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Marriage Issue

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:07 am
by Isaac
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus,
As I write this mail, I am facing a situation that's affecting every part of me.
I got to know a partner and within few months the relationship has grown to doing an introduction and even fixing a date for the wedding. After which so many things began to unfold.

This lady confessed that she had been lured into marriage some years back (10 to be precised) by a man (age 28) who impregnated her (at age 18) and sent fear down her spines by telling her not to think of doing anything funny with the pregnancy. Few weeks later knowing fully well that what was done in the secret would be made opened by the time the stomach is bulging, the man decided to meet the family of the lady and deceived them by saying he's about to travel out of the country and would love to be engaged to someone before leaving. That was how the family gave their consent because as at then they were passing through some life challenges and thought of this as an opportunity to get out of hard times. The wedding was held in a court of law and after the wedding the lady moved in with him. Then she and the parent discovered the whole truth about the man that it has been deceit all along. Out of frustration she left the place two years after and returned to her parents telling them everything that had happened.

It was after many years that I met her and got to know about this experience even though she wasn't ready to tell me but God revealed her to me and she had no option than for her to tell me the whole truth.

Here is my question : is her last marriage still valid even though it was earned by deceit?
If she's divorced, is she at liberty to progress into another marriage? Because she's currently thinking of that.

I'll greatly appreciate your counsel.
Best regards

Re: Marriage Issue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:25 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
It was after many years that I met her and got to know about this experience even though she wasn't ready to tell me but God revealed her to me and she had no option than for her to tell me the whole truth.

This doesn't sound good, Isaac. Why would you marry a woman who isn't willing to be truthful with you? Aren't you asking for trouble?

There is no witness in this letter that you believe. We're here for the children.

Paul and Victor