Searching for True Churches, but Finding the Truth

From: Val
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 8:04 PM
Subject: church

After reading your site i feel like i cant trust anyone. You all make it seem like everyone is bad. So please list me preachers to listen to. I’m a big believer in studying the word for myself. I live in [redacted], [redacted] send me church Recomendation in my area. Zip code [redacted]. I will go to the church and see if youre the truth as well

From: Dennison
To: Val
Cc: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: church

Hi Val, 

My name is Dennison and I’m also from [redacted]. I moved earlier this year to Montana. Do you live in the [redacted] area? If so, I once lived near where you live in the [redacted] area. 

I understand where you are coming from and how frustrating it may feel not being able to trust anyone. However, have you considered what the Scriptures say about trusting men? 

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That Your mightest be justified in Your sayings, and mightest overcome when You are judged.” (Romans 3:4)

I’ve been down that route. Years ago, I searched all over [redacted] for the “true church.” What I learned is the true Church is the body of believers who hear the Word of God and do it – wherever they are. 

Matthew 12:46-50 MKJV
(46)  But while He yet talked with the people, behold, His mother and His brothers stood outside, desiring to speak with Him.
(47)  Then one said to Him, Behold, Your mother and Your brothers stand outside, desiring to speak with You.
(48)  And He answered and said to him who told Him, Who is My mother? And who are My brothers?
(49)  And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, Behold, My mother and My brothers!
(50)  For whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, the same is My brother and sister and mother.

The Lord led me to this website and saved me from destroying myself. If you’re seeking the Lord with all your heart the same will happen for you.  

You want to see if the truth is here? You don’t have to go anywhere else when you have the teachings right in front of you.

The Church
The Case for Coming Out
The Fellowship of the Saints
How One Is Saved 

You don’t need a list of preachers to listen to – you need the Lord to reveal the truth to you, which you won’t find in Satan’s synagogues. I knew God had called me when I received His testimony at The Path of Truth.  

We are of God: he that know God hears us; he that is not of God hear not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” (1 John 4:6)

Why don’t you hear? 
