From: Kisa
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:16 PM
I am in need of help. I’m a mother of 3 and dealing with some strange experiences.
My whole life something has felt wrong. I said the prayer when I was 5…nothing….re dedicated my life to Christ as a teen….nothing.
I have not attended church my adult life. About two years ago I started to feel a tingling sensation in my feet. Then a cold sensation that sweeps up my spine and now kind of all over. I had no idea what is was. Through my searching I found out about kundalini. It mentioned it being the same thing as the holy spirit energy. It scared me.I had no idea. I’ve been suffering from a really heavy feeling. I got into the bible for weeks. Questioned my mom about the baptism of the holy spirit. She didn’t know.
Long story short I ended up reading about chakras, goddess energy, crystals, grounding in mother earth and energy healing. I kept searching and searching because I could never settle on anything. Nothing seemed right. I have done a couple of sacral energy healing at a local therapy place. I wasn’t trying to open up anything. Just get rid of the energy feeling. Im dizzy all the time.I asked him to focus on my foread because I had a lot of pressure.
I asked about ancestor curses because all the women in my family for generations suffer from extreme fatigue. No medical explanation??
Recently it has gotten so bad.
He said I had an entity attached to me and we tried to get rid of it. My body started to do move and do different kinds of symbols. He said it was my body healing.
Haven’t been back since but whenever I relax my body I can do the movements and hand symbols. Then started singing and talking in tongues I’m guessing.
I found your sight because I’m trying to figure this out.
I’ve read that when you ask a false Jesus into your heart that you give some kind of agreement for an entity to enter you. There’s this being called esu emanuel that is posing as the sun of sanat who wants to combine all religions. Im confused why a virgin birth and resurrection aligns with a pagan tradition that started way before the time of Christ??? I just found out about Easter and Christmas coming from pagan traditions. Apparently he’s been seen all over the world and doing miracles. There are people all over the world feeling this kundalini energy?? There a a bunch of people believing this being called maytria is coming to join all religions. It gave me chills.
I also read that kundalini is what the holy spirit is. This does not feel right??? The cold energy started last September. I was in bed and my breathing started to slow down. Felt like I was going to die but woke up the next morning. Now it feels like I’m sitting in the ocean getting rocked my waves.Colors are brighter? Apparently this is all part of “kubdalini awakening”.
This feeling almost feels like getting an epidural. It calming but I don’t know???? I’m getting pressure around my neck as well all throughout the day.
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Kisa
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 7:10 AM
Subject: Strange Experiences – Seeking Help
Kundalini isn’t the Holy Spirit, Kisa, not at all. And what you’re experiencing isn’t the Lord Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with Him. It is demonic.
There is One Answer and One Answer Only – repenting and turning to the Lord Jesus Christ and renouncing all sin, black magic, black arts, black faith, false Christs and false gods.
How One Is Saved
What Is Faith?
Confession of Sin
Devils are no problem for the Lord Jesus Christ. He can and will deal with every issue standing between you and God, if you call on Him (the One we preach) in truth, following through on what He gives you:
“For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13 KJV).
False religion didn’t work for you, but God never fails and He will deliver the one who looks to Him.
“The righteous LORD is in that city. He does no wrong. He brings His judgment to light every morning. He does not fail” (Zephaniah 3:5 GW).
We are that city, the work of His hands.
Paul and Victor