One Drunk on False Love Misinterprets the Truth

From: Peggy
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 1:23 PM
Subject: Chan

I read what you wrote about Chan… I usually check your site and agree with most of your sayings but I disagree completely with your writings on Chan.  According to your writing you would even say Paul was a false teacher!!! 
Paul states in Phillipians 4:9 for them to follow HIS example what he does they should do… also just do a check how many times Paul uses the word I … In his writing referring to himself.  Chan is preaching a Holiness movement that maybe you are afraid to hear… but it is sound and biblical and YES there is a HELL… if you don’t believe it than you obviously do not believe Jesus because He spoke of Hell far more than HE spoke of Heaven….. I believe your site will lead many astray and I sincerely pray for y our team.

In Gods Love

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Peggy
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Chan

Peggy, you’ve misinterpreted what you’ve red on our site and haven’t given us substance that proves we err about Chan or anything else. 

For example, we most certainly know and say that Hell exists, having been liberated from it by the Lord Jesus Christ. Read The State and Fate of Hell.

We know and have shown, for those with eyes to see, that those who follow Chan’s example are in Hell, while those who follow the apostle Paul’s example are in Heaven, the Kingdom of God. 

You’re not coming to us in God’s love, Peggy. This is your love: False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold

Paul and Victor

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