Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemployment

The foundation of prayer is our walk with God. In fact, walking with God is prayer. When I walk with God, I am not simply using my spiritual legs; I am communing with God through mouth, mind, heart, soul, and spirit, by believing and obeying Him.

Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemployment

Post by Velma »

My name is Velma Choute. Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemployment case, schedule for June 30.

Thank you and God bless.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemploy

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

Velma, we're not here, and neither is God, to help you achieve your personal goals. Should we automatically believe your cause is just, just because you may think so? Are you not aware of these true sayings of God?

“Let it not be! But let God be true, and every man a liar; as it is written, 'That You might be justified in Your sayings, and will overcome when You are judged'” (Romans 3:4 MKJV).

And even if in this specific case you were innocent, does God want you to win? Perhaps there is sin or correction coming to you for good cause, as when Joseph was innocent of the charges against him by his master's wife, yet he “lost” and was sent to prison because God meant it for good.

You have your eyes on this world and not on the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're professing faith in Him then you're doing so in vain and need to repent. It needs to be, “Not my will, but Your will be done, Lord.”

This is our prayer for you, which is what you need rather than winning any court case. What you do with our Word will determine whether things work out well for you or not.

Paul and Victor


Re: Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemploy

Post by Velma »

Thank you all for all your prayer and supplication with agreement with me. Court Hearing was rescheduled for July 14 due to the other side wasn't ready.

Thank you again, I pray you all continue to pray with me. In Jesus mighty and powerful name. "Let His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

Velma Choute

I'm the Head, not the Tail


Re: Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemploy

Post by Velma »

Paul, thank you for judging me because of the words expressed in the email. Wouldn't it be best if you could contact me to get more and better picture of my situation than putting me down?

All I was seeking, knocking, and asking for was for agreement in prayer. For it is written when two or more gather in my name.... If I was wrong in my part, yes I know justice will prevail, if not favor was granted. For we are not battling against flesh and blood but against evil spirits, darkness, principalities, demons; things that are not of light. So I activated the prayer warriors, the intercessors to uplift prayer and supplication to God. Was I wrong for doing such thing? God would have laid it in your heart of anything of me, if you have seeked him diligently in regarding me.

I do have faith and trust in my Lord and believe in His word. I love you my brother in Jesus Christ. My peace lay in your heart and mind. God bless.

Velma Choute

I'm the Head, not the Tail


Re: Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemploy

Post by Velma »

Matthew 18:19 is the word I stand by. If you would seek God diligently in concerning my situation, He would have laid in your heart concerning me. I would not seek my Abba God in vain, for I know my Father is the Judge. Love in the Lord Jesus Christ and God bless.

Velma Choute

I'm the Head, not the Tail

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemploy

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

All I was seeking, knocking, and asking for was for agreement in prayer.

And your prayer was: “Please pray for favor and victory in Appeal for Unemployment case.

The Lord Jesus Christ doesn't agree with your prayer, Velma, and neither do we. Anyone who does agree with your prayer is not with the Lord of Heaven and earth.

And you're not the Head, as you sign your letters. That's the anti-Christ claim of a wishful rebel talking but not walking after Christ, wanting not His, but her own will. You have nothing whatsoever to do with Him.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 MKJV).

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

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