MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Jesus Christ did not quote from the Scriptures because Moses and the prophets wrote them, or because they were revered by the Jews, or because they were the foundation of Judaism, or because men said they were holy, or because they were written in formal or impressive, religious language, or because they came in the form of a specially bound and crafted book, or for many other reasons. He quoted from the Scriptures because He knew the intrinsic Godly, spiritual Truth of them. They did not just make sense or accurately reflect preferred religious doctrine; they expressed infallible Truth.

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

I notice you use the MKJV in most of your references. I was always taught the KJV is the most sound translation. I just wanted to ask your opinion on the matter of translations

Paul Cohen

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Paul Cohen »

Adam, we often use the MKJV instead of the KJV where the former doesn't change the meaning of the Scripture but eliminates archaic language, which some find hard to follow.

Different translations can be used to communicate the intent of the Holy Spirit, but none are meant to be ends in themselves, put on an altar and worshipped as God. That is Bibliolatry.

Read Is the King James Authorized Version the Perfect Word of God? and also other writings in: How We View and Use the Scriptures.

Paul Cohen


MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

I am concerned regarding 2nd Peter 2: 20-22 & the Parable of the prodigal son in Luke (or whichever Gospel) do these both talk of the same thing? (taking grace in vain, turning away.) the prodigal son seems so much "happier" then what Peter is describing in his letter.

Also sorry to be a bother. I absolutely love your content. But my friend watches alot of these mega church preachers and at least 2 of the 3 he watches are on your list.

Do you know anything about the Gateway Church in Texas? Pastor Robert Morris leads the church. (I feel I already know he is false.. but alot of what i've known is false and i don't want to assume)

Paul Cohen

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Paul Cohen »

The prodigal son, according to the parable, didn't go back into the world after he escaped its corruption by the grace of God. Going back after escaping is what 2 Peter 2:20-22 is addressing.

Yes, “Pastor” Morris is false. Just glancing at his website I see several True Marks of a Cult. Check and see for yourself. Share the link with your friend, and Diabolical Doctrines.

Knowledge isn't enough, Adam. Walking in the light with the Lord Jesus Christ is what's needed for all.

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7 MKJV).



MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

How do I know if i have committed blasphemy against the holy spirit..?

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

How do I know if i have committed blasphemy against the holy spirit..?

You won't know if you have, Adam. One who blasphemes the Holy Spirit is in the dark and can't see what he is doing or has done. He even thinks he's right, or acts that way.

Only with the advent of Light, the Lord Jesus Christ, can one's blasphemy be revealed to him. That's what happened to Saul of Tarsus.

Why do you ask?

Paul and Victor


MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

Well guys, in honesty. I was raised in a christian family. I believe my dad found God during his younger years and always told me to trust nothing but the bible.. He was a drunkard and was in an adulterous marriage with my mother. (I was a bastard child) He died in 2013, My mom and me would stay up and pray for him during the nights when he would become evil with that drunken spirit.. I remember the last months of his life he would cry out to the Lord. and for those months all my life i have never seen him sober for so long. He was very wise in his discernment of false teachers and doctrines. I suppose this is where i have been blessed and ruined.
All my life i had been a professing christian. I was a "quiet student" in high school until later i was caught up in similar spirits as my dad. fornicating, drunkenness etc. I was a hypocrite. Telling my "friends" about Jesus Christ while getting drunk and cheating on my girlfriends. After my dad died i fell into greater darkness. All the while i would listen to Alex Jones and many conspiracies and i already knew the "truth". Jesus was returning and we would all suffer persecution and the mark of the beast system/tribulation. I knew about all the fake gospel prosperity preachers like Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar etc. Jesus was always written on my heart even while i was in darkness. I started sleeping with prostitutes when i became really scared. I realized i was ruining my life. (sin against my own body)
I came across your website around summer 2016 and it really furthered my knowledge of all these things. I began listening to Wayne Levi Price - Tribulation Saints a few years back and focusing a lot on repentance. I always knew about confessing and crucifying my sins.. and this is where i have been worried.. i read Hebrews 6:1-7 and it has really been stuck on me. Even during recent repentance i still fall away into pornography and masturbation... I have just been distraught over the thought of this unpardonable sin for years now. I keep hearing "rely on the lord's peace" "accept that he died for your sins and live for him" in my local baptist church and its just hard.. i see through some of their false doctrines but i don't think its so bad..I'm sure you can understand.. The Lord blessed me with incredible discernment but i fail a lot and i don't know what to be sure of in my own spiritual journey anymore.

Victor Hafichuk
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MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Adam, I see that we wrote you a few months ago (it is you, correct?). It helps when people who have had personal correspondence with us in the past write to our personal email addresses and call us by name, thereby reminding us of our past communication. Are we not individual human beings, or are we just an impersonal answering service to you? Are we just “guys,” or are we servants of the Lord?

What we wrote you last time still applies. You've never escaped the corruption in the world (in yourself). You've had knowledge, not faith.
The prodigal son, according to the parable, didn't go back into the world after he escaped its corruption by the grace of God. Going back after escaping is what 2 Peter 2:20-22 is addressing.

Yes, “Pastor” Morris is false. Just glancing at his website I see several True Marks of a Cult. Check and see for yourself. Share the link with your friend, and Diabolical Doctrines.

Knowledge isn't enough, Adam. Walking in the light with the Lord Jesus Christ is what's needed for all.

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7 MKJV).

Now you write: “I keep hearing 'rely on the lord's peace' 'accept that he died for your sins and live for him' in my local baptist church and its just hard.. i see through some of their false doctrines but i don't think its so bad..I'm sure you can understand.. The Lord blessed me with incredible discernment but i fail a lot and i don't know what to be sure of in my own spiritual journey anymore.

Is it no wonder you're confounded when you rely on knowledge and consider yourself wiser than God, hanging out in spiritual whorehouses contrary to His commandment? You aren't taking to heart what we've already given you and what's written on our site.


MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

Hey, sorry if i seemed like i was treating you's as "impersonal" I didn't mean to be rude or anything. Yes that was my email a couple months ago. I had changed emails not specifically for this conversation either. I really do appreciate the reply, I don't consider myself wiser then God either. I just am worried that as a young child being so close to him that i may have betrayed him. Like Judas did..mocking him the way I have. Is this unpardonable? Am I lost? Ive hurt so many can I know?

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

You may not have consciously intended to be rude or considered yourself wiser than God, but you're guilty on both counts, Adam. Until you come to the place where you see yourself for what you are, and not for what you pretend to be, how can the Lord begin to save you?

Get honest. God is no fool.

Paul and Victor

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Adam, Victor here.

Trust the Lord; He'll show you through, He being The Way. You don't have to figure it out or understand. You're not your savior; He is; that's all there is to it. Trust! Be real, be honest, be diligent. Put away evil; embrace the good. Fill your mind with the good things of God, particularly as related in the Scriptures and by our ministry. You can't go wrong.

None of us is righteous, Adam. Only He is Righteous. He's also Able to do anything needful to you and not only so, but to bring you to perfection in Him. Isn't that a wonderful and glorious hope? It surely is and one day you'll know it was and continues to be. Thank Him for it.



MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Adam »

Thanks for the encouraging reply. The words we're very convicting I wasn't sure what to say back.. I do need to better examine who I am. I just want to say: I appreciate all that you do in your ministry. God blessed

Isaiah Dillard
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Post by Isaiah Dillard »

I most often read from the KJV and NKJV. I know TPOT uses the MKJV for scripture utilization (which I recently purchased this version through a Bible app).

Based on TPOT Knowledge and experience, interested if any findings on differences between the MKJV and NKJV.

Paul Cohen

Re: MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Paul Cohen »

Isaiah, the MKJV, by and large (not totally), adheres to the KJV, updating the "thees" and "thous," whereas the NKJV deviates from the translation more liberally and for the worse. We don't recommend it.

Victor recalls that there are sites that point out some differences specifically between the KJV and NKJV, particularly KJV-Only sites, which have both good and illegitimate arguments.

Isaiah Dillard
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:33 am

Re: MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Isaiah Dillard »

Brother Paul,

I know even if reading more accurate versions such as the KJV, if it's not being translated by God's Spirit, it's going to be in error.

Thanks for the prompt response and recommendation.

Steve Beiler
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Re: MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Steve Beiler »

Hi all , Stephen Beiler here
I'm not much of a computer guy, how do I get different versions of the bible on my desktop?

Thank you!

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

Hi Stephen,

We use E-Sword (" onclick=";return false;), which provides many of the most popular translations for free. It's a good program, and works with Windows, Mac, and Iphone.


Steve Beiler
Posts: 34
Joined: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:47 am

Re: MKJV or KJV and The Unpardonable Sin.

Post by Steve Beiler »

I will try that ,
thanks Ronnie!

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