A Joseph Hedgecock Follower Defends Selling the Gospel

Subject: Servants of the Lord ministries
Date: 11/28/2015 7:02 am
From: Bert
To: The Path of Truth

Hello Victor, Paul, Sara and Edwin,

To my surprise and by coincident I read you have Joseph Hedgecock and Servants of the Lord Ministries on your list of false teachers/organisations.

I read the part where a woman said she got hurt by listening to Joseph and when you ask her to explain more in detail she refused to go into your question. It sounded for me like there was something wrong in the way she presented here accusation.

Many did not follow the Lord Jesus because they found His words hard and exactly that is what is happening today. It is even a warning for the end times that people will not endure sound doctrine.

Then Victor use words as “these things don’t ring true, because…..

How do you discern this, if you do it out of your reasoning and understanding you will be deceived, only by the Holy Spirit one can come to truth. Only the right divided Word of God, that what the Lord meant by it, is the truth. Not what believers make of it by reading it and try to explain it.

I can clearly read in the comments of Paul Cohen that he did not read the books of Joseph but somehow give his own opinion on it, for example that the cross is not applied. Without the cross it is not possible to enter into the Kingdom of God now, that is at this right moment.

More practical teaching than S.O.L.M. you will not find, it is a daily taking up your cross.

He also mentioned that books are sold for money, his wrong explanation using ´freeling received and freely give and even uses the words “money solicitation”. If you go into a shop and ask for a free Bible, they will ask you for money to buy it because it cost money to print it.

I testify that since I came in contact with S.O.L.M. , that was when I was working with YWAM, I found this teaching ministry giving me more truth than I ever received in the former 20 years in any church or teaching I listened to on the internet. I have been a friend of this organisation which means that I help them whenever they are here in Holland or Belgium.

They sell books because it cost money to get them printed and transported. The books which are going to Africa sometimes are given away when people can’t effort them. Even last year when some came to Holland and we rented a table during a Christian meeting, we gave away 260 for free that day. I figured out this whole day had cost more than 1200 euro.

Why? Because the Lord said so!

These people travel all over the world, leaving their families, without asking for money but leave it up to the church/organisation for a offering. In all those years they have never ask me once for money. They will go to the other side of the earth to teach in a little bible group and will sleep wherever they are invited. They go through hardship and don’t complain. No, they get wrongly accused by others who are not willing to give up their live to the Lord Jesus Christ but instead keep using their own Lordship and do whatever they think they have to do without consulting the Lord.

I have given my testimony out of a 12 year experience knowing these people and also what they teach.


From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 8:28 AM
To: Bert
Cc: Sara Schmidt, Edwin Romero
Subject: Re: Servants of the Lord ministries

Hi Bert,

You say about the woman who came to us complaining about Joseph Hedgecock and his “Servants of the Lord Ministries”:

It sounded for me like there was something wrong in the way she presented here accusation.

Do you understand the title and summary we gave for our posting on Hedgecock and his organization? 

Throw Out the Bathwater, Not the Baby

We often note the true things false teachers say, because people need to know that the truth is no respecter of persons. Rejecting a person as a teacher from God doesn’t give one license to reject everything that person says. As Jesus said of His opponents, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat [teaching Moses’ words]. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do. But do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do” (Matthew 23:2-3 MKJV).

How about the summarization at the end – did you read this? 

Our message to Jeanie and all others is this: If you fall for Hedgecock’s or other false teachers’ ministries, don’t blame them. Something is wrong with you that caused you to fall for them, and far better you should have your shortfall addressed than remain in bitterness and perpetual defeat. Then you won’t throw out the Baby with the bathwater. But if you don’t love the Truth, you’ll reject the good with the bad, and be as badly off or worse than the false teachers from whom you’ve departed.

You say about Hedgecock and his people: 

They will go to the other side of the earth to teach in a little bible group and will sleep wherever they are invited. They go through hardship and don’t complain.

We don’t doubt your assessment. But zeal and sacrifice don’t make Joseph or his teaching right (though he speaks some truth).

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves” (Matthew 23:15 MKJV). 

“If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:3 ESV). 

Even if Joseph gave away all his books, it’s still another gospel he’s preaching, about which the apostle Paul said:

“But even if we or an angel from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, and now I say again, If anyone preaches a gospel to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8-9 MKJV). 

And by the way, a bookstore selling a Bible isn’t the same thing at all as a man selling what he proposes is the truth God gave him. Where do you find any men of God selling the substance of their ministry? You should know better after so many years of professing faith, reading the Bible, and presenting yourself to others as a judge. 

Instead of focusing on a man and his organization, Bert, shouldn’t you be focusing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel? Have you heard the Gospel we preach, which is according to the Lord and His Scriptures? Did you read all the support links in our posting of Hedgecock? It appears not. Read those along with the rest of our Teachings, Our Testimonies, Diabolical Doctrines and The True Marks of a Cult. Then come back to us and talk to us about the truth rather than your opinion of a man. 

Victor Hafichuk
