To: Quinten
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article

Powerful information, clear explanation, and great conviction, not to mention manifest wisdom and agape love. So much unlike us in every respect, Quinten.

Paul was blessed, provided Sound Scripture, stood against falsehood and was quite sincere, speaking by the Love of God, which hates iniquity.

Victor Hafichuk

From: Quinten
Sent: August 1, 2021 5:30 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article

I would strongly disagree with all aspects of your assessment and Paul’s.


Quinten Kuhn

From: Quinten
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 at 1:25 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article

Congratulations you’ve mastered the art of trolling.

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Aug 1, 2021, at 9:21 PM
To: Quinten
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article

Quinten, I’m surprised you strongly disagree with my assessment of you in this first line:

“Powerful information, clear explanation, and great conviction, not to mention manifest wisdom and agape love. So much unlike us in every respect, Quinten.”

Perhaps I should add heavenly humility to the list for you, too.

On , Harvest Haven <solutions@harvesthaven.com> wrote:

From: Martin van Popta
To: Quinten
Sent: Aug 2, 2021, at 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article

Quinten, do you have any idea how many religious morons like you leave stupid messages in our inbox?

Let me paraphrase your first message.

God bless, you’re disgusting, I’m soooooo Christian, you’re a fool…..God bless”.

What are we supposed to do with that? Who are you thinking will be impressed by your banter? It’s just sooooooooo stupid.

You say, “because you hate the thought of them knowing him which you would consider demonic or satanic.

If we hate the idea of people having a relationship with Jesus Christ, and even think it would be demonic, then WHY are you blessing us? Would Jesus Christ bless us for cursing Him?

You say, “I would strongly disagree with all aspects of your assessment and Paul’s.

Do you actually disagree, or would you disagree? Which is it? What are you even talking about? Why are you writing like some hoity toity intellectual?

Then you end with, “Congratulations you’ve mastered the art of trolling.

Excuse me, but weren’t you the one who stopped by our inbox and dumped your opinion on us hoping for a reaction?

Beat it, Quinten.


From: Quinten
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 at 12:04 PM
To: Martin van Popta
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article


I see we are at the name calling stage. Perhaps if you don’t like the emails you receive you should consider retooling your contact options on your website? Or ask Victor to remove you from being cc’d on emails such as this.

Responding in sarcasm and name calling is not how I would go about my business in responding to emails.

God bless!

From: Martin van Popta
Sent: Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: D. Mohler and T. White Article
To: Quinten

You say, “Responding in sarcasm and name calling is not how I would go about my business in responding to emails.

You also say, “Congratulations, you’ve mastered the art of trolling.

You’re a liar and a hypocrite!

Quinten, perhaps YOU should consider that there are many people who have legitimate interest in the Truth. We’ve left our door open for those the Lord brings to us to heal. However that door is inevitably a trap for those that are brought to be judged.

You’ve made a mistake in assuming that I’m upset about you sending us a message. I’m actually glad to have the opportunity to judge you, because I know that proper judgment brings justice. Our enemies identify themselves and we deal with them. Why would I want that to stop?

And what’s wrong with name-calling if it’s accurate? The Scriptures call those who deny God, fools. Is that name-calling?

You’ve been an evil man, Quinten, and your days are numbered.

Soon, you’ll be knocked off your high horse.


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