Only Two Churches on Earth

English – Spanish

From: Rosanne
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 8:04 AM
Subject: Enjoyed this article

Hi Victor,

I very much enjoyed this article “come out of her my people”. I too have come out of the harlot church system. I see that the church as a whole is dying as it presently is. A new type of church is emerging of God’s people. What do you propose we do to wake people up of this present reality? I have seen first hand the destructive impact this false religion has, but when I try to bring it up people are very unwilling to hear it. They know something is seriously wrong with the church but unable and unwilling to face it.

thank you,


From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Rosanne
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: Enjoyed this article

A man once said there are only two churches on earth, the true and the false. You speak of the false as though it was once true but has fallen in disrepair and disrepute, as you say, “as a whole is dying.” Do you know which is false and which is true, Rosanne? Yes, the true can die, as we see in Revelation 2 and 3, but is it the true or the false you’re talking about?

The Church

You say “a new type of church is emerging of God’s people.” The true church has always been of God’s people and only His people since the beginning, but yes, you’re right – it is now emerging; read The Gathering.

You ask, “What do you propose we do to wake people up of this present reality?”

Preach the truth. Spread far and wide what we are preaching here. Believers will be edified and unbelievers will hear the sound of the Voice of the Son in their graves and will rise, some to everlasting life and some to judgment.

“They know something is seriously wrong with the church but unable and unwilling to face it.”

Again, which church, the harlot one or the bride of Christ? Do these people you’re referring to know what they’re talking about? Are they willing to come out of the works of men, the paths of the destroyer, or are they content to perish in their sins?

Seek the Lord; know what you’re talking about. Pray, and if you’re free to speak, do so, without strife and leave the outcome to the Lord, Who is in charge of all things, both good and evil.
