Boasting of Discernment While Deceived

From: Kelly
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:40 PM
Subject: I disagree with you

Hi there, 

Out of all the people on your false teacher list, I cannot believe you’ve actually listed one of the few that are really teaching and preaching the truth. Jimmy Swaggart has been only teaching the cross in Him crucified, the message of the cross.The whole bible points to the cross. All of my christian life anyone else I’ve tried to listen to has left me confused. Finally, everything makes sense since Jimmy and his ministry. 

I’m not your average person. I’m not easily fooled and don’t fall for anything. People tend to underestimate me. Since 1994, off and on I’ve followed this ministry. What kept me coming back through the years was my spirit knew the teachings weren’t right with those others. Everyone who has ever been on TBN if that gives you any idea. 

I’m sorry if you don’t like him for whatever reason, but I don’t have to worry about that ministry not speaking the truth. You and so many others have completely wrong info and ideas on this. I’m not wanting to argue or debate you but if you really are in truth, then you’ll remove Jimmy from your list and maybe if you watched this network as many hours as I have, you’d know better than that. 

You know full well, that people hear what they want and not what’s really being said. My family has been to Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge for the youth conference with my 18 year old daughter who has come so far from darkness and because of this ministry and their uncompromised truth, we no longer have to worry about what she believes or is being taught. These people in this church are all genuine and we’ve been to alot of these other false teachers meetings in past years. Huge difference! 

All I know, is there’s a bunch crap out there being taught, but not at this ministry. I really don’t care what anyone thinks about them. My family is grounded solidly in Jesus Christ because God uses this ministry greatly. Jimmy is a very humble man. He doesn’t say alot of the crap that people try to say he does. Our televisions don’t move from this channel and believe me, I can tell false doctrine. 

Thank God my 18 year old daughter keeps this on her tv in her room. If it wasn’t for their expositor’s bible, me and my daughter would not be able to understand the alot of scriptures the right way. I’ll be praying that the holy spirit will reveal these things to you concerning this man. I don’t know where our family would be if it wasn’t for this ministry. Praise God for them. Thanks for your time and for hearing me out. I appreciate it.


“The Will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.”

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Kelly
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: I disagree with you

Hi Kelly,

You write to us: “Jimmy Swaggart has been only teaching the cross in Him crucified, the message of the cross.The whole bible points to the cross.

We certainly can’t and don’t argue with teaching the cross, but what do you mean by the “message of the cross”? Please explain this in your own words, plain and simple, with details about how you’ve applied Jimmy’s message of the cross in your life. 

Did you know that man’s doctrine of the cross is different than the Lord’s teaching? Read The Cross – Only the Death Sentence Will Avail.

We won’t argue if Jimmy has helped you see things in the light of Christ, according to the power of His faith and resurrection life. Victor Hafichuk’s Testimony tells of how a preacher helped Victor come to repentance, yet this man was also a representative and advocate of nominal Christianity, not able to distinguish between true and false. 

We stand by our posting of Swaggart as false. You may not be easily fooled, but the Lord said that “false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give miraculous signs and wonders in order to seduce, if possible, even the elect” (Mark 13:22 MKJV).

Your confidence in your own ability to spot a phony has set you up for being duped, Kelly, because Jimmy Swaggart is a phony. It’s well documented that he lives a lavish lifestyle by pimping a false gospel for money. This is utterly despicable to the Heavenly Jerusalem and all its residents, be assured.  

If only you would read the documents we suggested in our Swaggart posting, and compared Jimmy’s words and works to the Lord’s, you would have to agree that he isn’t representing the Lord Jesus Christ as do His disciples in the Scriptures. Go and see the difference for yourself, which you’ll only be able to do by God’s grace, because without the single eye of His faith, you’ll see nothing in darkness. 

In the end this isn’t about Swaggart, but about the Lord Jesus Christ and walking with Him in the light. 

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7 MKJV). 

We’re here to help all who seek Him in truth, according to His will and grace. If you’ll share more with us, we’ll have more to share with you, Lord willing. 

Victor Hafichuk