How Do I Know I Received the Real Spirit of God?

From: Taylor
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:29 PM
Subject: receiving the spirit

Hello. I was hoping you could tell me how a person can know if they have received the real Spirit of God. Thank you.

From: Victor Hafichuk and Paul Cohen
To: Taylor

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ, Taylor,

The question you ask here is an important one. The apostle John exhorted the beloved to try the spirits, declaring that not all are of God, though claiming to be. Indeed, many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. I do not know if you are asking to test me according to your doctrine and understanding of how one ought to know if he has truly received the Spirit of God, or if you are truly wanting to know, not being sure of your spiritual relationship with God. If the former, you may not hear and believe (for now) what I have to say. If the latter, it is very good that you should be inclined to ask, because God is working with you. If you are sure of your state, and content, I cannot help you. If you are not sure, and are asking, be assured that God is calling you. If He is calling you, the door is open to respond and to receive. This may include your loved ones; it may not. Often, God calls one at a time, as he did with most, as He did with me and with Paul. Sometimes, He brings a whole household, as with Cornelius, Stephanas, and the Philippian jailer.

Please go to our site and read Our Testimonies and The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There you will find your answer if you are diligent and sincere in seeking the truth, prepared to pay the price, which will be your life, and all things pertaining to it. There can be nothing held back. Otherwise, as the Lord said, you are not worthy of being His disciple. How can one be worthy, if withholding something, anything, big or small, from God? That would be, and is, idolatry, which is an insult to the Creator of all things, Who laid down His own life for your sake. We owe Him everything.

Know that there is the counterfeit, but for now, I will tell you how you may know the real. I will briefly mention some sure indications of one having received the Spirit of God:

One of the sure marks of the work of God in one’s life is the abhorrence of sin and self. As Job said, by the time God was through with him, “Wherefore, I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” One of the sure marks of God touching a soul is great sorrow and tears of repentance. Concerning the baptism in the Holy Spirit, days prior are filled with an agony of soul, of confession and repentance, of an awareness of one’s unworthiness before God. Yes, I know, there are many who teach otherwise. Do not believe them. Yes, the sorrow and tears are eventually taken away and one is led to victory and joy when receiving the Spirit, but if that former stage or state has not been there, you will not have the real thing. It is not the same as seeking an experience. The cross is all the difference.

Initially, upon receiving the Spirit, as with repentance, one will have joy. However, as John the Immerser promised would be, Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit and fire. Some interpret that fire to represent power. Not so. The fire is there, as John declared, to burn away the chaff. Whereas one in repentance had his or her sins forgiven (and that is a very exciting, crucial and significant step in the process of salvation), now the Holy Spirit comes to deal with the sin nature, the flesh, the man of sin within. That, my friend, is a very uncomfortable process by the Comforter, but very necessary and indeed leading to perfect comfort. When the process is complete, one enters the rest of God, here, in this life. To that, as is recorded in the introduction on our site, I can personally attest. Again, the cross is all the difference at every stage.

In receiving the Spirit, one’s life is dramatically changed, not in terms of emotions so much, though change occurs there as well, as in interest, focus, desire, understanding, direction, and familial and social relationships. Of course, the counterfeit claims these as well, so I cannot point to this latter indication as a sure one. It is sure, but it can be mimicked by delusion. One thing the enemy cannot and will not copy is the cross. The man of sin will do anything, sacrifice all, be devoted, be as good as good can outwardly be, but the man of sin will not go to the cross.

When one has received the Spirit, the Bible will become a new book altogether. You will see, in great light, that which you could never see before receiving the Spirit.

One will have the gifts of the Spirit, be they prophecy, visions, dreams, tongues, healing, word of knowledge, and others.

One will hear the voice of God, personally, directly. As Jesus said, “My sheep HEAR My Voice.”

Taylor, each of the feasts of ancient Israel represented a stage in one’s walk with God. There is Passover, in which Christ died, which represents the sacrifice for sin and repentance wherein sins are forgiven experientially. There is Pentecost, wherein one receives the Spirit. At that solemn feast (note that all feasts were referred to as “solemn”), there were also sacrifices, as with the lamb at Passover. Sacrifices always represented the yielding to God, the price paid by our Savior for our sin(s), and acknowledging Him in all our ways, not by our goodness or righteousness, but by thankfully and humbly receiving His. Then comes Tabernacles, the third and final solemn feast where the greatest ceremony of sacrifice of all was performed, wherein the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement, to sprinkle the blood of two sacrifices on the Mercy Seat, which was upon the Ark of the Covenant. This was the only day of the year in which anyone entered that room, and only the High Priest. It was on this day, a part of the Feast of Tabernacles, in which a goat was slain, and another goat was led away into the wilderness by a fit man, after the sins of the people of God were laid on its head by the laying on of hands and prayer. Tabernacles was at the time of final harvest, in the seventh month of the year, in the fall. It was the third and final feast, representing the Coming of the Lord, the rest, the entering into a sonship with God, and not only sonship, but victory and calling or work.

I red your testimony, and that of Carrie’s, Taylor. I have to tell you both that what is related in that testimony carries the marks of a false baptism in the Spirit. I will not hold back to tell you so, here and now. However, in repentance, nothing is too great for God. He can heal and mend all, and make it all new. He is over all the power of the enemy. I will also tell you that we have staked our lives on the path we have taken and have found it to be true altogether. We now speak by the grace and counsel of God. We have been granted to know the difference between good and evil, between the false and the true. 

I hope that you have been helped. Now it is in your hands, by the grace of God. You may also be given grace to read The True Marks of a Cult.

Contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, and very thankful to have that unspeakable privilege,


Greetings, Taylor,

There is a strange predicament that comes with answering a question like this. The reason people receive a false spirit is because they are looking for something other than God, though they claim to be looking for Him. So how then can one tell a person given over to delusion how to detect or to see his or her delusion? There is only one way a person can receive the truth, and that is the person asking is prepared by God to seek the truth, and to forsake his or her error that came from seeking things other than God. 

What we have seen for many seeking the baptism of the Spirit, as related in the testimonies given at “Pastor John’s House,” is a seeking after an experience, which has nothing, in fact, to do with God. The emphasis, deny it as men will, is on the sensation, and on feelings, all external and focused on self. Everything is made of how you feel, and what you experience, to the exclusion of reality and true holiness that is focused on the Lord Jesus Christ.

When a person is seeking after God there is no real attention paid to how he or she feels. There is no burden of proof that must be solicited and conjured up to prove an event has transpired, much as the prophets of Baal tried to do by leaping on the altar, crying out, and cutting themselves. God comes of His own accord, as He did at Pentecost, and as He did when Elijah quietly called on His Name, or when he sought God and He was not found in the whirlwind and commotion, but came as a small, still voice. 

When the apostles were baptized in the Spirit, they were given to speak in the tongues of those present in Jerusalem. They did not seek, much less strive to speak in tongues. It was not confusion, against which Paul warned the Corinthians. There was meaning and purpose behind it. The risen Lord Jesus Christ was giving testimony to the nations though His body, for which He had come and brought to birth. The apostles didn’t need to twist God’s arm to make this happen. They obeyed Him by tarrying in Jerusalem as He commanded them to do, and when the day of Pentecost, the firstfruits, was fully come, He came too. The Spirit descended upon them as He had formerly ascended from them. Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

The evidence of the baptism of the Spirit is that testimony of Jesus Christ will follow. The person receiving the Spirit will bear witness to the truth, and will confess that He comes in the flesh. This cannot be produced by doctrine, or men’s works. Many claiming to have the Spirit of God walk according to the teachings of men, biblical doctrines (whether true or not), and the works of the flesh. They do not have His Spirit. All of those things can be passed off to the blind and ignorant as the work of God, giving a similar appearance. 

For example, the Scriptures say that no man can call Jesus Lord except by the Spirit. Yet we know that some people who call Jesus Lord do not have His Spirit at all, that being made abundantly evident by what they do, in contradiction to one another or the commandments of God. Yet others may not evidently be in error. So what gives? How can one tell who is what? The Scripture I just referred to is not talking about what one says with the lips, or the appearance given by the works of the flesh, but the reality of the heart and motive. A person can only call Jesus Lord if that is the present reality in his or her life. He or she will be living the crucified life, where it is not them, but Christ Who lives in them. And if not there yet, they will be on that path, following Him as He directs.

Can you see Paul or Peter talking about how great a Spirit baptism they had, as we find on John’s site? Can you find anywhere in Scripture the kind of emphasis on, and glorying in, experiences in the same way that you have been taught? Did the Apostles write long testimonies about their baptism in the Spirit? No, they went on and testified of Jesus Christ. There is a no small difference between the two. One is life and light, the other death and darkness. May God give you eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to obey Him. It will cost you your life, but it will also be life from the dead.


From: Taylor
To: Victor and Paul
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Receiving the Spirit, Paul’s reply

Paul/Victor, again, thank you for your replies.
This summer the Lord revealed to me the fundamental tenets of his gospel message. For the first time, I could see his plan of salvation for people like you and me like I had never seen it before. It opened up seemingly endless avenues in the scriptures of which I was previously blind. It was wonderful to have my eyes opened the way they were. It was an ‘experience’, mind you, that I love telling people about (for one reason at least) because the Lord humbled himself to do something wonderful for little me. I can’t help but to tell people about these types of ‘experiences’ I’ve had in the Lord because they accomplish real and wonderful things in my soul, they open my eyes to things I couldn’t see before, among many other things. The Lord is known by things he does so what is the sin in telling people the many wonderful details about when the Lord has done something (like baptized us with his Spirit)? For me, he relieved a thousand burdens when I received the Spirit and I absolutely love telling people about it (mostly because I’ve seen what me telling it can do for people – mostly renew a sense of hope in hungry souls that they can be helped). He has accomplished far too many wonderful things in my soul to be fooled by a man who says I’ve received a false baptism.
Beyond that, though, what the Lord showed me exposes some of what you are teaching as false. Via the Lord teaching me what is fundamental to the gospel message, it enabled me to see what was not fundamental to it. One thing that is not fundamental to the gospel message is the flesh (and the other ‘rudiments’ of this world, like water). The Lord is not telling desperate and needy men to be baptized in water, as you are. There is one baptism that counts in the kingdom of God, and it is the spirit baptism. I’d be denying the Lord that showed me that to agree with a man that is teaching otherwise.
Paul and Victor, I’ve had you both on my mind a lot these last few days. I hope the Lord will one day open your eyes, as he has so mercifully done mine, and we can one day have fellowship in the light together.
God bless you.

From: Paul Cohen
To: Taylor

Taylor, Paul here. Are you willing to admit when you are in error? Or does your world crumble if you admit that you are wrong, and we are right? If so, it is also rightly so that your world should crumble, as it needs to. If you cannot receive correction from us it is because your world is built on a false foundation, the teachings and honor of men rather than the truth in Christ.

Victor had written to Damien Callahan, who also had drawn the same false conclusion as you have about water baptism. You are dipping in the same polluted well as he is. 

Here is what Damien wrote:

Jesus has also taught me, as you state (actually in the bible), that there is only one baptism. Yet, brother Victor, you mention two baptisms as being required. You say
Water immersion is a symbolic act of identification, an expression of faith, picturing the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ 
Water baptism, meaning only the baptism of John the Baptist and no other form whatsoever, never meant any of these things. Water baptism was an act of obedience to God by a repentant Jew. It was only sent to the Jews just as John and Jesus were only sent to the Jews. It was Paul who was sent with a gospel to the Gentiles and it was different to what Peter preached to the Jews. It omitted all ritual form but both gospels included the baptism of the Spirit. Even when Peter was sent to Cornelius he never got to preach water baptism. God interrupted Peter before he could mention water and gave them the Spirit. But the understanding of what God had done had to await the preaching of Paul.
Requiring water baptism is a rejection of what Jesus died for – the baptism of the Spirit. Any ceremony, any physical form is a rejection of Jesus.

Here is what Victor replied:

Concerning water baptism, you draw false conclusions in what I write. Where did you find that I advocated water baptism as a necessity? You don’t find it there. If, however, you do find it in any of my writings, several of which are from many years ago, and I say, or give the impression that water baptism is a necessity, then let me know. I will, Lord willing, change it. 

In the mean time, you are wrong to fault the Scriptures or Peter and Paul for indulging in water baptism. Peter was full of the Holy Ghost when preaching to the gentiles. You can say all you want that he was still in the old way of thinking, but in so doing, you deny the sovereignty of God. God was giving him revelation as He saw fit, and could have given Peter, in all those years with Jesus, the understanding of water baptism as not being necessary. He did not do that. Peter baptized, and it was the will of God. 

Saul of Tarsus was water baptized, Philip baptized the eunuch, the Samaritans were water baptized, the Ephesian disciples were water baptized, Lydia, the Philippian jailer and his house, and so were all those at Pentecost after Peter preached. Paul baptized Crispus, Gaius, and Stephanas’ household, as he declared to the Corinthians, though he asserted that he was not sent to baptize. If there is only one baptism (and there is only one spiritual baptism), why would Paul baptize in water? Why would Jesus and His disciples have water baptized? Why would Peter, Jesus’ close disciple, baptize? One baptism does not mean that there was only one of all kinds. Consider what the Hebrews writer says:

“Therefore, having left the discourse of the beginning of Christ, let us go on to full growth, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the baptisms, of doctrine, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this we will do, if God permits” (Hebrews 6:1-3 MKJV).

If there is only ONE baptism of all kinds, and not one of each of different kinds, then what is the Hebrews writer doing, speaking positively of more than one? You err, Damien, and not I. Do you not know that it was Paul who wrote to the Ephesians of “one Lord, one faith, one baptism?” Why would Paul and Peter include both water and Spirit baptisms in their teaching and practice, if there is only “one baptism,” period?  Consider. You are subject to a false teacher.

As to the significance of water baptism, you err again. While Paul speaks of Spirit baptism to the Romans, it does not take a superior intellect to understand that water baptism depicts a death, burial and resurrection, water immersion “drawing a picture” of that which happens spiritually, as described:

“Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been joined together in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection” (Romans 6:3-5 MKJV).

Whether Peter or Paul, both practiced water baptism and taught spiritual baptism. You write: “Requiring water baptism is a rejection of what Jesus died for – the baptism of the Spirit. Any ceremony, any physical form is a rejection of Jesus.

You therefore, as a result, foolishly accuse Peter, Paul, Silas, Luke, Philip and other saints of that transgression. You err in judging these men, fathers of the faith, chosen vessels of Christ, foundational apostles no less, who have ministered in understanding to us, by spiritual revelation. Do you see why the works of men are the paths of the destroyer, Damien? You are found coming against the Body of Christ, and Jesus Christ Himself. These ideas of yours, these doctrines of John Clark, in short, are antiChrist. You write: 

God interrupted Peter before he could mention water and gave them the Spirit. But the understanding of what God had done had to await the preaching of Paul.” 

Those are simply conjectures and opinions, stupid at that, formulated by Clark and company. They are unsubstantiated in Scripture and are not witnessed to by the Spirit. [End of Reply to Damien] 
From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Taylor 

Taylor, you do wrongly accuse us of the water baptism issue. As a result of your negligence and ignorance, you foolishly judge us by a standard not applicable to us. Doing so, you set your course on destruction. We know what we are talking about. You will too, but not before paying the price for pursuing your own lusts. You are serving the one coming as an angel of light, the one who comes as the Christ. That is because you are more a lover of pleasures than a lover of God. Go your way, deny the Lord Jesus Christ as you do, and reap the fruits.
Knowing, serving, and speaking by the Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of all things, Who laid down His life for us, and after three days, took it up again, to reign over all, and Who even purposes that devils have their role, to chasten the sons of men in their frowardness,

[Editor’s Note: Below is Taylor’s testimony on John Clark’s website that Victor refers to:]

Taylor and Carrie are a young couple who contacted us through the Internet a little over a year ago. They began attending John Clark’s meetings in North Carolina, while earnestly seeking the holy Ghost baptism. Here is what happened to them at a recent meeting as related to us from Pastor Clark: “Last night we had our Saturday night Bible study. It was obvious the meeting was not over even though our study was completed. After the meeting Taylor came up for prayer. He and his wife had been seeking the holy Ghost since they saw us on the Internet… but had not received. After the meeting was over Taylor came up for prayer – really desiring a breakthrough. Earl and I told him to “turn up the volume” (Taylor is very soft spoken). When he started lifting up his voice to God, the holy Ghost came upon him in a BIG way, and he received the baptism. He was so overjoyed, and filled with the Spirit that he was jumping all around, about 3 feet off the ground and shouting in tongues, happy as we have ever seen him. We thought Taylor’s wife Carrie got the holy Ghost earlier but would not really tell anyone – she just wasn’t sure. Later we found out that she had prayed through again at home, making certain that SHE was satisfied… that’s the way to do it! The praying and rejoicing went on from 8:30pm till 11:30pm, and we were so happy to receive another baby “outside” the gates of Christianity. Taylor and Carrie have a BIG advantage, starting off in the truth from day one! People in the meeting were just weeping for joy, and falling out under the power of God. Waiting for the testimony of the Spirit is still the only way for things to ever be right among God’s people.” 

Here are their testimonies: 

From Carrie:

A little over a year ago, my husband, Taylor, and I came across the Isaiah 58 website. Everything that was on that website was exactly what our hearts were wanting to hear- there wasn’t a trinity (that was always confusing to me), we are not saved until the end (I never knew what to tell people when they would ask me when I got saved) and on and on. We found out that there is a group of people that gets together for holiness meetings only thirty minutes from our house and the pastor of that group is the one that writes the tracts on the website. It is still amazing to me how God has lined everything up perfectly in my life so that I am at the exact place where I am right now. 

When I would go to the meetings it would feel so good – to be around the people, to learn about the real living God and to feel the power of God. I never felt the power of God until I came to these meetings. It was exciting to know that God is “alive,” He can speak to people, and that the Holy Ghost can move and can cause people to speak in tongues. That was so new to me, but at the same time, it seemed completely natural. I knew that I needed the baptism of the Holy Ghost so that I would be accepted by God and then I would be able to live a clean life by obeying God and following His Spirit. I knew too that this was the only way that I would be a good wife and one day a good mother being able to help raise our children in the way that is acceptable to God. Taylor and I had been going to these meetings for about a year and I had felt the power of God, but I didn’t think that I had received the Spirit because I had not heard myself speak in tongues. Then I found out from Pastor John that he and several other people had heard me speak in tongues during the meetings- I didn’t even know! I believed what Pastor John said because I trust him, but I wanted to know for myself, so I continued to seek God and it just kept getting better and better. Words can’t describe the feelings that God gives! 
Finally after a weekend of wonderful meetings (the same weekend that Taylor got free in the Holy Ghost), I was crying out to God at home- I wanted to hear myself speak in tongues! I wanted to know if I had received the baptism! I went into the other room and hugged Taylor and as I did, I heard myself speaking in tongues…it was such a relief to know! We sat on our living room floor and prayed in tongues- what an incredible experience! God was showing me how faithful He is- not only was He listening to my prayer, but He answered my prayer minutes after I asked Him! God does bless those that seek Him! 

People keep telling me that it keeps getting better and better – I feel so new and happy, I’m not sure what I will do if it keeps getting better and better! It feels so good to know that I am in touch with the real God and on the right track for the first time. I am also thankful that God has given the Holy Ghost to me and my husband at such a young age, so that if we continue in God’s will for us, we will have a marriage that is acceptable to God. I thank God for giving me the Holy Ghost; I just wish that I could adequately thank Him for all that He has done for me. 

From Taylor:

I can remember, almost three years ago, sitting in my bed thinking about wanting to know whoever it was that really knew God. Whoever it was that knew how to get close to God, I wanted to meet him, and I wanted him to teach me what I had to do to get closer to God, how to live a right life, and so on. In my head, I was thinking that it was some preacher out there, I just had to find him and learn from him. I started reading my Bible more, writing what I had been thinking about in a journal, going to different worship services, etc. doing whatever I thought would help me get closer to God. I guess for a good while I kind of went from place to place, looking for whatever it was, or whoever it was that I thought was just the thing for me, that thing or that person that was “the ticket” to show me the way. I would occasionally find a place that I’d kind of get excited about. I might get some “food for thought” or something that would seem to make me feel convicted for a while, but I never really found a “home”. In short, I just really remember praying, or thinking, that I just wanted to know whoever it was that really knew God, and I wanted him to teach me. That was during the summer of 1996. 

After that summer, I got very involved with a Christian group on my college campus in North Carolina. I had one-on-one Bible studies with a Korean missionary named Samuel, and I feel like God really used my time there in many good ways. I remember when we studied Genesis chapter 1 during my second Bible study with him. We usually prayed after each Bible study, and I remember praying that I felt like I had been hit with a bolt of lightening, on the inside, during our Bible study. Though God may have planted a seed at an earlier time, I definitely felt like God did something that was very real during that Bible study. My time with Samuel was the best thing I had ever experienced, “religiously”, I guess. I felt like that was about the time when God really started dealing with me.
During that year, I feel like God worked many things out that led both Carrie and I to where we are right now. I remember having a dream one night that I started speaking in tongues, and it was so good! I also felt like God showed me that I was never going to get out of sin without the holy Ghost. The strength I’d need to overcome sin is only through the holy Ghost. These were the kinds of experiences, mostly during the Spring of 1997, that got both of us searching for whatever it was that we were feeling that God was trying to say to us. 

One night I was on the Internet and I started doing searches on speaking in tongues and the holy Ghost. After my second search, the first page among a list of very many was a page called “Isaiah 58 Broadcast & Tracts”. I clicked on it and one of the first things on the page read, “If you have received the baptism of the holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, or if you are seeking this blessed experience, then this page is for YOU!!!”. I thought that was a pretty strong statement at first but something in me believed it when I read it. I began reading some of the materials that were on the webpage and I couldn’t believe what I was reading. What I read was that I was not saved, no one was until the end, after they’ve obeyed God and followed the Spirit for their whole life. I read that I didn’t have the Spirit of God in me until I heard the Spirit testify in tongues. I read that I had to live a clean life if I wanted to make it in the end. God had prepared my heart to receive what they were writing about. It was so good to hear that there was really only one “body”, that the power of God really did move on people, that I was not right with God with the kind of life I was living, and so on. I wanted to live clean and for the first time someone told me that it was possible with the holy Ghost. I sent off for some materials from the webmaster of the page, Gary Savelli, and it wasn’t long before the tracts and tapes came in the mail. I LOVED those tracts and tapes. I listened to those tapes so many times, loving every last bit of what I was hearing. I remember getting quite a few of the tracts when I received my first shipment, and sitting in the chair thinking, “Well I shouldn’t read them all at once,” and then thinking, “Why not? You’re enjoying them so much!” I just loved them and my soul felt like it was going to explode on the inside. I was so happy about what I was hearing. 

Not long after that, Carrie and I were invited to go to a home prayer meeting at John Clark’s (the author of many of the materials on the web page and pastor of the congregation in Burlington) house and we started going to the meetings regularly. I remember thinking the meetings were “perfect”. The people at the meeting talked about what God had been doing for them, there were lots of testimonies, if someone felt like singing a song, they’d pick up their guitar and sing one. I heard many speaking in tongues. The pastor prayed for certain people in the congregation, and laid hands on them. I saw the power of God move on people. We went to the meetings for about a year, just doing whatever we felt like we had to do to fully repent, and receive the holy Ghost. I felt like I had felt the power of God but I wasn’t sure if I had really heard the spirit testify, saying that God had cleansed my heart. Then, on September 19th of 1998, after one of our weekend meetings, the power of God started falling on people who were standing around with one another. I felt a “pull” from the Spirit on the inside of me and I kind of remembering just giving up or surrendering to the Spirit and before I knew it I was jumping for joy and I began speaking in tongues. I can’t explain what I was feeling that night! It was wonderful. Before that night, I was having a hard time feeling like I was acceptable to God and then I KNEW then that I was acceptable to Him at that point and it felt so good. It was an experience “out of this world”, if I may say it like that. I still can’t believe sometimes how good God has been to me. 

To end my testimony for now, I want to wrap up with what I started saying in the beginning of my testimony. We were in a meeting last weekend and we were all praying. The thought came into my mind, something like this, “Remember what you prayed for a while back, how you wanted to know who it was that knows God and can show you the way, well look where you are now.” After we were praying, I looked around the room and saw myself surrounded by people who knew the real God, and were showing me the right way. I felt so blessed and even now, I can’t hold back the tears when I think of how much God has blessed me.