Michael Rood’s Gnostic Leaven

From: Dana
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 12:54 AM
Subject: Nice site

Bless you for your efforts!
Is this site in a Berean or Messianic type of area? There’s much to read, so if you could give me a general idea as to your area of belief it’d be helpful until I’ve the time to read more.
There was a mention of a chat fellowship, which I’ve done before on Michael Rood’s site. The fellowship chat felt shallow & meaningless…nobody really cared about each other.
Just curious about if you’ve any insight to A Rood Awakenings teachings. Are they gnostic?
If you have any suggestions to a legitimate fellowship of sabbath keepers in the Fort Mill SC area, please indicate.

Thank you again & keep fighting!


From: Paul Cohen
To: Dana
Cc: Victor Hafichuk, Sara Schmidt
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2016 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Nice site

Hi Dana; welcome to The Path of Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ’s site. It’s all about and from Him – not Berean or Messianic, but Who and What He is in His people – the living Body of believers. 

The following link will give you an overall view of what the Lord has taught us of His ways and doctrines: Statement of Doctrine

The chat fellowship we have is composed of the believers we know and are in touch with, none of whom live in South Carolina. We’re dispersed throughout the world, a few here and there, but not many presently in one place. You’re welcome to join us any Sabbath, at 12 noon MST – the meetings generally last 5 hours or so. Sara Schmidt will be sending you instructions. 

I’m not familiar enough with the application of the term “gnostic” to say whether it applies, but Victor Hafichuk wrote this a few years ago about Michael’s work:

Michael Rood is a fraud, having nothing whatsoever to do with the Lord Jesus Christ, or if you will, Yeshua HaMashiach. Rood is a publicity and glory-seeking scoundrel.

Hope that helps, Dana. By the grace of God according to His will, we will continue this fight to the end. 

Victor here: Michael Rood likes to think his teachings are gnostic – he’s a prophet only in his own mind. 

Paul Cohen