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Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:20 pm
by Moses
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Your article has some truth but a lot is false. Look in the mirror and tell me if I should judge you like you do Hutterites There is stealing drinking raping all kinds of sins in this world. Are you one of them? Don't paint all Hutterites with the same brush. We are all humans Humans downfall is their sinful life. We are not put on earth to judge other people. So don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

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Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:11 pm
by Moses
Waiting for a pubic apology

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Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:51 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Moses, don't be so hasty and reactive. You have yet to show me where I err. You must produce evidence. Show me where I am wrong and verify my error so that I can correct it for your sake, for mine, and for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. I will gladly apologize. I will gladly make a sincere public apology to all Hutterites and to the world. It will be my privilege and pleasure to do so.

Yes, the whole world sins and does the evil things you mention. I was there with you and with rest of the world, but no longer.

Saul of Tarsus was also there in sin before Jesus Christ turned his life around. He was even killing Christians and compelling them to blaspheme. That's why he called himself the chief of sinners. But all that changed when he became a genuine believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. From then on, he went out calling on all men to repent (as have John the Baptist and the other apostles). He pointed out their error, for their sake, and called them to stop living in falsehood, especially religious falsehood. You would call that “judging.”

I have clearly laid out many things you are guilty of as a Hutterite. You can't tell me that I don't have the right to identify those things or that I still live in sin, because God's grace has delivered me from sin, as it has all true believers. Sin has no more power over me because He has washed me clean by His Word (John 15:3) and put all my sins under His blood. He has blessed me enormously.

You say, “Humans downfall is their sinful life.

Your words tell me you need salvation - you're still dead in your sins and need to be delivered from the power of sin or you'll perish, even as Jesus said.

You say, “So don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts.

What makes you think I don't have all the facts, Moses? Give me the facts you have that I don't. I'll listen to what you have to say. But perhaps you need to stop judging me for judging until you have the facts, Moses? What do you think of your contradiction?

Start reading your Bible; begin with the Gospels; don't wait for your minister to spoonfeed you. He's in darkness as much as, if not more than, you are. You need to go to God personally and get the Truth directly from Him. He will be ready to hear you if you mean business with Him.


Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:29 am
by Moses
How can you use the word Hutterite to judge all Hutterites Evryone with your religion are they all like you or you like them. I know a lot of Hutterites lots are devoted Christian some are not. Isn't it the same in your church Should I judge you by the sinners in your church like you do the Hutterites If you want to start about faith with me start with baptism. The lord baptized all that believed in him. How can a one month old believe. Child baptism is against our lord.
Maybe we should get together some time so we can talk in depth Writing is not my forte. Speaking in person would be best. I apologize if I do you wrong

Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:17 pm
by Moses
Hutterites baptize first then marriage. God is first. Achristian couple lasts. How many divorces are amongst Hutterites ? You see a lot of Hutterites at hospitals. That's the oilfield poisoning the world. You say yHutterites are thieves check the jail system tell me how many you find. You say Hutterites swear an oath. They never have and never will. You are getting false information from someone or making it up as you go. You even have the nerve to print that false information that makes you a false prophet. In today's society we all live in,there are laws such as defamation of character which is a crime.

Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:14 pm
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Moses, all men are sinners and can't escape their state except by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom we have access to His shed blood and resurrection life through His Spirit. We have met and follow the risen Lord Jesus Christ while your Hutterite religion has you following the rules and traditions of men. That's what Victor has shown in his writing, and by the evidence he's given there and your response to it here, you prove that you don't know the Lord. You haven't been cleansed from your sins or delivered from the sin nature, which deliverance comes by faith in Christ. The purpose of the writing on our site is to notify you of these truths in order that you might repent and come out of your present condemnation.

Deliverance is here for Hutterites who humble themselves and come away from their deadly traditions, no longer taking the name of a man but taking the Name of the Lord. Up till now, you've only taken His Name in vain.

As for your second email on April 3rd, I will answer several points you made:

Hutterites baptize first then marriage. God is first.

You're speaking of a legalistic formula and not the faith of Christ. Millions of people in various “Christian” sects (cults) baptize before marrying, and it amounts to nothing with God. On the other hand, there are those who come to Christ after being married and cleave to Him, keeping the First Commandment by faith. You're proud of your Hutterite system and its works, Moses, comparing yourself to ungodly heathenish “Christianity,” which gives you an illusion of having godly faith. You have no such thing and need to know it.

A christian couple lasts. How many divorces are amongst Hutterites ?

There was no mention of divorce in Victor's writing, but your conclusion that because Hutterites rarely divorce, therefore they are of Christ, is absolutely false. At one time Catholics rarely divorced. Would you disagree with your founder, Jacob Huter, and say that Catholicism is of God? Or didn't he recognize this fact?

You see a lot of Hutterites at hospitals. That's the oilfield poisoning the world.

Are you seriously suggesting that all Hutterite sicknesses come from external poisons? Aren't you aware of how much poison the Hutterites themselves use in their agricultural practices? Your suggestion that others are poisoning you while you poison the earth and others is hypocritical.

And aren't you aware of God's promise of health to those who keep His commandments and ways?

“If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in His eyes, and give ear to His Commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your Healer” (Exodus 15:26 ESV).

And how about this warning to those who don't walk in His ways?

“And the nations were full of wrath, and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the dead, and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth” (Revelation 11:18 MKJV).

Your religion blinds you to reality, rather than opening your eyes to it.

You say yHutterites are thieves check the jail system tell me how many you find.

Victor didn't say “Hutterites are thieves,” but that some Hutterites steal. Do you deny this? Do you deny that many Hutterites fit the following description in the paper? We have seen them.

Many drink, many are lonely, bored, desolate, depressed, without purpose, without conviction, without the joy of life. If they don't hang around their colony, they hang around town, watching TV in stores, getting drunk and smoking in bars, cursing, stealing, lying, mocking and scorning others, trying to find some kind of meaning or pleasure in life.

You say Hutterites swear an oath. They never have and never will.

You're using semantics to deny the reality of that the Hutterites do take an oath. They enter into a covenant to follow the “Hutterian Brethren Church” according to article 39 of the church constitution:

39. Any member of the Colony may be expelled or dismissed from the Colony at any general or special meeting of the Colony upon a majority vote of the voting members thereof for his or her having left or abandoned the Colony or having refused to obey the rules and regulations of the Hutterian Brethren Church or of the Colony; for having refused to give and devote all his or her time, labor, services, earnings or energies to the Colony and the purposes thereof, or to do and perform the work, labor, acts and things required of him or her by the Colony, or to attend and engage in the regular meetings, worship and service of the members of the Colony.

Any member may resign or withdraw from membership voluntarily.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any member who shall cease to be a member of the Hutterian Brethren Church shall leave the Colony and shall have no claim to any property of the Colony. We acknowledge that all Canadians have the right of freedom of religion, but we hereby covenant, promise and agree that if any of us shall change his or her religion and shall cease to be a member of the Hutterian Brethren Church, that he or she shall leave the Colony.

In other words, if you were to believe the words of the Lord that contradict the doctrines and practices of your church (as pointed out in several places in the writing), you would be breaking your oath and cast out of the colony. A Hutterite is bound by an oath to follow men rather than the Lord Jesus Christ.

You have sealed yourselves in darkness rather than seeking and obeying the One and Only Light of All Men, Jesus Christ, Who brings you the freedom to do right and live.

So why resist us when we point these things out for your good? Can you still maintain we are false prophets?

We would be glad to talk to you in person, Moses, Lord willing, if that could be arranged.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:03 pm
by Moses
I was emailing with victor can't he face the truth. He can't change what he has written Now he sends Paul
Who's next??? Path of truth? Path of lies? Correct this while you can

Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:36 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Moses, do you find it impossible to even be reasonable, never mind godly? Both our signatures are at the bottom of the letter, not only Paul's.

Have you ever heard of establishing everything by 2 or 3 witnesses, as stated by Moses and Jesus? Not likely, because you are about as ignorant of the Bible as I've known any Hutterites I've met to be. You're ignorant of the Bible except for certain pet verses you hear from your ministers who are every bit as ignorant as you are.

You're very poor at English, the mother tongue of the country you live in, but you think that by having religious services in German, not the nation's language (not that it's forbidden), you think to please God. You people are in darkness, face it; deal with it; turn from your idolatrous wickedness...or be destroyed in your sins.

Now you have the stupidity of complaining that I didn't write this letter when in fact Paul and I both answered in order to be a check on, and confirmation with, one another to see that things are spoken accurately and well...for YOUR sake. Paul was also involved in my other reply to you. We work together in the Lord Jesus Christ.

But you are a sniveller, an ignorant brat that is poor at language, poor in communication, poor in attitude, and miserable in knowledge, without understanding, lazy and irresponsible - you can't even read the bottom of a letter.

You are a poor victim in your own mind, a complainer and worse...everything but a proud, whining, wicked sinner who needs to repent. And you say I, Victor, “can't face the truth”? You contradict yourself terribly in all your evil.

Have I corrected this enough for you now, “Moses”? You need enormous help, but you're too proud to get it. Remain ignorant, stupid, and in your sins as you choose, but we can tell you it isn't and won't go well for you and those who agree with you. The Lord has spoken to you by us and you have despised Him, not us.

Victor Hafichuk, with a good friend and brother in Christ Jesus helping me.

Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:45 am
by Moses
Now you judge me. Who are you to judge. I don't associate with false prophets who had a sour deal with a colony and is looking for vengeance The lord says vengeance is mine. Goodbye. May the lord bless you enough so you realize your wickedness and stop your lies and jealousy

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Re: Don't judge especially if you don't have all the facts

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:51 pm
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Not so fast, Moses. Yes, we are judging you, just as the Lord Jesus Christ has both Scripturally and personally directed us to do. Would you like to see those Scriptures? Not really, right?

But don't go trying to deflect this judgment by bringing others into it. We have no sour deal with a colony to cloud or influence our judgment. We have had good relations with Hutterites...many of them from many colonies. Perhaps all the more reason to point out their error so that they wouldn't suffer the consequences they do suffer. Should we shut up if we can help you, so as to not hurt your feelings or offend you?

This is not a personal grudge at all and what could we possibly have to be jealous about with you? If anything, there would be contempt for your miserable existence, mixed with pity.

And yes, vengeance IS the Lord's and He's confronting Hutterites and many other denominations and individuals on their wickedness. You aren't right and you know it. You're a proud, sniveling brat who won't admit he's wrong and guilty.

Wicked man you are! What HAS happened here is that your colors have come out. You've been “weighed in the balances and found wanting.” Repent, Moses.

Victor & Paul