Walking with God: More Than Reading
Water Baptism, Do I Need a?
We Do Know It All, With Christ's Anointing
We Have Met False Teachers
We Send Light to Bring the Kingdom
Week Daniels Seventeith
The nominal Christian, wrongly understands Daniel, and lies in expectation of a carnal return of Christ during a seven year tribulation. However, Daniel’s words have already come to pass, having foretold the perfect timing of the Son of Man. The Lord Himself arrived in the man Jesus Christ, precisely when He said He would, even to the very day and hour!
Read Daniel’s 70 Weeks – Future or Fulfilled?
Read Daniel’s 70 Weeks – Future or Fulfilled?
Were People Drawn to Christ’s Love?
What Are the Study Materials of Believers?
What Church to Attend, The Law and
What Makes a Christian?
What the Lord Calls for Now
When Dead, Where Sinners Go
White, Todd, Testimony
Cynthia writes, “I just want to give you my testimony concerning this Todd White-false teacher”
Read Testimony Concerning Todd White
Read Testimony Concerning Todd White
Why Don't I Feel Saved?
Why Learn Elsewhere, If God is With Us
Why Use the MKJV?
Why We Judge Others
Wicked and Just, How to Discern the
Wicked Tongues, Cut Off
Wise In His Own Eyes
Wishing Peace on “Scripture-Benders”
Witch, Wondering The
Are all false prophets to be believed, or are there just fewer men of God today?
Read The Wondering Witch
Read The Wondering Witch
Woman Pastor, Working for a
Women Dressing Modest
In the comments of the video “YOUR Sin Is the Problem; YOUR Death and Resurrection in Jesus Christ the Solution.”, a woman asked the following question: “Can you dedicate a video on how are we supposed to dressed and if that really matters to God. Any rules for women, accessories ok?” Victor responds with some guidance for women seeking to lead responsible lives, being considerate of what is worn without while being mindful of what is within.
Read Women Dressing Modest
Read Women Dressing Modest
Worship, How To
Wrong Ones, Maybe We Are
Confusion leads to rejection of the Truth. There are no “maybes” with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read Maybe We’re the Wrong Ones
Read Maybe We’re the Wrong Ones
Wrong Opinions from a Wrong Mind