From: Muketwa
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 9:58 AM
Subject: Christians attacking fellow christians
Brother Victor,
Calvary greetings in Jesus name.
I do not have much to say, just that it surprises me: Why is it that most of the time, it is us christians who have this tendency of attacking fellow christians?
We all get saved by God’s grace and although the calling is the same i.e. the same commission, but we are called differently, anointed differently by the same God.
Each person comes from a different background, u have to be in the other person’s shoes to understand.
Why do we always expect other christians to be exactly what we are or the way we are, otherwise God would have filled this earth with only Victors!
This is really sickening, how does the world look at us?
From my point view you are trying to tell the world that you are righteous/holy than thou!
If you wrote to him and nothing changed, well you know where to find him, don’t you? Speak to him in person, but don’t expect everyone to be like you.
Each person is unique, they preach differently, do things differently. Its only a problem if such a person is leading people away from Christ.
My church records every sermon/event, if you attend the service you get/hear the message freely, but the recordings, one has to buy because those materials cost money to produce, its costs money to travel around etc.
Let us not be judgemental for heaven’s sake!
God bless you.
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Muketwa
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: Christians attacking fellow christians
Muke, you’re right in that you say you don’t have much to say. But you’re wrong in everything else.
We aren’t attacking “fellow Christians” – we’re exposing phony Christians who aren’t at all like Jesus Christ. We’ve judged them according to His standards, not our own. So when you say we sicken you, it’s really Jesus Christ Who sickens you. Our lives are hid in Him.
And you don’t have diddlysquat for facts or truth in your judgment of us. You’re just another religious phony, a tare deceived into thinking you’re wheat, standing securely on sand while coming against those on the Rock. How very foolish of you!
Paul & Victor
From: Muketwa
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: Christians attacking fellow christians
What an excellent response from a so called “true christian”!!!
I wonder if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself would have answered that way.
Well may God bless you.
From: Paul and Victor
To: Muketwa
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 8:45 AM
Subject: Re[3]: Christians attacking fellow christians
“I wonder if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself would have answered that way.”
He just did, Muke. And you, as a liar and child of Satan, are exposed as an empty mocker.
Paul and Victor