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Alaythia the Mystery and Other Comments

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:27 pm
by Alan Agnew
I was most confused when reading about prophecies suggesting Victor would have a daughter. However, he had a son instead, and I wanted to know why the prophcies did not work out like I thought it would. There was another prophecy, too, yet it seems to me the prophecy describes Jonathon. However, Alaythia seemed to be a real child, not a symbol.

I also knew of the miscarriage described in Did I Kill Alaythia? Yet it was perplexing that Victor later thought that he was in error about that. Are you sure? It looks like you were right and not in error.

Then I woke up this morning and had a realization regarding Ingrid's Dream, especially regarding the dragon in it. I think Ingrid is that "someone else" from Part 5, Page 10 who saw Alaythia years later. The dragon seemed to have stopped Alaythia from entering this world, but I don't know what to make of the first or third part of the dream

I'm still not sure why the child was a boy and not a girl. Three prophecies coming up unfulfilled seemed so odd, so maybe there's a better explanation for why there was a boy and not a girl.

Other Notes so far in my reading.

The time from April 1, 1946, (Victor's birthday) to November 8, 2016 (USA's election day) is 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days. A coincidence: Donald Trump was 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old on his first day of work as President. I'm not sure what these mean, but it is curious.

Jonathon's vision of an unsavory rat appears to describe the refugee crisis in Europe. Sandy places to unmanned cannons (open borders). How the rat pointed its index finger up with his right arm appears to be an ISIS salute, too.

Re: Alaythia the Mystery and Other Comments

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:47 am
by Paul Cohen
I was most confused when reading about prophecies suggesting Victor would have a daughter. However, he had a son instead, and I wanted to know why the prophcies did not work out like I thought it would.
Hi Alan,

You’re confused because you’re substituting ours and your own considerations about the prophecies of God for His meaning and fulfillment. Prophecies never work out like we think they will, and if that’s the case with believers who have His Spirit, how much less are the hidden things of God figured out by those relying on the carnal mind alone?

The link in your quote is about the dreams from God that Bob Gregson and I had about Victor and Marilyn leading a little girl:

Particle – Is It A Girl?

We recalled the dreams both Paul Cohen and Bob Gregson had of our leading about a little girl and concluded our child would be a girl.

On July 14th, we met with Archie’s family and the Bensons at Cam Peat’s acreage Archie was renting southeast of Lethbridge. Everyone was excited, although I felt somewhat tempered in my joy because things weren’t going well with Archie and his family or with the Bensons for that matter. There were constant conflicts.

However, they were still excited. Everyone had gifts to give. Everyone gave gifts for a little girl, but Danny, Archie’s youngest, bought a squeaky rubber hammer. I thought, “Why would he buy a boy’s toy when we expect a girl?” We had even chosen a name for her – “Alaythia,” a Greek-derived name, meaning “Truth.” [END]

So we see that while Victor and Marilyn had naturally concluded they would have a physical daughter because of the dreams, that wasn’t the true meaning or interpretation. The dreams were talking about another kind of offspring, as Victor writes about here in Part 10, Page 9, after receiving revelation from God:

Particle – The Little Girl

Then I thought of the little girl Bob Gregson and Paul Cohen each dreamt we had. Did we lose her forever in that miscarriage, falling short of God’s blessing through fault of our own, as Archie prophesied? No, I realized the dreams were unconditional and therefore destined to come to pass without fail. We also know the dreams to be of God because of the testimony of two witnesses.

Dreams from God are seldom if ever meant to be taken literally. Therefore, the dreams were not about a literal, physical little girl. Who or what then did that little girl represent? For years, I wondered until a release of sorts occurred in me. I believe it was at the time I sent Archie the large gift of money, even more than he demanded, which was many times more than was justified. Then, after Ben’s letter, it came to me that the little girl was the Bride of Christ!

And how can that be? Shall we be so arrogant and presumptuous as to dare imagine we bring forth none other than the Church of God? No, there is no arrogance or presumption or evil imagination here. I only report what I received. I understand the little girl to be representative of the universal Bride of Christ, though but a handful of saints God has committed to our keeping.

This afternoon, without my saying anything of those dreams and without telling Marilyn a word of what had come to me last night, Marilyn came and told me the little girl was – you guessed it – the Bride of Christ, and, she added, “without spot or wrinkle” (Ephesians 5:27).

If she and I are together leading this comely, godly girl, why the division and enmity between us? But has there not been enmity between Christ and His bride? All we need to do is read about the Corinthians, the Galatians, and the seven churches in Revelation to find out. [END]
There was another prophecy, too [], yet it seems to me the prophecy describes Jonathon. However, Alaythia seemed to be a real child, not a symbol.
Here’s the particle with the prophecy:

Particle – Clothing and Prophecy for a Girl

I began buying clothes and supplies for a baby girl. I also had a prophecy for a girl and what she would be like. These are some of the words I recall (there were many more):

Alaythia will be a comely, godly child, obedient to her parents, calling them ‘Momma’ and ‘Poppa.’ She will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb and receive revelation and spiritual understanding yet as a young child, with words to minister to us in time of need. She will be a great and wonderful blessing. You will enjoy her while she’s here, and you will miss her when she’s gone.

I would come to realize this prophecy reached well beyond the coming physical child, even as Isaiah’s prophecy to King Ahaz would refer, not to an event in his day, but to one centuries later (Isaiah 7). My prophecy referred to the little girl Paul Cohen and Bob Gregson saw in their dreams, and whom someone else, years later, would also see in a dream, only this time the same little girl would be a grown woman, a reality already unfolding. [END]

Here’s another particle where Victor refers to a part of the fulfillment of the prophecy (from Part 5, Page 12):

Particle – Jonathan Feels My Spirit and Comforts Me

When Jonathan was about a year old, I was letting him play with tools on the workbench; I was feeling really down. He turned around, looked at me, put his hand on my shoulder and part way around my neck, as if to say, “It’s okay, Dad.”

I was immediately uplifted and amazed, and tears came. I knew it was more than a chance event. I didn’t believe for a second his gesture was the simple act of an unwitting child. He was picking up on my feelings and comforting me. I was seeing the “Alaythia” prophecy unfolding even at this early stage of his life.

We would be seeing so much more. I may have misapplied the name and gender to him in the prophecy when they belonged to another, but there was little doubt about the inspiration and suitability of the message for Jonathan. [END]
I also knew of the miscarriage described in Did I Kill Alaythia? [ ... t8/p10.htm] Yet it was perplexing that Victor later thought that he was in error about that. Are you sure? It looks like you were right and not in error.
Particle – Did I Kill Alaythia?

It suddenly hit me that I had killed Alaythia, a daughter I could have had were it not for my whoring after money and consequent bitterness toward God. When Marilyn had her miscarriage, Archie had prophesied, saying, “The Lord showed me that you lost the baby because of bitterness toward God for the stock market.”

Jonathan might have had a five-year-old sister by now, Bob Gregson and Paul’s dreams fulfilled. Marilyn and I brushed off what Archie said. So hard was I that it wasn’t enough to lose a child and regret it. I had to lose the rest of my family! How hard and blind! How wicked!

“Lord, I have grievously sinned against You. I didn’t even know or see the price I was paying, and I’m sure I see but the scratching of the surface. I murdered our own child. Is that why Marilyn hates me so, Lord?” [END]

No mistake, Alan. The little girl was not a single human baby.
Then I woke up this morning and had a realization regarding Ingrid's Dream, especially regarding the dragon in it [ I think Ingrid is that "someone else" from Part 5, Page 10 who saw Alaythia years later. The dragon seemed to have stopped Alaythia from entering this world, but I don't know what to make of the first or third part of the dream.
Here is the dream:

Particle - Ingrid's Dream: Woman and Dragon

On December 6, 2003, Ingrid had a very interesting, peculiar dream from God. She records:

"The dream was in three parts:

"Part one: It was a banquet scene. I saw Pascal and me from the front, looking how we looked about eight years prior (1995). Many people sat at the banquet table, but I did not recognize anybody. The banquet table went as far as you could see on the right and on the left. Pascal was on my left, wearing a black turtle neck. I wore a dark grey turtle neck and old black jeans; my hair was short, like when I lived at Pascal's parents' place. Pascal was telling a story to whoever was willing to listen.

"With my back half turned to Pascal, I talked to a boy who had asked me a question. The people across the table from me, a little to the left, told us about a man and a woman (a king and a queen) who had been killed, leaving a baby orphan who was spared (saved).

"Part two: A multitude of people were trying to climb up a steep and slippery mountain. There were some grooves in the surface of the mountain. The colour was yellow ivory, and the look and texture of it was much like that of a stalagmite. The slope was increasingly steep, until it went straight up and then curved back on itself as an overhang. The climbing was hard.

"A young pregnant woman came down the mountain on stairs carved in the rock, carrying a dark-colored platter with beverages. I saw her from the right. In the background, I saw all the people trying to climb up the mountain and sliding down.

"Then my view changed, and I was looking from the front of the stairs. A dragon-dinosaur type of beast was climbing up the mountain among other people on the same stairs as the woman. It passed the woman, who did not notice it. It followed her with its eyes and sense of smell much like a predator hunts its prey. The woman was the orphan child of part one of the dream, and the dragon had looked for her all those years, to kill her. It made a U-turn and followed the young woman.

"Part three: The scene was a flat road. The same young woman (about eight months pregnant) was wearing a long white full dress with a striped green and yellow piece of fabric wrapped around her belly as a belt. Her hair was long, wavy, and blondish with red highlights. She walked and ran on the road without difficulty, despite being pregnant.

"There was an old lady driving a car dated around the early 1900's. She was dressed in black and wore a black hat (style of clothing from that period); she was very elegant. Two friends were with her in the car, old ladies as well. She stopped her car to let the young pregnant woman climb in, as she had developed sympathy for the young woman.

"This young woman was Victor's fiancée and she was trying to catch up to him. Victor was further ahead on the road, and he was talking to the people walking close to him. There were a lot of people on this road, walking in the same direction."
[End of dream]
I think Ingrid is that ‘someone else’ from Part 5, Page 10 who saw Alaythia years later. The dragon seemed to have stopped Alaythia from entering this world....
The woman who was pregnant would be Alaythia, so how did the dragon stop her from entering the world?
I'm still not sure why the child was a boy and not a girl. Three prophecies coming up unfulfilled seemed so odd, so maybe there's a better explanation for why there was a boy and not a girl.
As Victor pointed out with Isaiah’s prophecy of the young virgin conceiving, the fulfillment of that didn’t happen for centuries. So we can’t dismiss a prophecy because it hasn’t been fulfilled yet, and as we have seen by the particles copied here, explanations have been given to answer your questions. Are you satisfied, and are you willing to exercise the patience of faith to arrive at the final understanding in God’s timing?


Re: Alaythia the Mystery and Other Comments

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:50 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi, Alan!

You say: "The time from April 1, 1946, (Victor's birthday) to November 8, 2016 (USA's election day) is 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days. A coincidence: Donald Trump was 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old on his first day of work as President. I'm not sure what these mean, but it is curious."

What prompted you to do that calculation? Can you tell why or how it occurred to you to do that?

Re: Alaythia the Mystery and Other Comments

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:14 pm
by Alan Agnew
Yeah, my understanding is quite limited, but I understand better after I read what you posted, Cohen. It wasn't meant to be taken literally as a girl baby after all, but I read with a lot of carnal sense as you assessed.
And how can that be? Shall we be so arrogant and presumptuous as to dare imagine we bring forth none other than the Church of God? No, there is no arrogance or presumption or evil imagination here. I only report what I received. I understand the little girl to be representative of the universal Bride of Christ, though but a handful of saints God has committed to our keeping.
Oh yeah, I didn't read this part, and it explains things better to answer what I thought. I believe you on this, and I'm not sure what to expect in the future.

Ingrid's dream is the most strange of all, so I confused a lot there, too.

Thank you, Cohen, for the explanation. Some of the prophecies and dreams appear to take place over the next eight years or more. Still, I tried to understand much quicker than that, and it appears wiser to wait on some.
What prompted you to do that calculation? Can you tell why or how it occurred to you to do that?
Victor, I believe the idea came from my carnal mind based on the below stuff. Keep in mind that many people credit an ancient god called Kek for what happened, but God must have ordained these, I know.

I read on many strange things about Trump and numbers. Many members are fascinated by numbers like doubles (44), triples (222), and so ever since Post #77,777,777 on 4chan predicted Trump's win. They fancy the ending digits of a post's number, but eight 7's in a row is insane.

Around that time, many people noticed Trump would be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on his first working day. I am not sure who was first to point that out. On Dec. 19, 2016, people posted on Reddit about how strange it is that Trump's official electoral vote count was 304. After all, 3+0+4 = 7 and Trump beat Clinton by 77 electoral votes after electors actually cast their ballots to finally elect the President. After the Super Bowl, people noticed the Patriots won with 34 and 3+4=7, and that the game played out a lot like the USA election.

Another prediction is Post #111,111,111 on 4chan predicted "Trudeau will fall, Make Canada Great Again, but I don't know if their numbers will pan out this time.

Then about a week or so ago, I recalled Victor's birthday and wondered when 70 years, 7 months, 7 days was for him. Well, it was Nov. 8, 2016. I don't know how it connects though.

Thank you, Victor and Paul.