Church: Dull, Boring, and Full of Harlotry

From: Sheila
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 5:52 PM
Subject: Thank you! 

Dear Bro. Hafichuk:

I just wanted to say “thank you so much!!” for your article “The case for coming out”. Over the past year, I have been spending much time in praying in the Spirit and reading the word. A few months ago, I told the Lord (bc I tell Him everything) that I really have no desire to go to church anymore bc I already know what they’re going to do before I get there. It’s always the same, and I really wasn’t enjoying being there. BUT, I really enjoy spending hours at home in my bedroom with Him… worshipping the Lord, praying and reading (and hearing) the word. It has been almost 3 months since my last visit to church, and today I was gonna go, not bc I wanted to, but bc I felt like I “should”. 

Before I got out of bed, I heard the scripture Hebrews 10:25, and began to read and understand what it is truly saying. You ready know what my conclusion is. I will not assemble with the harlot, bc I am not of the harlot!! Praise The Lord!! 

I know the Lord allowed me to find your article and website today, (I have NEVER seen it before or even heard of it) and I thank Him, and thank you for sharing The Truth! 

“Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. 

Amen.” (Jude 24-25)

With Love,


From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Sheila
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2016 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you! 

Amen to Jude 24-25. It’s the Lord’s doing, and we can only come through by way of the cross, doing His will and not our own according to the faith He gives us.  

Another good writing: The Cross – Only the Death Sentence Will Avail.

1 Chronicles 16:8-12 MKJV
(8)  Give thanks to the LORD, call on His Name, make known His deeds among the people.
(9)  Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him, talk of all His wondrous works.
(10)  Glory in His Holy Name, let the heart of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
(11)  Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually.
(12)  Remember His marvelous works which He had done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth….
