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Joseph Prince

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:06 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Joseph Prince
From: Anwar
To: The Path of Truth
Date: 2/5/2015 10:40 AM

My dear brothers and sisters,

I share your fervor and passion for God and Jesus Christ who is our Lord King and Saviour.

Unfortunately, the world is not perfect nor is anyone perfect except our God Jesus the Christ.

If you remember well in the scriptures there was a moment where the apostle Paul and Peter shared words mostly being a reprimand from Paul to Peter stating in a mild manner that he was being a hipocrite. What is my point you may ask... since no one is perfect not even the apostles who walked, talked and ate everyday with our Sovereign King then how could we expect anymore from anyone else who has not even seen Him. There was anecdote mentioned where Jesus was told that some people were using His name to preach and He simply stated if they are for us then they are not against us.

I also share your displeasure regarding the unbelievable wealth that preachers have that at times seems too excesive and could be used for trying to help the poor instead of a brand new car or houses.. BUT.. I am also reminded that king David was also lavishly wealthy and even as far back as Abraham was very wealthy... the moral of the story my dear brothers and sisters, it says in the scripture do not judge or you will be judged by the same ruler, instead brothers and sisters send blessings to those preachers and pray for them that they may correct whatever may not be correct in our Father`s eyes in ordet to continue reaching and saving lives every single day until our King returns.

I wish you and yours many blessings... if God is with us who can be against us... God speed.


From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 10:21 AM
To: Anwar
Cc: 'Victor Hafichuk'
Subject: Re: Joseph Prince

Hi Anwar,

You say of Joseph Prince: "how could we expect anymore from anyone else who has not even seen Him."

If Joseph confessed that he had never seen or known the Lord and didn't presume to teach in His Name, there wouldn't be anything for us to say about him on our website.

But because this "Prince" presumes to be a teacher from God, thereby misleading many with his carnal, anti-Christ gospel, we are compelled to expose him. We describe all of this in his posting and the two related letters linked there. You need to read all of it very carefully, because you're missing the point. And you need to consider why you're missing the point and take so quickly to defending a scoundrel and imposter, even as his name change suggests.

You write, "I am also reminded that king David was also lavishly wealthy and even as far back as Abraham was very wealthy..."

Abraham and David weren't earning money preaching the Gospel. They weren't selling merchandise about the Gospel. They weren't pretentiously changing their names and naming organizations after themselves presuming to preach the Gospel. They weren't putting their names in lights.

But how great is your darkness that you can't see the stark difference! You slander and insult David and Abraham when you justify Prince's works by setting those saints forth as similar examples.

And why would you do so, unless you were covetous at heart?

We have no problem with a man being wealthy or with earthly wealth in and of itself. How it is obtained and by whom are something else. One of the two related letters directly answers you on the wealth issue:

"Don't Let Money Make You Mad"

A reader criticizes our posting of Joseph Prince, presuming we're envious of his financial success as a false gospel entertainer. By the grace of God, being as Joseph Prince is the last thing any of His saints would ever want, even if they should "gain the whole world." But the writer, being a child of darkness, reflects her own preoccupation with mammon and finds reason to condemn us for rejecting her god. [End of Summary]

You also write: "There was anecdote mentioned where Jesus was told that some people were using His name to preach and He simply stated if they are for us then they are not against us."

The Lord wasn't talking about imposters there, who are most certainly against Him, as Paul describes here:

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 MKJV
(13) For such ones are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
(14) Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
(15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.

Do you really think the Lord would have you follow a fraud who presumes to represent Him? That's much different than simply not denying a genuine work of faith done in His Name, as with the incident you bring up with your quote:

Mark 9:38-40 MKJV
(38) And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out demons in Your Name, and he does not follow us. And we forbade him, because he does not follow us.
(39) But Jesus said, Do not forbid him. For there is no one who shall do a work of power in My Name who can lightly speak evil of Me.
(40) For he who is not against us is for us.

Better that you focus on the following words of the Lord regarding those who call themselves His servants but have nothing to do with Him:

"He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters" (Luke 11:23 MKJV).

Get serious and dig deeply in the truth at our site, Anwar. You stand on the precipice of destruction, if you haven't already fallen into the ditch, led there by the blind.

Paul Cohen & Victor Hafichuk" onclick=";return false;

From: Anwar
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 12:21 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: RE: Joseph Prince

Paul and Victor,

Good afternoon.

First, I ask that the Holy Spirit guide me in saying the proper words in order to have clarity.

And perhaps the best thing that I could say is not to say anything at all.

I believe that I have stated correctly the proper attitude which a Christian should have and that is to let God judge and our King Jesus said for us even to "bless our enemies."
I do not wish to have a discussion (especially negative) over the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This only causes dissension (and since you are well versed in the word of God, of course then should know not have a discussion especially one that would cause dissension).
I watch the sermons of many different pastors from different countries and none are perfect and there never will be one that is perfect with the exception of our Lord and King Jesus...

I think you can agree... God of Heaven`s Armies... does not need little Anwar nor Victor nor Paul to do His work, if anything for us to intervene being humans we hinder His work more than we help it... Our Father in heaven has armies of angels, the Holy Spirit and our King and Saviour as our mediator... I think that with that being said... we should put our effort on loving each other and loving God with all our hearts, our souls and our might... why waste effort on something that the God I know could consume in a fire instantly.

Be blessed brothers... God Speed.


From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 8:30 AM
To: Anwar
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'
Subject: Re[3]: Joseph Prince

Anwar, you don't know what you're talking about and your words are disingenuous. It's true you're better off saying nothing at all, but you can't resist speaking anyway, can you? That being so, you speak irresponsibly.

There's no discussion at all between us about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You've never experienced it and you don't preach it. Why should the Holy Spirit give you words when you reject Him and speak against His servants and brothers?

You write, "I think you can agree... God of Heaven`s Armies... does not need little Anwar nor Victor nor Paul to do His work, if anything for us to intervene being humans we hinder His work more than we help it...."

You think wrong; we don't agree at all. The Bible is a composite testimony of how God sends forth His messengers to bring truth to the world. We serve Him and you hinder His work.

Your knowledge is not of God; if you knew Him, you would love and receive us, hearing our words, but you don't hear them; therefore, you aren't of God. You are a silly man, Anwar.

You've heard of blind faith? Your faith is blind and you also have a numb love. Your pretentious love is nothing new. Read False Love - Satan's Last Stronghold (section). That is where you are.


Anwar, you are a fool. You say that you watch many sermons of different pastors from around the world and "none are perfect and there never will be one that is perfect with the exception of our Lord and King Jesus...."

How can you judge others as imperfect if you are imperfect? Isn't your judgment therefore corrupt and unreliable? Only perfection can properly assess and judge imperfection. You contradict yourself and are therefore a hypocrite for judging us - we who are perfect according to the Lord's commandment:

"Therefore be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48 MKJV).


From: Anwar
Sent: February-13-15 11:54 AM
To: Victor
Subject: Re: Re[3]: Joseph Prince

Dear Victor,
May God bless you and that Jesus Christ himself could be standing right next to you as you insult of of God's children you are far from the knowlege of who the true God is and Jesus himself and His gospel but then again aren't we all because none of us are perfect... I have been blessed to know my Father and His beautiful son whom we call our King because He has saved me.

So my dear Victor save your time don't waste it on me writing back especially to insult someone whom you have not the slightest inclination of what God has done for me, nor the miracles, nor the clarity of my relationship... instead use your time wisely my dear Victor... read the gospel of Christ and the writings of Paul, James and John... with nothing more... may God bless you, your family and your church.

Best regards,

From: Anwar
Sent: February-13-15 12:38 PM
To: Victor
Subject: Re: Re[3]: Joseph Prince

As Jesus asks us to do I forgive you for everything you have said 7 x70
God bless
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