From: Marty
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 7:06 PM
Subject: The Path of Truth
You and your partner Paul Cohen doctrine is not only False doctrine but worthless – What Frauds —
In your Statement of Doctrine you claim …God will bring all men into harmony with Himself, each person in his or her own order, throughout the ages to come, giving each a relationship with Him by faith. – Another Fraudulent statement
If God is going to save everyone then why even brother to put out scriptures? You guys reminded me of another Fraud by the name of Carlton Pearson who teaches this wacked theory called Universalism – which is another Fraud
Repent before Hell Take you both
From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Marty
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: The Path of Truth
Hi Marty,
So we’re frauds, are we? And you are capable of judgment, are you? You have in one fell swoop, tried, convicted, condemned and conditionally sentenced us to eternal damnation unless we believe your decrees.
It’s apparent you haven’t red what we’ve written on the subject of the reconciliation of all things according to the Really Good News of Jesus Christ, Total Victor and Lord of all, by Whom and for Whom all things were made – made well – to stand the test of time and vanity to which He has subjected all things, including those He is forming in His Own Glorious Image.
You say, “If God is going to save everyone then why even brother to put out scriptures?”
So why should Christians then read the Scriptures, edifying themselves, if they are already saved? And why wouldn’t God choose to instruct, inform and edify His children? How about trying to get past your wisdom in your own eyes and read:
As to Carlton Pearson, try this: Pearson, Carlton: Addicted to Show Biz.
And for more on the subject where Carlton and we are concerned, and of which you demonstrate gross ignorance, hasty speech, and impudence, read our entire section: Universalism – The False Kind.
Marty, we will, and already are, proving to you that you don’t have what you suppose to have; you are yet in that place of ignorance and great darkness the Lord has designated for sons of sin, called hell, in the death state. Time to hear His Voice in your grave? And to what end – resurrection to life or to damnation?
From: Marty
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: The Path of Truth
Victor , what a fraud — here is a great scripture for you 1 Corinthians 2:15, – so yes I am able to judging false doctrine, secondly your doctrine is not only false but in gross error and yes I am very educated in regards to theology which I can easily detect and destroy scripturally.
My comment; “If God is going to save everyone then why even brother to put out scriptures?”
Victor you say …
So why should Christians then read the Scriptures, edifying themselves, if they are already saved? And why wouldn’t God choose to instruct, inform and edify His children? How about trying to get past your wisdom in your own eyes and read:
Victor -your comment is what is called “A Straw Mans Argument” its very weak and riddled with nonsense. Victor you have not answered my comment, because you cant refute it — try again, In terms of Carlton Pearson, I didn’t ask you of your opinion of his character, I made a clear reference regarding his doctrine, again you try to shield your deceit and fraud by claiming that your doctrine invokes repentance, while Universalism is Without Repentance, again your doctrine is the same as Universalism because you claim all will be saved.
Again Victor, in your false doctrine you state in the “Statement of Doctrine” you falsely claim …God will bring all men into harmony with Himself, each person in his or her own order, throughout the ages to come, giving each a relationship with Him by faith = Universalism …. Another Fraudulent statement